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  1. #1
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    Advice on spring cut cycle (long, thorough, post)

    I am currently on 500mg/wk test-e 12 week cycle. I only have a few weeks left and i'll be starting my PCT and should be done with that end of January.

    My results from current cycle were fantastic and I'm very pleased thus far. Strength is way up, size is up, absolutely no side's and I feel like superman right now. I'm sure i'll lose some strength and size during PCT but I'm hoping I retain as much as possible.

    I am going to take at least 12 weeks off and be natty then I'm going to start a cutting cycle in the spring for summertime. I wanted to get some advice now so over the next few months I can purchase everything I'll need.

    I would prefer my cut cycle to be 8 weeks so Test-E is out of the equation due to the longer ester. I'd like the cycle to be as safe and easy as possible. I was going to supplement a strict diet (posted below) with 8 weeks of some test-prop. But I am unsure of the proper dosage and if I should add anything else into the cycle. Also would the seemingly standard PCT of Nolva and Clomid for an 8 week test-prop cycle suffice?

    My diet for cut:

    Meal 1: 45g protein, 10g fat, 40g carbs
    Meal 2: 45g protein, 10g fat, 40g carbs
    Meal 3: 45g protein, 10g fat, 1 cup green veggies
    Meal 4 (switch this with any meal to make it post-workout): 45g protein, 0g fat, 60g carbs
    Meal 5: 45g protein, 10g fat, 1 cup green veggies
    Meal 6: 45g protein, 10g fat


    M1: 1 & 3/4 cup egg whites (liquid measure), 1 TBSP natural peanut butter, 2 capsules fish oil, 3/4 cup oats (dry measure)

    (1 TBSP natural peanut butter = 8g fat, +2g fat from the fish oil = 10g total)

    M2: 3 scoop MyoFusion protein powder, 20 whole cashews, 1 cup brown rice (cooked measure)

    (2 whole nuts = 1g of fat, roughly, so 20 nuts = 10g fat)

    M3: 5.5 oz. chicken breast (cooked measure), 2 TSP extra-virgin olive oil drizzled on spinach salad (add vinegar to the olive oil for homemade dressing)

    (1 TSP oil -- mac nut, olive, Udo's, etc. -- = 5g fat, roughly, so 2 TSP = 10g fat)

    M4: 3 scoop MyoFusion protein powder, 10 oz. baked potato (cooked measure)

    M5: 4.5 oz. top round steak (cooked measure), 1 cup broccoli, 2 TSP macadamia nut oil drizzled on steak and broccoli

    M6: 3 scoop MyoFusion protein powder, 1 TBSP almond butter, 2 capsules fish oil

    Add a serving of creatine to post-workout shake
    -500-1,000mg green tea extract and 500mg chocamine would be taken 2x per day on an empty stomach, once upon waking and once pre-workout or pre-cardio

    I've done this diet before and dropped fat at a ridiculous rate. So I'm gonna try it again. Any input on possible tweaking would be appreciated. As I think I'm going to need to up the food quantity this time around due to such an increase in muscle i'm trying to hold onto.

    I'll be hitting the eliptical 5 days a week for 30 minutes per cardio session...Also will be obviously weight training. I'm not too sure on what weight lifting program I am going to follow at the time though...So if anyone has any advice on that as well it'd again be appreciated.

    I know this post is long, just trying to be thorough and not leave anything out.

    Thanks for any constructive advice.


  2. #2
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    you can run test P at 75 or 100mg ED or EOD you can stack with tren or winny (harsh products tho) to lean out some also. Others may chime in an throw some ideas. Check into anavar also this may work for what you are looking for and is rather mild with great long term results

  3. #3
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the response...I'll check into anavar ...Would rather stay away from winny and tren if possible. Maybe if the var research comes back good i'll stack it with the test. hmmm i've got some research to do.


  4. #4
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    If you keep your winstrol run short, you'll get good results and keep money in your pockets, var needs 6-8 weeks for good firming.

  5. #5
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    i agree with the var comment must be run at least 8 weeks imo

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    var is nice but ouch the wallet

  7. #7
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    boldenone propionate might be a very good option for you. Boldenone is very mild, very low conversion to estrogen, would work well with prop.

