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  1. #1
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    FIRST CYCLE! My first cycle with Test E and Dbol. Advice/ Creative Critisism Welcome!


    my stats are:

    > 6ft tall
    > bodyfat im not sure but its low

    i think ive got my diet all sorted out fine.

    i would just like a second opinion on my cycle info from people who know what theyre talking about.

    this is my first cycle and its goin to look a like this :

    (Week) Testosterone ( Enanthate ) Dianabol
    1 400 mgs-------------------------30 mgs/day
    2 400 mgs-------------------------30 mgs/day
    3 400 mgs------------------------- 30 mgs/day
    4 400 mgs--------------------------30 mgs/day
    5 400 mgs--------------------------30 mgs/day
    6 400 mgs
    7 400 mgs
    8 400 mgs
    9 400 mgs
    10 400 mgs
    11 400 mgs
    12 400 mgs
    13 400 mgs

    followed by PCT after 2weeks from last injection of Test E.

    my pct is as follows:

    Dosages of nolvadex for PCT protocol

    Day 1 100mg
    Following 10 days 60mg
    Following 10 days 40mg

    i assume it is 60mg/40mg of nolvadex a day correct? just wanted to be 100%

    also feel free to critic my cycle and say if i should add anything


  2. #2
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    The beach is that way -->
    Im sure ur underage and your severly under weight.
    You need to gain weight naturally first

  3. #3
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    i dont understand how i can be 'Underweight'? ive never been able to put on lots of weight like most.

    ive always had a muscular phisyque with not alot of fat.

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    huh? post a pic please. I would like to see a 133lb "muscular physique" that does not belong to a midget.
    You have no idea how/what to eat. End of story. Take it to the diet section.

  5. #5
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    im asking here about my cycle. not weight.

    so unless its to do about my cycle. i dont appreciate you talking sh*t about my weight when you havent seen me.


  6. #6
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    It says creative criticism is welcome... So why getting your panties in a bunch when he is speaking the truth.

    That cycle won't do a damn thing for you if you can't even eat right or gain weight right.... At 6ft you should have a lot more weight on you... your diet isn't sorted out fine. It is complete crap mate.... You dont have to see you to know you are under weight....

  7. #7
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    It says creative criticism is welcome... So why getting your panties in a bunch when he is speaking the truth.

    That cycle won't do a damn thing for you if you can't even eat right or gain weight right.... At 6ft you should have a lot more weight on you... your diet isn't sorted out fine. It is complete crap mate.... You dont have to see you to know you are under weight....
    well i appoligise as i guess i worded the bit i said about my diet being sorted wrongly.

    i mean its sorted for when i start the cycle. im not starting my cycle until jan some time. and im beginning me diet next week so i will have a base to start on when i do begin AS.

  8. #8
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBolNoob View Post

    my stats are:

    > 6ft tall
    > bodyfat im not sure but its low

    i think ive got my diet all sorted out fine.

    i would just like a second opinion on my cycle info from people who know what theyre talking about.

    this is my first cycle and its goin to look a like this :

    (Week) Testosterone ( Enanthate ) Dianabol
    1 400 mgs-------------------------30 mgs/day
    2 400 mgs-------------------------30 mgs/day
    3 400 mgs------------------------- 30 mgs/day
    4 400 mgs--------------------------30 mgs/day
    5 400 mgs--------------------------30 mgs/day
    6 400 mgs
    7 400 mgs
    8 400 mgs
    9 400 mgs
    10 400 mgs
    11 400 mgs
    12 400 mgs
    13 400 mgs

    followed by PCT after 2weeks from last injection of Test E.

    my pct is as follows:

    Dosages of nolvadex for PCT protocol

    Day 1 100mg
    Following 10 days 60mg
    Following 10 days 40mg

    i assume it is 60mg/40mg of nolvadex a day correct? just wanted to be 100%

    also feel free to critic my cycle and say if i should add anything


    WOW! Listen to brewster man...noone is going to give u advice with these stats....thats border line anerxtia (spelling)....Either way 6' 133# is not healthy at all...thats even skinny in womens terms dude.

  9. #9
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBolNoob View Post

    im asking here about my cycle. not weight.

    so unless its to do about my cycle. i dont appreciate you talking sh*t about my weight when you havent seen me.

    he asked to see you, post a pic...look show me your diet and let me see that your eating 3500-4000 calories a day and well go from there
    and make it quality food not crap
    Last edited by MBMETC; 12-04-2010 at 08:17 AM.

  10. #10
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Steroids don't magically make you grow.
    Steroids are fantastic at helping you to recover from intense workouts.
    Food, Training and Rest is what makes you grow. (you obviously don't have this part sorted out)

  11. #11
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Your diet shouldnt be set for one you go on cycle it should be good to go all the time. gain weight naturally then come back

  12. #12
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    The beach is that way -->
    But first goto the diet section so we may help you with it

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