Thread: Did I do it right? (2nd cycle)
12-15-2010, 03:34 PM #1New Member
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Did I do it right? (2nd cycle)
Just a few questions regarding a second cycle for which I just injected this morning. I noticed the immediate sides are very different from my first cycle and I'm just wondering if I did my injection correctly. I'm still alive and only in minor discomfort from the injection (walking around like an old coot) so I guess it's not as bad as I'm thinking but just wan't to check it out anyway.
I'm taking 400mg test cyp and 300 mg deca dura every 3 days for 12 weeks
Height: 180cm
weight: 95kg
BF%: 12%
Basically the needles I used were about 1 inch so I was concerned I was going to be injecting into fat but didn't think about this until the damn thing was in my thigh. Anyway the reason I was concerned about this was because in my first cycle after injecting, the area around the injection site was warm to touch and I basically felt as though I was coming down with the flu. (My previous cycle was only 200mg test Enth and 200mg deca dura.) In fact if anything the injection site is slightly cooler this time round than the rest of the body which is what is making me paranoid I injected into fat. Right now it is 2 hours since the injection and as I said earlier I just feel a slight discomfort around the site, like a little sting.
The other question is that as I took out the needle it made a very soft "psst" sound like air being released from a tyre after pumping it. I never heard or felt this during my first cycle. Also When I aspirated there was a very tiny bubble (were talking about 2mm in diameter). Again I'm concerned about this as when I did my first cycle and I aspirated it felt like there was suction, like when I pulled the plunger back there was alot of resistance.
I'm assuming I have injected into fat due to the fact the needles are shorter than in my first cycle however Iv'e dropped a shitload of fat since then (2 years ago)
Should anything I said be a concern?
12-15-2010, 04:39 PM #2
I think you are just being a little anxious. If you used a 1 inch needle all the way in your thigh (quad, not glute right?) then you are fine. Even if it did go into fat it's not that big of a deal it just may not absorb at the same rate. As for aspirating, it sounds like you did it correctly. Remember though to not do it too hard.
12-15-2010, 06:42 PM #3
12-15-2010, 07:26 PM #4
1'' is fine with 12% BF.
To be safe, id suggest 1.5" in glutes only. 23-25G needles.
Search up tricks on how to properly inject, theres tons out there... Im with awesome you might be anxious, make sure you rub the injection site with clean hands for less soreness and to work in the oil.
Dont worry about minor bubbles when you aspirate , even if it did hit a vein it takes alot more air to cause damage.
I'll bump for vet help on your specific dosages, GL.
12-16-2010, 07:53 AM #5New Member
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Thanks for the reply guys. Just came home from work, it's been roughly 16 hours since my first injection and I'm in a bit of pain atm. The injection site has swelled half of my tear drop and it's tender to touch though it's not warm so I'm guessing it's not an infection? I do have the "flu like" symptoms I experienced on my first cycle and while standing at work had a massive quad spasm near where I injected which I had to sit down and massage. Took a couple thousand mg of Calcium/magnesium. It's become extremly tight around the area and I'm basically hopping around like an idiot :| Has anyone experienced pretty intense pain from test cyp? The stuff is legit, same shit I got for my last cycle n from the same dude except it was test enanthate . I don't feel like I need to go to a hospital but it's keeping me awake right now. I'm gonna take something for the pain.
Last edited by TheWarriorWithin; 12-16-2010 at 07:58 AM.
12-16-2010, 08:00 AM #6
IMO your'e being a little paranoid. Infections take time to gestate. No way to know if you have one in 16 hours. The body's immune system isn't usually that week if you're gear isn't dirty its probably just normal injection pain. Keep an eye on it, take some ibuprofen, check your bodytemp. You're probably fine
12-16-2010, 08:03 AM #7New Member
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Lol Ok. Thanks.
12-16-2010, 08:16 AM #8
Maybe i missed it, whats you age?
Why not do a bit higher dosage being it is your 2nd cycle?...and why was your first cycle practically trt?
12-16-2010, 08:27 AM #9New Member
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I'm 26, First cycle was at 24. Well the dude I got the juice off who's an ametuer BB training with gear on and off for about 12 years recommended this. I was told as a first cycle it would be more than adequate I was around 88kg with 15% BF. It did work, better than I thought though my diet was poor and I kept less than half of my gains. So rather than waste my money and look like an idiot, I decided to take a break, train a little longer naturally and get my shit sorted without gear before jumping back on again.
12-16-2010, 08:41 AM #10
Well, firstly, you gotta think that test and deca are known for their bloat. These dosages, in my opinions (others may chime in), are just enough to give you the sides but not really enough of the compound to create an optimal anabolic effect and build some SOLID muscle. To me, this explains why, you lost the weight was just water. By increasing your dosage and of course eating adequately, you will Build actual muscle that will be more likely to remain after you have ended your cycle and Not disperse like the water weight.
And, yes, i too think youre overthinking the whole injection issue.Last edited by yungone501; 12-16-2010 at 08:45 AM.
12-16-2010, 08:45 AM #11New Member
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If that's the case it too late to up the dose on the next injection? Only my first injection.
12-16-2010, 09:03 AM #12
No, of couse not.
Generally people start test at 500mg wk, this is ur 2nd cycle...go 500-600 and always run deca lower then that. Id say test600/deca400 wk would be a great start. More over: focus extremely hard and attentively on that diet man! This makes or breaks any and every cycle. All the gear in the world means sh*t without an adequate diet. I cannot stress that enough!!!
Also, i havent heard any talk about your you even have one planned? Did you run one last cycle?
12-16-2010, 09:19 AM #13New Member
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Yes I ran a pct back then though it was only clomid and only for 7 days.
This time for PCT I am including:
Finasteride during and post cycle
Clomid 50mg tabs, 150mg for 7 days 100 mg for 7 days and 50 mg for 7 days
Arimadex 1mg for 15 days
12-16-2010, 09:28 AM #14New Member
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IS there a set ratio that works best test/deca ? So for the sake of the argument what would happen in terms of health and performance if it were test 600 deca 300, or say test 600 deca 200 for example?
12-16-2010, 09:34 AM #15
Your pct should consist of clomid, nolvadex and optimally, hcg . You should go to the pct section of the forum and have them help you with this. Pct and diet are the two most important aspects of running a cycle. Diet helps you to gain and pct helps you to keep.
Stay receptive to the advice offered here and this forum can help you go a LONG way. Without this site, i wouldnt have made the gains ive had and been able to progress at the rate i grew if it were not for this intelligence and knowledge here.
12-16-2010, 09:36 AM #16
No set ratio, just ideal dosages that are commonly ran.
12-16-2010, 09:36 AM #17New Member
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Cheers dude, appreciate ur time.
12-16-2010, 09:38 AM #18
No problem man, good luck to ya.
12-16-2010, 10:28 AM #19
12-16-2010, 03:48 PM #20
OP....are you running 400mg Test & 300mg Deca per week? The way you state it sounds like you are injecting 700mg total every 3 days, which would mean an average of 933mg Test & 700mg Deca per week. Youngone is giving you advise based on 400mg/300mg per week.
12-16-2010, 05:05 PM #21New Member
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Hey guys guess I just overreacted, pain is still kinda there but no where near as bad as yesterday, maybe just tensed my leg or injected too fast without realising.
Anyway "fig" I'm taking 400test- 300deca a week, but injecting 200test 150deca every 3 days.
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