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  1. #1
    warbird's Avatar
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    Unhappy Serious problem. Low libido on Sust/Deca cycle

    I started my 2nd cycle 1 week ago and have really weird problem.

    For some reason my dick is almost limp (i can still get hard its just not as good as before) My sperm is very watery and clear in "substance" to it.

    I planned to cycle for 12 weeks. On 'week 1' I have frontloaded with sust (1000mg) and deca (600mg). Ive noticed low libido and crappy sperm already on day 4. On 'week 2' I wanted to cut sust to 750mg and deca to 400mg and then run steady on 500mg of sust and 350 deca til week 10.

    I've done blood work for testosterone lvls and prolactin. My test lvl is 3.5x times higher than normal (on test-e it was 4x times higher), so I dont really know why my libido is so low. I couldnt get deca-dick right after 7 days, but Ive checked my prolactin level to be sure (its normal).

    My previous cycle was Test-E (500-600mg) for 8 weeks and Dbol for 4 weeks. Ive done PCT with tamoxifen (20/20/20/20) and had no problems before I started this cycle.

    I really dont know what to do. I hope you will help me out bros.
    Last edited by warbird; 12-10-2010 at 04:26 PM.

  2. #2
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Haha, edit

  3. #3
    warbird's Avatar
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    Dude, Im eatlking like a horse for **** sake.

    Im way more worried about low libido

  4. #4
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    I hear ya, I apologize, im drunk. Gl

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have been told many times not to cycle yet you don't listen to our advice, now your frontloading your 2nd cycle without any kind of knowledge what your doing or even a base to work from, why are you asking for advice when you don't listen. Your to young to cycle it can have a serious long term effect on your hpta and from the sounds of it its started. You also don't have any foundation for cycling, stop taking all steroids and get bloodwork done to see how much damage you have done.

  6. #6
    warbird's Avatar
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    yeah, it might be my fault, but I really need some advice now

    I havent had any problem after 2 months of my test-e solo cycle. Everything was perfect, until I started new cycle. On day 4 I have noticed half-hard boner. But Im sure its not deca , because my prolactin is normal and deca havent kicked-in yet.

    Do you really think quiting cold turkey will be good idea? Whats next?

  7. #7
    Aodha's Avatar
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    Why would you frontload on your second cycle. Dude, there's a reason to do things smart. Your second cycle? You should probably still only be doing 500mg test e only. And sust isn't the ideal test for beginners. That's why I say test e or something like that.
    Anyways, reduce your deca at least. If you're doing 500mg of test then only do 250mg of deca. That's my advice. Good luck. I hope you dont have any permanent damage.

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    how much time did you wait before you started your second make it sound as though you did a really week pct then staight to your next cycle...if thats the case then theres your problem...its retarded in this day and age of unlimited information at your fingertips for peeps to have to learn things the hard way by not listening to advice from peeps with real world experiance/knowledge cus it wasnt what they wanted to hear...

  9. #9
    anadroljack's Avatar
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    listen to marcus you piece of sh--.he knows what hes talking about,just look at the guy geezzzz.

  10. #10
    anadroljack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You have been told many times not to cycle yet you don't listen to our advice, now your frontloading your 2nd cycle without any kind of knowledge what your doing or even a base to work from, why are you asking for advice when you don't listen. Your to young to cycle it can have a serious long term effect on your hpta and from the sounds of it its started. You also don't have any foundation for cycling, stop taking all steroids and get bloodwork done to see how much damage you have done.
    read it.

  11. #11
    anadroljack's Avatar
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    Smile ya

    now check out my avatar.

  12. #12
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok, um, anadrol ...jack, were ur last 3 posts necessary? This forum is for mature advice and instruction, not that BS.

    To OP, its alright to make mistakes, even ignorant ones. But what makes it bad is doing it again after people have tried to help.

    Stop the cycle and rethink the situation over...again. Do your pct, research, build your base, and THEN cycle at the APPROPRIATE time.

  13. #13
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    Man Believe it or not this is deca -dick.Deca starts kick in a few days,you feel deca's anabolic effect after 2-3 weeks that's true.But side-effects may come earlier.You should start sustanon 2 weeks before deca,now if i were you i would stop deca and continue 2 or 3 more weeks to sustanon.also check your DHT levels,deca kills dht enzymes too.I never been the same after deca

  14. #14
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    shouldnt the sust be kicking in right away to? and i thought deca didnt cause ED just low libido. Also about doing 2x as much test as deca is bs you just need enough for TRT i am taking 250mgs of test and 400mgs of deca with no libido problem what so ever.

  15. #15
    warbird's Avatar
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    I was looking in google for this problem and found this thread:

    http://tnation.t -

    That guy have absolutely the same problem as me. On the 3rd day his libido completely shutdown.

