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Thread: Cycle Question

  1. #1
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    Cycle Question

    Hi, just joined this site yesterday had a few questions to make sure im on the right track. Im currently running 600mg of Test E and 400mg Deca weekly for fiffteen weeks, im in week five and have gained size and strength but allllooootttttt of weight, 12 pounds to be excact, I've never tried using anabolics for body building i only used them for sports recovery when i used to do MMA, My geneticly gifted friend suggested that i kick the cardio out and just lift 5 times per week intensly, but he has looked like a body builder sincehe was 12 years old.

    I'm looking more and more like a powerlifter, my physique is getting worse in my opinion, just curious if i'm doing something wrong or if i'll just need to cut some weight when im done?


  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    you could be holding alot of water, or your diet is off and your gaining too much fat. i would run an ai at .50 eod and see if that helps. in the meantime post your diet and lets see whats going on there.
    please include stats
    trs training
    cycle exp
    planned pct
    goals for this cycle

    and by the way did you not expect to gain weight with that cycle?
    12lbs sounds about right for 5 weeks

  3. #3
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    I really didnt know what to expect for sure, I ran 500 mg of Sus for ten or more weeks 3 or four times but that was during fight camps and starvation lol so i didnt see any weight gain there, just the ability to get outta bed the next day feeling great.

    I am constantly hungry so far with this cycle, I eat 6 eggs (only 3 Yolks) every morning with a cup of greek yogurt and two pieces of wheat toast, 40 gram Protien shake after i lift with Waxy Maze added, Lunch is usually somethin high calorie with alot of protein like a Subay chicken breast sandwhich, I dont eat carbs after 2 pm so i usually have a Protein shake for a snack around four and ill eat grilled chicken, fish, or steak for dinner with green beans, broccoli and carrots

    my stats are
    228 pounds
    Body fat right around 15 (might be higher now, i was about 213 when last test was done)
    I am by no means are ripped as i used to be, my Abs are hardly visible anymore
    My goals for this cycle are pretty open, first time trying to get big while take gear, i suppose i wanna just look more muscular but have definition, just look good, right now i wouldn't go outside with my shirt off lol

    I dont know if my body is just not used to the high amount of calories or what, i fought at 185 and 200 and was pretty lean, but i ran four or five miles five days a week, grappled, boxed, and did Jiu Jitsu three or four days, and weight trained 3 times a week high volume

    I have lifting experience, i lifted all through out high school and college when i played football, and the last eight months since i quit fighting
    Last edited by GrizzNation; 12-04-2010 at 08:48 AM.

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    you forgot to include you age, your diet needs help but i don't think thats your problem. test and deca have an affinity to hold water, like i said thats more than likely yor problem get an ai and run it like i posted.
    drink a gallon of water a day as well

  5. #5
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    Oh sorry, im 23 and what is an ai?
    and im running Clomid 3 weeks after last shot, 2 tabs first week 1 for the next two
    and Hcg

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are still a little young for AAS but this answer is really not AAS related, along with any diet changes get back to the cardio it will not hurt your gains (much anyway) unless you consider bloat a gain.

  7. #7
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    So should i keep my runs short, as in under half an hour, cause i thought hard cardio is catabolic

  8. #8
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    an ai is an aromitose inhibitor such as arimidex , 30 mins of cardio is fine. have you had any blood work done i mean your 23 and have run mutible cycles not wise at your age and you pct needs work i would take alot of time and read as much hear as you can and gain more knowladge i hope that you are ok with the possibility of going on trt early on in your life

  9. #9
    adamjames is offline Member
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    just curious about how your running the hcg ?

  10. #10
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    My buddy suggested that i take oral drops at 5 ml per day for 30 days, said it will help to balance my testosterone lvls back to norm and im going to take indole 3 carbanol as well, its supposed to shut down estrogen receptors and help prevent and minimize gyno

  11. #11
    adamjames is offline Member
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    yeah check out phates posts on hcg or check some of the protocols, also you might not need that much test id experiment with smaller doses. heres somthing about your cardio question

    How to Keep from Losing Muscle on Empty Stomach Cardio

    i see a couple options to keep you from going catabolic with empty stomach cardio, btw i use both of these in conjunction and they work very well..

    1) if you can, order some bulk glutamine (around 15-20$ for 500g) and take around 5-10g before cardio, this will give your body a large amount of glutamine to use to replenish it's amino acid pool. The reason this is important is because when your body enters a catabolic state it breaks down muscle tissue into it's constitute amino acids and transports those to your liver where they are broken down into alanine and converted into glycogen via gluconeogenesis. But this can be avoided by providing your body with either protein for it to break down into amino acids or the aminos themselves. Btw, glutamine makes up about 60% of the aminos in muscle tissue and therefore is the most used amino during gluconeogenesis, that's why i recommend it.

    2) Drink a whey protein shake before cardio (i prefer whey for this because whey is a fast acting protein so the aminos in it are digested within 45 minutes), this will supply your body with the aminos it needs and will spare your muscle from being burned for energy, and if your wondering if it will be counter-productive to drink a shake because the protein will be used and you won't be burning fat, don't worry, it won't unless your training with high enough intensity for it to be used to fuel gluconeogenesis, cool huh, lol. Btw, most protein shakes are infused with amino acids, just look on the jug and you'll see a list of the aminos in it, so you're getting glutamine from it.

    i normally will drink a small shake (about 20g of protein), made with water and add glutamine and caffeine(if you didn't know, caffeine increases fat-oxidation, lowers perception of workout intensity, and spares muscle glycogen, making it a perfect companion during cardio), this combination increases my ability to perform cardio in both duration and intensity and gives me peace of mind knowing that my muscle has very little chance of being tapped into for energy.

    This is one of phates posts

  12. #12
    GrizzNation is offline New Member
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    I take a liquid shot of aminos and i take a lot of glutamine already, along with GPLC Nitrocarn, Creatine Ethel ester, HMB, Resveratrol, and some other odds and ends, like CLA, ZMA, Tribulus, Long Jack, and lots of Omega 3's

    And Caffine is my lover
    Last edited by GrizzNation; 12-04-2010 at 10:11 AM.

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrizzNation View Post
    My buddy suggested that i take oral drops at 5 ml per day for 30 days, said it will help to balance my testosterone lvls back to norm and im going to take indole 3 carbanol as well, its supposed to shut down estrogen receptors and help prevent and minimize gyno
    You'll need Nolva and Clomid.

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