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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    First cycle

    Age 22
    12% BF

    Going to do test prop 400mg a week 10 weeks.
    I have nolvadex 20mg tabs from ages ago (trying to reverse puberty gyno, which i think it made it a little worse)
    Going to order arimadex

    Do you think i should have arimedex .25mg eod from the start of the cycle if i feel that i am prone to gyno?

    Nolva 40mg 2 weeks, 20mg 4 weeks

    Edit: yes, i have read all the stickes, but some direct help is alot better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    your nolvadex sounds like it may be expired which leaves you with no pct, and your too young.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    If your going to come into this thread and offer no help. Please leave!

    My nolvadex is not expired considering i bought it 2 months ago+ I have 2 more scripts.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

    There isn't an exact age were we all stop developing and growing because this is determined by our genes and DNA, we are all genetically programmed individually and we inherit our genes from our parents. To give an exact age we stop growing would be incorrect because everyone's genetic blueprint is different.The main development of our bodies is up to the age of 21yrs of age but this can vary between individuals. There are parts of our bodies what carry on developing and adjusting slowly up until the age of 25yrs old, an example of this is the brain. The Endocrine system is a part of the brain what is very complex and keeps our bodies in a homeostasis state. Our testosterone levels start raising and roughly peak around 25yrs old and then start to slowly decline, so even though some of us may have stopped growing at the age of 21yrs old, others may still be developing up until the age of 25yrs old.

    I have recently spoken to my Endo regarding this matter and he tells me that the HPTA is very sensitive and as many pathways how it regulates the human body, he states steroids disrupt the normal balance of hormones in the body which can cause reversible and irreversible changes at any age but risks are far more if you administrate exogenous androgens during development, this will put you in a very unnatural environment at a crucial time and your hormones should be treated with care especially in the early stages of maturity. The adverse effects can be erratic behaviour of the HPTA and potentially therapy when your older.

    I did ask him what age he would think would be the safest as far as risk to damages and he said many endocrinologist suggest full maturation is reached by 25 years of age and this would also give the HPTA time to be established with your natural hormone balance and patterns. I personally feel 24-25yrs old would also be ideal starting point to get bloodwrok drawn to see exact what your natural levels are before starting any kind of cycles and waiting till you have reach your testosterone peak would be a good starting point, for me there is to much evidence over the forums and what I've seen personally over the last 25yrs I've been bodybuilding. Obviously it isn't going to be all 19- 21yr old bodybuilders who suffer side effects what are irreversible but I am edging on the side of caution what age I advice to the newbies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kbm12345 View Post
    Age 22
    12% BF

    Going to do test prop 400mg a week 10 weeks.
    I have nolvadex 20mg tabs from ages ago (trying to reverse puberty gyno, which i think it made it a little worse)
    Going to order arimadex

    Do you think i should have arimedex .25mg eod from the start of the cycle if i feel that i am prone to gyno?

    Nolva 40mg 2 weeks, 20mg 4 weeks

    Edit: yes, i have read all the stickes, but some direct help is alot better.
    just going by what you typed bro, thats all. and i did offer you help you just don't want to hear it
    Last edited by MBMETC; 12-06-2010 at 09:09 AM.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    Hy are you looking to go to AAS? What kinda progress have you hade since you've been lifting? And for how long? What are your goals while on and off cycle? I ask this kinda stuff because these are just a few simple things you need to have figured out before diving and. not to mention what (Marcus300) posted above. If you want to get help here be sure you give people ALL the info they need to give you the best advise they can, and even though it may not be what you wanna hear, what they tell you if most likely the best thing for you. Good Luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    Hy are you looking to go to AAS? What kinda progress have you hade since you've been lifting? And for how long? What are your goals while on and off cycle? I ask this kinda stuff because these are just a few simple things you need to have figured out before diving and. not to mention what (Marcus300) posted above. If you want to get help here be sure you give people ALL the info they need to give you the best advise they can, and even though it may not be what you wanna hear, what they tell you if most likely the best thing for you. Good Luck
    Doing the cycle to improve at my sport, i stopped playing for 4 years and need to seriously catch up if i want to play pro. Diet is low carb usually 2 meals without, 2 meals with carbs, (Put on fat easily-this is only thing that has worked well). Goals to add 30kg to squat, 10-20kg to bench press, + stronger overall. Training upper/lower/upper/lower, with sprints+plyos before lower.

    If I train naturally, il be at where i want to be in 4 years time the way things are going atm. I hope if i do a cycle it could halve that time.

    I get the feeling from this site, that too many begging threads are made, that is why people can not be bothered taking them seriously and answering questions properly. Oh well, i have already made up my mind to do it and that is the end of that. If i don't do it i stay genetically average will prob never have a chance to play sport professionally/travel the country possibly play overseas and will have to work a 9-5in a cubicle (finance major which is worse then death to me). I do do it, and i have a better shot at least of making my dream come true. From watching a Dave Tate video he was saying how every athlete usually has one Ace up there sleave to use when the times right, and i feel that this is the best time for me to use that Ace.
    Last edited by kbm12345; 12-07-2010 at 06:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Atm i do have low libido and low energy been seeing the doctor about it for over a year. Still no cure...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    So i got some extremesane 4 scripts $5 each today prescribed. Nolva 2 scripts and going to oder torem off ar-r. And do swiftos PCT.

    I think everything is good to go. Just did my first b12 inject today as practice was way easier then i expected

    100-125mg of test prop eod for as long as 4000ml will last. Then PCT 3rd day after last injection. With 12.5mg extremesane eod.

    Sound good?

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