Ok I just finished a cycle of sust @ 500 a week an deca @ 300 week. Originally I planed using nolva the entir cycle but I didn't get the 2nd bottle till the last month of my cycle, so I've been takin nolva 20mgs ed (recommended by another member) for about 3 weeks... my question is since I'm on nolva already....
for pct should I continue the nolva at 20mgs ed?
An for clomid should start that right away or wait the 2 weeks to start it?
An what's a good dosage on the clomid?
I plan on startin the next cycle in june, test an npp100.
I was told for npp eod 400 a week, but that seems a bit much, I was thinkin of eod at 200 week??
I also got some tren, is tren somethin I have to stack with test?? An what's the better cycle? Tren or npp 100??