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  1. #1
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    First shot was monday.. feel like crap. gear flu?

    So i started my first cycle monday of Test E.. im only taking 180mg on mondays and thursdays.

    Ws nervous about the injection but i got over it and it went clean. Next day i felt i was getting sick. WED woke up in the middle of the night and felt like i wanted to puke. Called into work sick and relaxed. Started to feel better by mid afternoon and thought i was over it. I even went to the gym that night to make up for the lost workout i normally do in the AM.

    This morning i woke up and feel like ass again. I feel like i could sleep all day. My appetite is weak but i can still get down food thank god. Im going to inject again tonight and hope this subsides.

    I was off work today and off from the gym so luckily its a good day to be sick. Tomorrow i better be G2G since i have a full days work and gym schedule.

    When will this subside?

  2. #2
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    well if it really is test flu it should go away within two to three days. Hope you feel better son bro.

  3. #3
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    what pit said, give 2 days you should be fine. keep hydrated and try to eat

  4. #4
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    How sure are u about the quality of your gear? Its very typical to get flu like symtoms that go away after a few days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I always get mild flu like symptoms on Test. Lasts for 1 day. If you're getting getting it for longer you might be more susceptible to Test. How's your core temp? Do you have a fever? I'm wondering if you have a mild infection.

  6. #6
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    I second one of the previous posters...Check the quality of your test. I was nervous when I first started too but now i can do it without even thinking about it. Are you sure it isn't anxiety? You said you were nervous - maybe it's in your head? I'm sure you'll be fine bro, just follow basic sanitation guidelines when pinning you'll be okay.


  7. #7
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    No fever at all. feeling a tad better now just very sluggish. I hear that people say 2 days. Im hoping tomorrow things will get better. I thought i was over it last night until i woke up this AM and felt like i wanted to puke, also had the runs.

  8. #8
    magistr88 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    No fever at all. feeling a tad better now just very sluggish. I hear that people say 2 days. Im hoping tomorrow things will get better. I thought i was over it last night until i woke up this AM and felt like i wanted to puke, also had the runs.
    Just wait it out man, eat whole foods adn drink a lot of water. Once you get over this you're going to feel like superman on test. I love it. A total sense of overall well being and then some. I feel like I can tackle a school bus. Just wait you'll be very pleased.

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Me and my friend are both doing a cycle of TestP I am on 100 ed and he was on 65ed. I have had no problems other than a slight raggedy feeling the first few days, he on the other hand felt like shit for over a week and had to reduce his dosage to 50ed to get the symptoms to subside, he even tried going back up a week later but the symptoms returned so hes stuck at 300mg (no air in syringe so true dose is about 42mg ed) week.

    Just goes to show it varies person to person, by the way for me advil seemed to help the symptoms tremendously...might be worth a try if the problem persists.

  10. #10
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    usally test flu is accompanied by body temp elevation i was sweaty especially in the morning after my shower, never had the runs though. keep us posted but i think you'll be fine more than likely your body fighting the foreign substance (test)

  11. #11
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    im hoping quality is good. Ive known the guy for 5 years at the gym and just about anyone running anything at this gym is running the stuff he gets.

    Def not in my head, i was just nervous of sticking a needle in my butt but it didnt hurt much. Altough my ass muscle was sore as crap for 2 days. felt like a horse kicked my ass.

  12. #12
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magistr88 View Post
    Just wait it out man, eat whole foods adn drink a lot of water. Once you get over this you're going to feel like superman on test. I love it. A total sense of overall well being and then some. I feel like I can tackle a school bus. Just wait you'll be very pleased.
    thanks bro, i cant wait for this feeling.

  13. #13
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    Yup i had a fever and congestion no feeling of throwing up though.

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