    Althong, my test lvl is 3.5x higher than normal and prolactin is okay. I just want to figure out wtf is this sh!t?

  16. #16
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You do not want advice. You want someone to tell you you're doing the right thing. Not gonna happen. Bye bye

  17. #17
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    can some one explain to me how this is deca dick if he is takein 1000mgs of sust a week.... sust has prop in it and that kicks in like a day so its like 30mgs of prop in 250mgs of sust so if he is takeing 1000mgs of sust than thats 120mgs of prop a week shouldnt that combate any deca dick??? and not to mention the testosterone phenylpropionate which kicks in in like 5 days... i could be wrong on the timing of that.

    p.s. listen to the vets about stoppin the cycle.

  18. #18
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anadroljack View Post
    listen to marcus you piece of sh--.he knows what hes talking about,just look at the guy geezzzz.
    That kind of comment is not tolerated here, continue you and your time here will be short......
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  19. #19
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This thread is going in a bad direction, Whether its Deca Dick or not.. I doubt its Sustanon Dick? The point is the guy started this ill advised cycle and now he is having problems... Serious Problems. The answer is quite simple, back away from the syringe...if the problem resolves after clearence congradulations you have dodged a hell of a bullet, if not time to go see an endo and have the problem evaluated by someone with medical training and access to labwork. If you guys wanna debate the cause and onset time of Deca-Dick thats fine but a new thread really should be started as the last thing this guy should do is analyze this problem to see if he can somehow modify what he is doing, thats not what needs to be done.

    OK sorry end of rant.

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You have been told many times not to cycle yet you don't listen to our advice, now your frontloading your 2nd cycle without any kind of knowledge what your doing or even a base to work from, why are you asking for advice when you don't listen. Your to young to cycle it can have a serious long term effect on your hpta and from the sounds of it its started. You also don't have any foundation for cycling, stop taking all steroids and get bloodwork done to see how much damage you have done.
    this should be your next course of action

  21. #21
    warbird's Avatar
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    i stopped taking everything few days ago for fuk sake.....

    I just wanted to know what happend jeeezzz

  22. #22
    warbird's Avatar
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    Everyone being smartass yet nobody know wtf is going on...

  23. #23
    inevitable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    Everyone being smartass yet nobody know wtf is going on...
    Also with this little quote, don't expect people to help you.

    how long did u wait in between cycles? do you have any bromo, prami, or caber on hand? also looking at your past pct you listed, no wonder your shit doesn't work. You body was just starting back up and you flooded it with aas.
    Last edited by inevitable; 12-13-2010 at 03:46 PM.

  24. #24
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    Everyone being smartass yet nobody know wtf is going on...
    Everyone was not being a smartass. Marcus and a few others were steering you in the wrong direction. Wtf is going on is the AAS, in which you are too young to run anyway are having an affect on your body. All you can do is have bloodwork done and speak to your Dr on EXACTLY what it is that is causing this. My guess is the Deca has something to do with it, either way you are too young and frontloading a ridiculous amount to be a 2nd cycle.

  25. #25
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    Everyone being smartass yet nobody know wtf is going on...

    Nice way to make friends here.

  26. #26
    warbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable View Post
    Also with this little quote, don't expect people to help you.

    how long did u wait in between cycles? do you have any bromo, prami, or caber on hand? also looking at your past pct you listed, no wonder your shit doesn't work. You body was just starting back up and you flooded it with aas.
    I dont need any help now cuz I stopped taking everything.

    Ive waited about 2 months and I can get anything from your list at any time.

    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    My guess is the Deca has something to do with it, either way you are too young and frontloading a ridiculous amount to be a 2nd cycle.
    Dude, Im not asking you for advice about should I start a cycle or not. All I wanted to know is what just happend, yet you keep spamming like crazy "too young, stop taking ASS, blah blah". Ok, I got it. No need to post 10 same replies.

    "deca know..." Its not even a guess. Ive made bloodwork for hormones on day 7 to be sure that it's not caused by low test (bunk gear) or high prolactin (deca; but it start working only after 2 weeks, so its pretty much impossible).

    Here's result of my bloodwork:

    It's in russian, but I think you understand the results. First line is Testosterone and second is Prolactin.

    PS: I'll try to do complete bloodwork for hormones next week (including T3,T4, TSH, Progestone and other stuff)
    Last edited by warbird; 12-13-2010 at 04:44 PM.

  27. #27
    inevitable's Avatar
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    You did damage to your body plan and simple, Get to a doctor, tell him whats is going on and go from there.. goodluck.

