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Thread: test PROP only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    test PROP only cycle

    what do you guys think of a PROP only cycle either 100 or 150 mg every other day

    the reason i want to do prop is because im looking for all lean gains and want to avoid the bloat and water retention that comes with test E and C

    how would prop do for a 10 week cycle looking to gain mass but lean mass?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    OOOPS my mistake on the post, I had this user confused with another one who uses simalar initials for their handle. I concur with Matt and think you should wait, as far as seeing an Endo and having him run some tests and give you a green light for AAS usage...good luck with that endeavor. Take everyones word for it your endocrine system should be left to its own devices till 25, actually it should be left alone till Test production falters but at least at 25 its done changing so it has a fighting chance.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-09-2010 at 07:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    How about you wait, using aas at such an early age can cause serious health issues in the long term.......

    Put as much time in on diet and training and you will easily fulfill your goals....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    How about you wait, using aas at such an early age can cause serious health issues in the long term.......

    Put as much time in on diet and training and you will easily fulfill your goals....
    nothing is set in stone here im obviously very interested in using aas but i havnt decided anything yet i just finished a semester of college and im going back home for the holidays where im going to get my hormone levels checked by and endocrinologist and im going to talk to him about steroids and what he thinks and stuff im going to try and find and open minded one but not a biased one either way

    personally i think my body is done growing for the most part but who knows about whats going on inside or with my endocrine system none the less i havnt grown since sophmore year or had that horny as fukc feeling of puberty since 8th grade but im hoping that maybe the doctor can somehow evaluate how developed or ready i may be as well as be able to get me a real scientific based answer on what exactly are the risks here and how likly ect. i mean i know a lot about all this stuff already but i think that no matter what you can read all you want on forums but going to a endo is the best bet to really get a accurate answer as to what will happen

    none the less im not a newb my diet is great i take in 3200 cals with macros of 290-300 protein 220-260 carbs and 90 grams fat all from clean foods as well as im extremely dedicated and love lifting i have a good routine as well iv never taken more than a week off from lifting in the 7 years iv been lifting except for right now i have a bulged disc and have to take a devistating 3 months off lifting

    none the less i know its good and all that i know what im doing with my diet and routine as well im pretty knowledgeable on the aas i dont think im an expert but i do know a pretty good deal but none of that really matters as far as body maturity and your endocrine system

    which i am a firm believe that above age even how well you run your cycle and pct is the highest determining factor as to how well your recover as well as how good of shape your in 10 years down the line from doing aas but that being said because of my age is the whole reason im going to the endo dr to talk to him about things related to age my body how great he beilives the risks to be even with doing everything right later on if you want kids how well your body really recovers from this and if its something that really can be done safely ect. all the questions that would be necassary as well as a lot of these questions i know the answer to based on forums but id like to hear a doctors view as well

    so this isnt a 100% forsure thing its something id like to do but what the doctor says will really be a determining factor because i believe i can do a cycle successfully definetly believe i know enough about lifting and dieting sleep so well have to see what the doctor says befor anything is set in stone

    idk that iv heard of anyone actually going to an endo before cycling to talk about it what do you think about this?

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