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  1. #1
    manveer1's Avatar
    manveer1 is offline Associate Member
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    8 or 4 weeks anavar?

    I know this sounds stupid but as you read on you will realise the question isnt as stupid as first seems lol. A company sells 60 50mg anavar tablets, and as far as im aware from the reviews ive read these are legit and real. So what would you do a 50mg a day, 8 week cycle? Or 100mg a day 4 week cycle? And why? What would you see better results from?

  2. #2
    jivany is offline Junior Member
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    From what I have read, 8 weeks/50 mg a day...going over more can be counter-productive. I'm not an expert by any means, so wait for someone with more knowledge to chime in. I only answer because I'm doing a var/test prop cycle and I will do 40 mg every day for 8 weeks...a lot of the info on this site can be person says this, another says that... haha! gl and let me know what you decide and/or find out!

  3. #3
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Var only can shut you down, you should be running test with it and using that theory 8 week cycle IMO

  4. #4
    manveer1's Avatar
    manveer1 is offline Associate Member
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    Cheers for the responses. And ill let u know jivany. Howcome you both would say 8 week cycle instead? If someone asked me my opinion i would of thought the gains would of been better with the 4 week cycle. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about this than me will reply lol

  5. #5
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by manveer1 View Post
    Cheers for the responses. And ill let u know jivany. Howcome you both would say 8 week cycle instead? If someone asked me my opinion i would of thought the gains would of been better with the 4 week cycle. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about this than me will reply lol
    People state that anything of 8 weeks shows no worthwhile improvement and put undue on the stress for minimal gains of any kind. 4 weeks is a little bit too light because you'll be peaking with the effects. The rule of thumb is mg to week. For example, I ran 100mg ED @ 6 weeks. Whereas 50/60mg ED for 8 weeks plays nicely. Depending on the quality it can take a bit for it to kick in, but you will know it. Trust me.

  6. #6
    jivany is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    People state that anything of 8 weeks shows no worthwhile improvement and put undue on the stress for minimal gains of any kind. 4 weeks is a little bit too light because you'll be peaking with the effects. The rule of thumb is mg to week. For example, I ran 100mg ED @ 6 weeks. Whereas 50/60mg ED for 8 weeks plays nicely. Depending on the quality it can take a bit for it to kick in, but you will know it. Trust me.
    Did you just run anavar ? No test? How were the results?

  7. #7
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jivany View Post
    Did you just run anavar? No test? How were the results?
    Initially I ran with by itself, then incorporated test prop into the mix. Results were pretty solid but cut short due to g/f walking in randomly while I was doing a glute injection. She freaked and flushed all my shit down the toilet. Stupid bitch. I gained some solid LBM, kept my strength post cycle and since I am now on TRT, I might toss it in to cut or for a strength boost. The pumps though... oh my god.

  8. #8
    jivany is offline Junior Member
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    What a bitch. Hahaha

  9. #9
    dj4 is offline New Member
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    Thats funny lol. would the sides be very harsh at 100mg? and what would they be like at that dosage? and im sure if some1 were to do it they would be pretty shutdown at the end of it so i doubt a basic 20 20 20 20 nolva would sort it
    Last edited by dj4; 12-05-2010 at 07:53 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC;544***9
    Var only can shut you down, you should be running test with it and using that theory 8 week cycle IMO
    umm bro var only is fine and yes will cause some degree of shutdown but running test with it will only add to the shutdown...peeps run test to counteract the effects of said shutdown usualy with harsher compounds like deca ,tren ect cus of labido/ed issues...what im saying is eather way your going to get shut down so the test is optional with the var cycle depending on the persons goals and the side effects that the person is experiencing...just my 2 cents...

  11. #11
    eGGz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    Initially I ran with by itself, then incorporated test prop into the mix. Results were pretty solid but cut short due to g/f walking in randomly while I was doing a glute injection. She freaked and flushed all my shit down the toilet. Stupid bitch. I gained some solid LBM, kept my strength post cycle and since I am now on TRT, I might toss it in to cut or for a strength boost. The pumps though... oh my god.
    Three comments:
    1. Lock the door.
    2. Lock the door.
    3. Lock the door.

