Hi! i am new in this forum but it is not my first time in using aas.
please help me with this anavar only cycle.
since this will be my third cycle and preparing for it, i need your advise.
i want to start a new cycle which is anavar only and i will be running it 8-10weeks at 50-80mgs/day let's say 50/50/50/80/80/80/80/80.
now my little problem is...
i know that anavar does not aromatize or convert to estrogen however i've been hearing and read some threads that it can shut you down ( but i think it depends in every person, IMO ) so my question is, can i take AI while on anavar cycle? my purpose of AI (like ADEX or AROMASIN) is to somehow increase my testo levels in case anavar shuts me down.
proviron is not my option because i get facial hair ( so please skip this one if any of you thinking of this )