hey i've been lifting for 3 years. i'm 5'8, 145, 15 % bf. how much of dbol and winny should i take? yeah i know, needles are better, but its not for me, so oral only stack.
hey i've been lifting for 3 years. i'm 5'8, 145, 15 % bf. how much of dbol and winny should i take? yeah i know, needles are better, but its not for me, so oral only stack.
you been eating any in 3 years??i've been lifting for 3 years. i'm 5'8, 145, 15 % bf. how much of dbol and winny should i take?
how old are you bud?
Yeah bro, list your complete stats before anyone is going to advise you. Right off the bat, a "stack" isnt two orals. Why would a guy take a "bulking" oral with a "cutting" oral? Did you at least read the profiles on those two drugs?
what have u been lifting.
read on here for a while ,get some knowledge before u do it
i eat every 3 hours, at least 25 to 30 grams of protein and slow digesting carbs. i am 28 years old. i work out 5-6 times a day. i have taken m1t before and have gotten crazy ass results. i want to get a little bit bigger, keep my estrogen level down while on dbol and not get so puffy-looking with all the water retention...
Start investing in hats.
Such a newbie but we're use to that here.. If needles are not for you then steroids are not for you.
Originally Posted by Seattle Junk;5453227[B
hats, classic...
myyy bad
edit, 5-6 times a week. i have dbol and winny rhgt now. also, i've read the winstrol profiles and it says on many websites its ok to stack with dbol. i said, needles are not meant for me, so thats why i want to do dbol winny stack. but please, i want positive responses, i am not wanting to look like a bodybuilder like jay cutler...
Not the point bro. Those two orals taken alone will not only be counterproductive, they will shut you down do to not having the extra test being put in to your body. Do more research..
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