  12. #12
    manveer1's Avatar
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    lolll, im leaning towards taking 100mg anavar for 4 weeks. Anyone care to tell me what to expect in terms of sides and gains? And in terms of pct maybe

  13. #13
    laveycraft's Avatar
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    4 weeks and u will just start to gain....order more well worth it. i took 60 mg a day for 7 weeks with no shutdown, so im no expert at pct.

  14. #14
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    Three comments:
    1. Lock the door.
    2. Lock the door.
    3. Lock the door.
    Door was locked - but somehow the door was bent and when she pushed it in, it popped open. Oh well, I hated her anyway.

  15. #15
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    Three comments:
    1. Lock the door.
    2. Lock the door.
    3. Lock the door.
    Door was locked - but somehow the door was bent and when she pushed it in, it popped open. Oh well, I hated her anyway.

  16. #16
    manveer1's Avatar
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    despite what people have said i still cant help but feel 100mg 4 weeks would be a very good cycle. Maybe i might just have to do it and expereince the sides and gains or lack of them for myself

  17. #17
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC;544***9
    Var only can shut you down, you should be running test with it and using that theory 8 week cycle IMO
    I read a post recently stating that Tribulus and Avena Sativa could be taken with an Anavar only cycle, and you wouldn't need a maintenace dose of Test. BS or reasonable?

  18. #18
    WastedTalent09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    Initially I ran with by itself, then incorporated test prop into the mix. Results were pretty solid but cut short due to g/f walking in randomly while I was doing a glute injection. She freaked and flushed all my shit down the toilet. Stupid bitch. I gained some solid LBM, kept my strength post cycle and since I am now on TRT, I might toss it in to cut or for a strength boost. The pumps though... oh my god.

    Thats when you slap a bitch!

  19. #19
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Choose the middle road: 6 weeks at 75mg/day.

  20. #20
    manveer1's Avatar
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    i would need to split the pills everyday for that lol, i respect your opinion Bonaparte . . . so what would you think of 4 weeks at 100mg a day? Then nolva 40/40/20/20.? Ive already ordered my gear btw

  21. #21
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manveer1 View Post
    lolll, im leaning towards taking 100mg anavar for 4 weeks. Anyone care to tell me what to expect in terms of sides and gains? And in terms of pct maybe
    waste of time. good var kicks in right around the end of the 2nd week so if you run for 4 then by the time you really get to reap the benefits youll be finished then have togo through pct, then wait 90 get the picture.

    run 60-80mg/day split up evenly twice/day for a max of 8 weeks, get your support and pct BEFORE you start, clean up your diet, up your cardio and training and youre gtg.

    personally speaking.....

  22. #22
    manveer1's Avatar
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    hmmm yeah i suppose you have a point. Would there be much difference in gains from doing 100mg a day for 4 weeks - 75mg mg 6 weeks?

  23. #23
    XxRydnxX's Avatar
    XxRydnxX is offline Junior Member
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    IMO 50mg for 8weeks would be better than 4weeks at 100mg you need to give your body time to respond....So you have 2800mg total???

  24. #24
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manveer1 View Post
    i would need to split the pills everyday for that lol, i respect your opinion Bonaparte . . . so what would you think of 4 weeks at 100mg a day? Then nolva 40/40/20/20.? Ive already ordered my gear btw
    Just alternate between 60 and 80. Or just split 42 of the pills and take 7 1/2 pills each day.

  25. #25
    manveer1's Avatar
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    its a 50 mg anavar tablet that im going to be taking. its 60 tablets of 50mg, And yeah everyone seems to be saying that mabe 100ng at 4 weeks aint the best idea

  26. #26
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manveer1 View Post
    its a 50 mg anavar tablet that im going to be taking. its 60 tablets of 50mg, And yeah everyone seems to be saying that mabe 100ng at 4 weeks aint the best idea
    Well, in that case just take 1 1/2 each day for 6 weeks.

  27. #27
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    We have found that you will get better results with ANAVAR in longer duration cycles,,minumum of 8 weeks.

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