    I would prefer masteron , though i deem it to have slightly more side effects than boldenone. Masteron will make deep cuts in your physique. The main side effect seen in masteron is oilier skin, and therefore, more acne. I still think its the best "stack" for you though. I love the stuff, and i think it is safer than winstrol (hdl/ldl and hepatoxity wise). Var is another very good option, but it needs to be run at a dose and length that makes it more pricey.

  8. #8
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    First; I would want to take at least 16 weeks off ( last cycle 12wks on plus 4wks pct = 16 off this is the minimum) this will allow you to fully recover.

    Second; I would dump the protein powder, the only time I would use any powder is a Whey/Malto/Dextrose or other Whey based shake PWO, the main reasons being fast bioavailability and also so easy to injest on the way home from the gym (And I do not wait 2 hours till I eat again, after a PWO whey shake I try to eat again within an hour) the only exception to the powder usage would be casien in the PM but on a cutter this would not be as needed IMHO.

    Try an hour of fasted cardio at least 3 days a week ( The general consensus I hear is that the first 15-20 minutes of cardio does not do nearly as much fat burning so three one hour sessions are a lot better than six thirty minute sessions) by combining the AM fasted cardio with improved whole food diet you will have a much better chance to strip the fat while holding on to muscle mass, in my opinion a diet with as much powder as yours may result in great fat loss but the muscle will suffer as well.

    Just my 2 Cents and you may have been overcharged..

    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-08-2010 at 03:42 PM.

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    lookin to go anavar 2nd cycle

  10. #10
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph View Post
    boldenone propionate might be a very good option for you. Boldenone is very mild, very low conversion to estrogen, would work well with prop.

    I would prefer masteron, though i deem it to have slightly more side effects than boldenone. Masteron will make deep cuts in your physique. The main side effect seen in masteron is oilier skin, and therefore, more acne. I still think its the best "stack" for you though. I love the stuff, and i think it is safer than winstrol (hdl/ldl and hepatoxity wise). Var is another very good option, but it needs to be run at a dose and length that makes it more pricey.

    Thanks for the feedback...I'll have to read into boldenone and masteron and see what (if either) would work best for me. It sounds from all these responses that var clearly isn't a good option for an 8 week cycle. Hmmm I've got some research to do.


  11. #11
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    First; I would want to take at least 16 weeks off ( last cycle 12wks on plus 4wks pct = 16 off this is the minimum) this will allow you to fully recover.

    Second; I would dump the protein powder, the only time I would use any powder is a Whey/Malto/Dextrose or other Whey based shake PWO, the main reasons being fast bioavailability and also so easy to injest on the way home from the gym (And I do not wait 2 hours till I eat again, after a PWO whey shake I try to eat again within an hour) the only exception to the powder usage would be casien in the PM but on a cutter this would not be as needed IMHO.

    Try an hour of fasted cardio at least 3 days a week ( The general consensus I hear is that the first 15-20 minutes of cardio does not do nearly as much fat burning so three one hour sessions are a lot better than six thirty minute sessions) by combining the AM fasted cardio with improved whole food diet you will have a much better chance to strip the fat while holding on to muscle mass, in my opinion a diet with as much powder as yours may result in great fat loss but the muscle will suffer as well.

    Just my 2 Cents and you may have been overcharged..


    Thanks for the input, the dietary advice makes sense, I'll make the necessary tweaks and see how it works for me.

    As far as the cardio goes I've also heard that a cardio session (unless HIT) doesn't really burn fat until after approx. 20 minute mark. So you make a valid point on tweaking it to 3 days of 60 minute fasted cardio. I just get paranoid after a certain point of extended cardio that I'm burning muscle. But I'm willing to give it a try, I'll be gobbling BCAA's like candy anyway for preservation purposes add in the test-prop and whatever else i'm stacking it with I should be good.

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you make your own prop or know the person who does have them use 50/50 EO/OIL instead of just straight oil so for example with grape seed oil it would be 2% BA 20% BB 39% EO and 39% GSO that of course is discounting the prop itself but you get the idea a 50/50 mix of oil/gso believe me your ass will thank you...

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