Hello guys,

Ive been in the anbolic world for many years and now this will be my first time entering in a bodybuilding show next year june.

this is my cycle listed below and my stats:

600 IU's of GH (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) for 6 months
400 IU's of IGF (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) 2 months on 1 month off 2 months on 1 month off
40cc T300mg test enanthate and cyp mixture (2cc a week)
20cc Masteron 100mg (2cc twice a week)
50 tabs of T3

285lbs 6'1" 16% BF

Ill be switch up the the AS with something else mid cycle

Just wondering guys how that cycle looks you you guys and what would you change of leave.

Also I have a few questions. How do you guys do the GH all 5IU's first thing in the morning or divide it up 2 to dosages am pm.

I take the IGF immediately following post work out

My question is taking the T3. Not fimiliar on the dosages and length of cycle

Also this is my workout routine:

Monday to Friday 6:30am cardio for 45 minutes Walking on treadmill and mild job mixture. The below workout is done in the PM

MONDAY : Arms (BIs and TRIs) 5-8 sets calves

Tuesday : Legs( Hams and Quads) Abs 8 sets

Wednesday; Shoulders, Lower Back and Calves

Thursday : Back and Abs

Friday : Chest and Calves

Saturday : Light full body with Calves and Abs

Sunday: Rest

Just wondering if Im overtraining as well people.

I know theres alot of answer I need but any and all help is greatly appreciated