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  1. #1
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    how bad is bloat on a cycle of test E?

    so iv been planning my first cycle for a while and have it all set up not going to be running it for another 6 months about but here it is

    weeks 1-10
    test E 200 mg monday 175 mg thurs
    weeks 1-16
    adex .50 mg EOD

    week 13-14
    nolva 40 mg daily
    clomid 50 mg daily
    nolva 20 mg daily
    clomid 50 mg daily

    im wondering how bad the bloat will be from test E? im doing this cycle with a goal of gaining a good amount of mass and weight but im going for lean gains im gonna start the cycle at around 8% bodyfat and dont plan to go over 10% my starting point will be 170 8%bf at 5 9 in a half and im hoping for the ending point to be around 185 at most 190 after pct and water weight is lost so im simply going to calculate how many cals i will need to maintain a bodyweight of 190 and use that amount of cals as my on cycle cals from week 5 on

    im concerned with bloat for two reasons one i want to be able to accuratly tell about how much bodyfat and weight im carrying and also i dont want my face too look like some huge noticeable different

    so im just trying to get an idea of what the bloat is usually like of anyone can tell me their experience thanks guys

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2010
    I think it's person and diet dependent, the use of an ai will help control water.

  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA
    Being under 10% to start the majority of your gains should go to mass, with or without being on a cycle. I wouldnt worry to much about bloating, there is stuff available to limit that and going by body fat calculations you should still be able to judge what fat is gained whether or not your retaining water.

  4. #4
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2010
    thanks guys i plan to be eating very clean my diet right now is all clean foods and i plan to keep it that way for hte cycle just upping cals and marcros but right now i do high protein moderate fat and moderate carbs so bloating shouldnt be too bad on that diet sounds good with the bloat though im going to try and keep from gaining much if any bodyfat while on cycle

    one other thing would you guys recomend any other support sups while on cycle? i think i have everything pretty well figured out and blood preasure is not an issue for me this is just an example but hawthorn berry or possibly NAC i dont think it should be neccassary to use either of those but jw what you guys think or if anything else?

    thanks for the help guy

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