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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    WTF??? is my TBOL actually DBOL

    Started my Test E, EQ, Tbol and HGH cycle 5 days ago already put on 9lbs (water weight) getting heavy lower back pumps, have a mild headache and had 3 F*ckin nose bleeds today. My doses are very mild especially the Tbol which is why I think it may infact be Dbol . This is my first run with Tbol so I don't have anythig to compare it to but this is not what I expected. Could it be the HGH? I figure the dose is to low to cause Bloat or is it? I also started taking Jack3d pre workout supplement which contains Creatine monohydrate could this be contributing to the bloat?
    Test E 400mg/week
    EQ 400mg/week
    Tbol 25mg ed
    HGH 2ui ed

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like it.
    What form is the "Tbol" in? (liquid, tabs, etc)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Sounds like it.
    What form is the "Tbol" in? (liquid, tabs, etc)
    UG capsules

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    UG capsules
    Damn, it would be much easier to tell if it were liquid. Let me think a bit about how this and I'll get back to you.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Damn, it would be much easier to tell if it were liquid. Let me think a bit about how this and I'll get back to you.
    Cool Thx

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Ok, so if you really need to find out, this trick should give you some insight into what the stuff is:

    Open up a capsule and dump it into 1ml of grain alcohol (anything over 75% ethanol, or even just rubbing alcohol). Use a syringe with the needle and plunger removed as your container, while keeping your finger over the tip (just backload the powder).
    Now cover both ends and shake the hell out of it.
    If it is Dbol , it should go into solution (assuming the filler is something easily soluble in alcohol, which it almost certainly is). Tbol should froth up, then sink to the bottom, since it is not soluble in ethanol alone and would require peg to go into solution.
    If you're unsure, add another ml of alcohol and shake it again.
    Do this and take pics if you're unsure of the results. I know what it should look like because I have homebrewed both.

  7. #7
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    Ok so I did what you said using 99% alcohol shook it up, it mixed into a cloudy solution and then slowly seperated and sunk to the bottom. So I guess it is Tbol, maybe it is just a combination of every thing causing these sides so early on. Thanks Bonaparte you have been very helpful

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    Ok so I did what you said using 99% alcohol shook it up, it mixed into a cloudy solution and then slowly seperated and sunk to the bottom. So I guess it is Tbol, maybe it is just a combination of every thing causing these sides so early on. Thanks Bonaparte you have been very helpful
    Good deal! Did you try it with 2ml just to be certain?
    And the stuff that settled, does it look like sugar crystals, or protein powder/corn starch or some other filler powder? Bear in mind that a capsule will hold around 500mg of powder, yet only 25mg of that should be hormone. So if you get everything but 25mg (a very small amount) of hormone into solution, that is a good indication that it is not Dbol , since the Dbol will easily dissolve (but no other oral AAS will). You might want to use a couple capsules at once if you don't mind wasting them (since you really shouldn't drink rubbing alcohol), as it is much easier to notice 100mg of crashed hormone as opposed to just 25mg.
    And also remember that even if you can't get the crystals to dissolve completely, that just means that what you have is not Dbol. But it could still be basically anything else.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-13-2010 at 05:45 AM.

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    Verry clever BP

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    redwings91 is offline New Member
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    Sorry if this is a hijack but would a test like this work for comparing var to dbol also? I have some liquid var that I suspect is actually dbol.

  12. #12
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwings91 View Post
    Sorry if this is a hijack but would a test like this work for comparing var to dbol also? I have some liquid var that I suspect is actually dbol.
    yes.. var requires PEG to disolve as well.. DBol does not.. Bonaparte and i just had a discussion on this earlier today on the "can you buy everclear in CA" thread

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwings91 View Post
    Sorry if this is a hijack but would a test like this work for comparing var to dbol also? I have some liquid var that I suspect is actually dbol.
    What does it taste like?
    I would try crashing it in the freezer. Then water it down and take some of the powder crystals you're left with and dump them in alcohol (at roughly 25mg/ml). If they dissolve, they're Dbol .

  14. #14
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    UG capsules
    It's possible,,you never know. Thats a pretty low dosage for TBOL too,,that should cause you
    any problems. Sounds like DBOL

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