Originally Posted by
Far from massive;5448***
On the glute shot, are you pushing the plunger nice and slow? With this much volume you really need to take your time adding it to the muscle otherwise (due to the pressure within the injection depot) it will leak out of the muscle around the sides of the needle and get trapped in the subcutaneous tissue forming a knot. Three cc/ml can often be injected succesfully, it all depends on the person and technique employed.
As far as the needle question, are you using an alcohol pad to wipe the new needles? This should not be done, the needles are steril and lubricated from the factory. I know I may get flamed here (but I got a nomex ass) But cheap needles can indeed be less painful on the second injection, on the first injection barbs on the surface of the point are either pushed down by the tissue or imbedded in the tissue, because of this the second pinning can be less painful. The labelling of needles with single use has to do with sterility issues not injection comfort. By the way I always use a new needle every time not because its more or less painful but because it decreases the chances of injection of germs or small chunks of rubber from the stopper.
Good luck with your cycle.