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Thread: Steroids and Future Strength Gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Steroids and Future Strength Gains?

    Background: I'm a 17yo powerlifter/strongman, weighing a lean 230 lbs at 6"1. No steroids. I want to compete in WSM one day.

    I once talked to Glenn Pendlay, and he told me that you should wait until you nearly reach your natural genetic potential to take steroids (test, tren.) It was said that you gain about 25% by taking steroids. For example, if I have a 650lbs raw squat, I'll be able to hit 800lbs by taking steroids.

    I'm not exactly sure what that meant. Will I diminish future gains if I take steroids before hitting my natural genetic potential? Will I diminish my maximal future gains if I take steroids before I'm fully grown (21) ?

    Fact is, many top WSM competitors definitely did not wait until the age of 25 to take steroids, many of them starting at 20 or before. So my thinking is that it's possible to keep growing, and that you do not need to reach your genetic potential before steroids.

    BTW, the strength game is obviously different from the bodybuilding scene. Strength guys (as Glenn taught me) stick to test, tren, and maybe Dbol. Bodybuilding ranges from all sorts of drugs... and my question is not about HGH etc. Just the simple steroids for strength.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    bed, kitchen, gym.
    If you reach genetic potential first and than steroids you would be much bigger because if you take steroids before your genetic potential the steroids will basically get you there faster whereas by reaching it naturally first you'd surpass your genetic potential. Remember, no other cycle will be like your first. If your gonna gain 20 lbs off your first cycle (not saying your going to just using as example) why not wait till your at say 270 natty and than get to 290 instead of going from 230 to 250? Thats just my opinion on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hey bro you got plenty of time.Dont rush it.I know time goes slow at your age.But trust me.Wait on this one.You can mess up your system with aas.Aint no fun not being able to get a woody when you need it.I promise you keep going hard until 25.Then if you want do aas.You will be much happier.And a lot bigger and stronger.Then set your mark on life.BUT you got to choose.Choose wisely theres no going back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Most places think 21 is ok to start using. This board is more conservative and is all about the number 25. Either way, you're WAY too young to be worrying about AAS. You could cause yourself a ton of problems by using AAS in the best part of puberty.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    you must be 18 to be a member here, not shi**ing on you its just a rule.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Thanks for the good replies.
    Remember, no other cycle will be like your first. If your gonna gain 20 lbs off your first cycle (not saying your going to just using as example) why not wait till your at say 270 natty and than get to 290 instead of going from 230 to 250?
    This makes a lot of sense, thanks.

    Alright, I only had one question and I don't have much to add to the forum, so I guess I'm out of here since I'm not 18 yet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    are you squating 650 at 17 bro ? thats got to be a world record

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Haha, nope I'm not. And I probably would be setting world records if I had a 650 raw squat. My squat is 500+ raw w/belt, done well below parallel. I can hit higher numbers when I put knee wraps on.

    But of course, this isn't bodybuilding, and I'm all about getting stronger.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    A to the Z
    You're totally right op. Legit serious bodybuilders and powerlifters mostly do steroids far before 25. But that's just the absolute safest age to start. A lot of these guys know there stuff way better than I do. So your best bet is to go natty as long as you can. But if you come to that point when you feel you can't gain natty anymore, than make SURE you do it safe. That's my advice. First, listen to the vets. They've been there. Second, if you do decide to start early, take all the precautions you could possibly take...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    been into powerlifting for 20 years off and on my squats were my weakest point.sounds like your on your way to someday hitting 650 good luck...
    Quote Originally Posted by JakeM View Post
    Haha, nope I'm not. And I probably would be setting world records if I had a 650 raw squat. My squat is 500+ raw w/belt, done well below parallel. I can hit higher numbers when I put knee wraps on.

    But of course, this isn't bodybuilding, and I'm all about getting stronger.

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