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Thread: hgh, tren, winny, etc etc...NEED HELP AND SUGGESTIONS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Georgia Coast, USA

    hgh, tren, winny, etc etc...NEED HELP AND SUGGESTIONS

    Hello all,
    I need advice and suggestions. I currently have:

    200 .2mg clen
    200 25mcg T3
    10ml deca 300
    10ml tren 200 (its a generic parabolan basically, same ester)
    20ml 100mg winny
    120iu HGH

    Ive had experience with all of these things except hgh. I know I wont need all the T3 (ive generally never ran it more that 4 weeks w a tapering schedule to be on the safe side). I also know that clen has a limited duration of effectiveness, as well. Some research ive done says w/ hgh that a stong androgen is necessary (hence i chose tren bc of the lack of aromatization). I also read that the T3 is necessary. If anyone has suggestions of how i should lay out this cycle i would definitely appreciate it. Also, if anyone thinks I should add anything or leave anything out, please let me know. Id like to get the best results i can from the hgh. Thanks to everyone in advance!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    STATS PLEASE before any advice. Welcome.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Georgia Coast, USA
    stats? what did u need to know? sorry, new here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Bodyfat %



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Georgia Coast, USA
    oh ok

    32 yrs old
    bf% ...prob about 20%(maybe even a tad higher)...had few ankle surgeries and let myself get fat...generally look optimum about 180-185lbs

    previously have done deca(400mg week) w/winny(200mg/week) week 1-4 deca, 5-10 deca/winny, week 11-14 winny

    also sust 250mg/wk, deca 400mg/week, winny 250mg/wk, oxandrolone 20mg/day, primobolan 200mg/week, clen (worked up to)120mcg/day, Cytomel(started 25mcg/day up to 100, back down to 25). First 5 weeks sust, next 5 weeks deca/sust, next 5 weeks deca/primo, next 5 weeks primo/winny, next 5 weeks winny/oxandrolone, last 4 weeks cytomel/clen. i know i had taken proviron also for probably the 1st 2 months and also arimidex but cant remember the dosage.

    ive also done deca, winstrol, and combinations of the two 3-4 other times in the past, ive also done test prop w winny in the past but dont recall exact dosage schedule.

    it should also be noted that ive had nothing but protein powder and vitamins in about 3 yrs.

    im really looking to get super shredded again while adding some decent size. Ive chosen the gear that I have bc of low aromatization factors to avoid bloat. I can generally add size and bulk pretty easily but have to really be strict with my diet and incorporate a decent amount of cardio to get really ripped.

    Thanks in advance

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