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Thread: opinions/help before taking my 2nd cycle..

  1. #1

    opinions/help before taking my 2nd cycle..

    24 5'8 192 14%BF 5years of lifting experience.
    1st cycle : testE wk 1-10 naposim wk 1-4 PCT clomid..

    before i talk about my 2nd cycle, i got hurt playing football. i sprained my wrist and have a slight tear in my frontal shoulder. been about 3 months ive been out of the gym and my shoulder still isnt fully healed. ive read about deca and how it helps heal injuries and now for my question: if i add deca in my cycle would it help my shoulder??

    i want to run a solid 20 week cycle as ive read that they arent as bad as i thought they were..

    testE 1-20
    deca 1-10
    naposim 1-5
    tbol 6-10
    tren 11-20
    pct clomid and nolva

    my goal is to put on about 12-18 more lbs then use tren to cut up.. i have about a month before i take any actions so ALL opinions are welcomed. you can bash me if you want, ill take no offense and use it for knowledge.

    i thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No need to run a 2nd cycle for 20wks with all those compounds,
    You shouldnt even be considering doing a 2nd cycle yet until you have fully recovered from your injury,
    No need for tren on your 2nd cycle,
    Just run the same cycle as your first once your ready but from the sounds of it your months away,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    x2 its the best advice you will get.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    need more time to with marcus

  5. #5
    thanks for the replies.. would the deca help my shoulder though?? im thinking about going light to work my way up. and my 1st cycle i used for bulking. this year i want to cut up as well thats why im adding the tren. what else can i use for cutting then?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    To answer your question directly, yes, deca can be taken therapeutically. This generally under a doctors supervision, in small dosages, to those who have difficulty healing naturally and do no lift weights. IMO, not a good decision. Youre young, im sure your body will heal on its just fine. Be patient and do not rush when it comes to ur body and health. Good luck.

  7. #7
    thanks yungone.. i been out of the gym for 3 months now. i just cant wait to get back in. a friend of mine told me i have to go do light weights atleast so i can get blood flowing to my muscles and it will help heal my shoulder.. any thoughts on that?? and any thoughts on what cycle i should do now and what cycle to do around march???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    goodbye to your organs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by itsgotime View Post
    thanks yungone.. i been out of the gym for 3 months now. i just cant wait to get back in. a friend of mine told me i have to go do light weights atleast so i can get blood flowing to my muscles and it will help heal my shoulder.. any thoughts on that?? and any thoughts on what cycle i should do now and what cycle to do around march???
    This will in no way assist in the recovery process. Its actually counter productive. Inactivity and time is truly the ONLY way to do this.

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