  28. #28
    warbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable View Post
    You did damage to your body plan and simple, Get to a doctor, tell him whats is going on and go from there.. goodluck.
    Thx cap.

    Thats what im always do when I have problems with my health

    And yes, Im pretty sure it was caused by AAS and not by martians -_-
    Last edited by warbird; 12-13-2010 at 05:18 PM.

  29. #29
    pwnflow is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    I dont need any help now cuz I stopped taking everything.

    Ive waited about 2 months and I can get anything from your list at any time.

    Dude, Im not asking you for advice about should I start a cycle or not. All I wanted to know is what just happend, yet you keep spamming like crazy "too young, stop taking ASS, blah blah". Ok, I got it. No need to post 10 same replies.

    "deca know..." Its not even a guess. Ive made bloodwork for hormones on day 7 to be sure that it's not caused by low test (bunk gear) or high prolactin (deca; but it start working only after 2 weeks, so its pretty much impossible).

    Here's result of my bloodwork:

    It's in russian, but I think you understand the results. First line is Testosterone and second is Prolactin.

    PS: I'll try to do complete bloodwork for hormones next week (including T3,T4, TSH, Progestone and other stuff)
    Blood levels ain't everything. Seems to me you messed up your HPTA. Better see a doctor. 19-nor roids are the most suppressive of the bunch so it can be the culprit. How old are you anyways?

  30. #30
    Ashop's Avatar
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    I would try adding some PROVIRON at 75-100mg daily.

  31. #31
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    man you still here? Find a good doctor and check your all hormones DHT,Dhea,T3 etc... Also look your morning woods,if your morning woods comeback this mean you are ok

  32. #32
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    Dude, Im not asking you for advice about should I start a cycle or not. All I wanted to know is what just happend, yet you keep spamming like crazy "too young, stop taking ASS, blah blah". Ok, I got it. No need to post 10 same replies.
    Please show me where I keep "spamming like crazy" or posted the same reply 10 times.

    Do not worry, I will wait for you to dig this up

  33. #33
    warbird's Avatar
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    Just a quick update.

    I said that I stopped taking everything, but today I decided to pin sust for 2 more weeks in hope that long-esters in sust will start working
    And I have good news. I got fkin rock hard boner after I jabbed 1 ampoule of sust this morning. Oh yeah, it feels so goooood........

    I will continue sust for 2 more weeks and if my libido will be stable, Im gonna finish this cycle and never touch deca again.
    Last edited by warbird; 12-14-2010 at 04:24 PM.

  34. #34
    Aodha's Avatar
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    Oh geez... Good luck in life warbird. You're gonna need it.

  35. #35
    warbird's Avatar
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    just delete this shitty thread.

    i had 0 zero useful advices here and tons of hate

  36. #36
    warbird's Avatar
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    and yeah,a lot of ppl here dont know a sh!t about AAS.

    If you have a problem and the best answer you can get is "hurrr durrr, stop taking roids dooode" or "uhh.... it may be deca @ but i dunno lol" you'd better watch for yourself, because you can get same issues in the future if you taking steroids .
    Last edited by warbird; 12-14-2010 at 05:42 PM.

  37. #37
    bigzig is offline New Member
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    When I was your age I put on 70 lbs. my first year training with sloppy joe pie or 10oz of meatloaf and potatoes every 3 hours. Would wake up just to have a shake. I thought I was stupid cuz I hate hella dirty and didn't know what fiber was. Was shittin blood and but loved training and eating. Why so much juice? I've been a trainer ten years novices to pro fighters and I've seen my fair share of people that cycle before even getting a *unt hair close to their natural ability to grow. Just stop bro email me I promise we could get tons of mass on you first.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    just delete this shitty thread.

    i had 0 zero useful advices here and tons of hate
    oh holy fook, how thick are you???!!!!!! your sounding very like a troll now, i feel a big ban coming on

  39. #39
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    just delete this shitty thread.

    i had 0 zero useful advices here and tons of hate
    Quote Originally Posted by warbird View Post
    and yeah,a lot of ppl here dont know a sh!t about AAS.

    If you have a problem and the best answer you can get is "hurrr durrr, stop taking roids dooode" or "uhh.... it may be deca @ but i dunno lol" you'd better watch for yourself, because you can get same issues in the future if you taking steroids.
    You had plenty of useful advice, you just choose to be stubborn and not listen to anyone. We're not a fukkin Dr. We can't tell you for certain it was the Deca , only that Deca carries those characteristics.

    Plenty of us know tons about AAS, hence the reason we know you are too young to mess with them. Even if age wasn't a factor, simply looking at your cycle was enough to tell us you have no clue what you're doing.

    If you don't want criticism, or you don't like the answers given - don't ask the question.

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