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  1. #1
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    Talking Is this the way to do it


    Just saw this video on how to inject on youtube.

    Do you guys do it in the same way as the video is very in depth and goes through each step by step instruction.

    Shame the kid doing it looks about 12 though lol

    Here is the link to it

    Let me know if this is something i should be following as a newbie.


  2. #2
    Rag1ngBull is offline Banned
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    yeah it is.. except for one thing I could not understand why does the guy leave a bubble into the syringe and takes it to the plunger.. all the air should be taken out as far as I know

  3. #3
    Rag1ngBull is offline Banned
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    watched the whole video.. wow, didnt expect the kid to really inject it. Also "DO NOT RUB AND MASSAGE THE PLACE" that's bullshit IMO, massaging helps to reduce/avoid pain the next day

  4. #4
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    That is about as clear as it gets...
    Yeh he looks young but says he is currently going to medical school to be RN so he has to be at least 18...not that is an exceptable age to start AAS. But since he was only injecting 75mg I would think that it was for medicinal purposes rather than body building...

  5. #5
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    I haven't watched the video but have heard some say they add about .2 or .3 ml of air to make sure all the liquid gets out of the syringe and into the body. After an injection you will notice about .1ml left in the syringe. Adding the air will push that into you. You could also use injectible b12 or many other things. I just count it as loss which over time could equall a ml or 2. That small amount of air cannot hurt you. I think it takes close to 2 or 3 ml to cause damage.

  6. #6
    Rag1ngBull is offline Banned
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    yeah, and judging by the way he looks I thought the same thing..

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I did my first injection about 15 minutes ago. I did EXACTLY what was in this video including the air bubble. I read up on that first and it seems to be a good thing. The air isn't danger, but helps you get the full dose.

    Here is my post about my first injection:!

  8. #8
    mg0922's Avatar
    mg0922 is offline Associate Member
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    the kid was originally a female! i guess thats why he/she had tes. He/she has other stories on there saying like 1 year on test. crazyyyyy

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