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Thread: Some quick questions about injecting.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Some quick questions about injecting.

    Ok im on Deca Test EQ so its 3mls every time i shoot i usaly do 2mls in the butt and 1ml in the leg. But last shot i jsut went all 3mls in the butt is that to much gear in one muscle? Now i have a knot in my butt. Why is that is it the oil waiting to be absorbed or is it scare tissue building? Also how much mls can a quad muscle take?

    Now for my main question is it jsut me or does this happen to anyone else if i switch needles after i pull form the bottel it doesnt seem to inject as smooth as if i just use the same needle that i pulled with. I read on here when i frist started aas and i read to switch needles so the needle stays sharp and steril but if i us alchol swaps shouldnt that keep it clean? And why does it seem less painful and smoother if i use the same needle that i pulled with?

    Also this is my first time to use HCG in my cycle and these are the needles my buddy gave me (he is percribed inslin and these are the ones he uses) 31g 8mm (5/16") on these seem kinda short to me i took a shot with one in my outer tricep i dont lika any fat there (well very litle if any) do i need longer needles or will these be alright? Also im not fat by any means. BF now has to be around 10%-12%. Also since HCG has to be stored in the frige it is alright to shoot it cold right? or can i heat it like i heat the rest of my gear?
    Last edited by robofish; 12-04-2010 at 12:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    On your first question you should be pinning in your glute muscle not "IN your BUTT."!!!! heheheheh 3ml will probably leak out heheheh...
    Second question I think that it is all in your mind..It is Impossible for a new needle to be less smooth than one that has been used once already,unless you are going up down in guage..
    And one of the reasons that it is suggested to use a new needle after drawing is the FACT that it is duller and will create more scar tissue over time than using a new needle for injecting..Most will even say "for one use only on the packaging"..There is a thread that has a picture of needles magnified that shows how bad the needle is damaged after 1,2 uses..Crazy!!!

  3. #3
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    On the glute shot, are you pushing the plunger nice and slow? With this much volume you really need to take your time adding it to the muscle otherwise (due to the pressure within the injection depot) it will leak out of the muscle around the sides of the needle and get trapped in the subcutaneous tissue forming a knot. Three cc/ml can often be injected succesfully, it all depends on the person and technique employed.

    As far as the needle question, are you using an alcohol pad to wipe the new needles? This should not be done, the needles are steril and lubricated from the factory. I know I may get flamed here (but I got a nomex ass) But cheap needles can indeed be less painful on the second injection, on the first injection barbs on the surface of the point are either pushed down by the tissue or imbedded in the tissue, because of this the second pinning can be less painful. The labelling of needles with single use has to do with sterility issues not injection comfort. By the way I always use a new needle every time not because its more or less painful but because it decreases the chances of injection of germs or small chunks of rubber from the stopper.

    Good luck with your cycle.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ok so i need to keep switching the needles even after i pull the gear out with it. And i do pin the glute its just easier for me to spell and type butt or ass. Now what about the length on the HCG needles? Also ive been using the z-track injections is that alright? and i guess ill go back to doing 2lms in the glute and 1 in the leg.

  5. #5
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    Z track is great, however if you can z-track you "ass" you are a better man than me LOL. In my opinion you can either use the short 5/16 by going straight in or use the long 5/8 by inserting at a 45° angle, either way you will have the same depth in the subcutaneous layer.

    Depending on how large your glutes are and whether you are using a 1.5" needle, prewarming and injecting slowly you may be just fine doing 3ml in your glute, remember nebido is usually administered as a 4 ml shot. The amount you are able to inject at one time also depends on the compound, don't ever try injecting 3 mls of Test Prop at once LOL.

    The above are just my opinions and should not be taken as fact.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    my girl gives me the shots lol. and thanks for all the info guys appreciate it very much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Damn that's a hell of a women there mate!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by robofish View Post
    Ok so i need to keep switching the needles even after i pull the gear out with it. And i do pin the glute its just easier for me to spell and type butt or ass. Now what about the length on the HCG needles? Also ive been using the z-track injections is that alright? and i guess ill go back to doing 2lms in the glute and 1 in the leg.
    I know what you meant I was just havin a little fun...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive;5448***
    On the glute shot, are you pushing the plunger nice and slow? With this much volume you really need to take your time adding it to the muscle otherwise (due to the pressure within the injection depot) it will leak out of the muscle around the sides of the needle and get trapped in the subcutaneous tissue forming a knot. Three cc/ml can often be injected succesfully, it all depends on the person and technique employed.

    As far as the needle question, are you using an alcohol pad to wipe the new needles? This should not be done, the needles are steril and lubricated from the factory. I know I may get flamed here (but I got a nomex ass) But cheap needles can indeed be less painful on the second injection, on the first injection barbs on the surface of the point are either pushed down by the tissue or imbedded in the tissue, because of this the second pinning can be less painful. The labelling of needles with single use has to do with sterility issues not injection comfort. By the way I always use a new needle every time not because its more or less painful but because it decreases the chances of injection of germs or small chunks of rubber from the stopper.

    Good luck with your cycle.

    I disagree with you on that issue is this just your opinion? Maybe I have never used a cheap needle...BD is what I have used and I have re-used needles more than once(not anymore) and there is no easier or smoother like the first use..IMO
    Last edited by Sicko; 12-04-2010 at 09:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Canada, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by robofish View Post
    Ok im on Deca Test EQ so its 3mls every time i shoot i usaly do 2mls in the butt and 1ml in the leg. But last shot i jsut went all 3mls in the butt is that to much gear in one muscle? Now i have a knot in my butt. Why is that is it the oil waiting to be absorbed or is it scare tissue building? Also how much mls can a quad muscle take?

    Now for my main question is it jsut me or does this happen to anyone else if i switch needles after i pull form the bottel it doesnt seem to inject as smooth as if i just use the same needle that i pulled with. I read on here when i frist started aas and i read to switch needles so the needle stays sharp and steril but if i us alchol swaps shouldnt that keep it clean? And why does it seem less painful and smoother if i use the same needle that i pulled with?

    Also this is my first time to use HCG in my cycle and these are the needles my buddy gave me (he is percribed inslin and these are the ones he uses) 31g 8mm (5/16") on these seem kinda short to me i took a shot with one in my outer tricep i dont lika any fat there (well very litle if any) do i need longer needles or will these be alright? Also im not fat by any means. BF now has to be around 10%-12%. Also since HCG has to be stored in the frige it is alright to shoot it cold right? or can i heat it like i heat the rest of my gear?
    Skimmed though, bump for vet advice
    Last edited by TheMemoryRemains; 12-05-2010 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Correction

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    he's talking about HCG with the slin pins bro

  12. #12
    If you get a knot--a palpable lump--in your muscle several days after an injection, then you may have a sterile abcess. Apply heat and massage the area to increase circulation and break down any incapsulation.

    3 mls is not too much to put into a large muscle like a glute. Like he said, inject nice and slow. Wait several seconds after you finish before pulling the needle out=less leakage. Massage the area for a while after injecting--it really does draw blood to the area and help disperse the medication.

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