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Thread: Tren tabs?

  1. #1
    POPS's Avatar
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    Tren tabs?

    Not that I would ever go this route but I stumbled upon this one the other day and I was just curious. Anyone ever try this? I know tons inj tren but tabs???

    If there is/are anyone with experience with the tabs would you please list your pros/cons.

    Like I said, I will not go this route Im just gathering information to pass on...


  2. #2
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    They are not very popular for good reason. Nasty to liver, and you can't take very much to get good effect.

  3. #3
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    I agree. I also read that it should be taken for no longer than 3 weeks.

    Whats the point?

    I understand frontloading dbol for 3-4 weeks on a 12 week test cycle. But what was the reason tren tabs were created? And who would use this aas?

    I have read that tren comes in for the more advanced cycles cause I believe that it has to be administered eod or something like that.

  4. #4
    Deathb4weakness is offline New Member
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    Tren tabs are methyltrienelone (a.k.a methylated trenbolone ). It was probably created because most people don't like daily or EOD injections. I would conjecture that it would have the same effects as tren acetate with the added bonus of being liver toxic! I've heard great things about it, however why not just take the injectable and spare your liver? Tren is more "advanced" because the sides are pretty hefty for some, and it would be better used for most in later cycles, when growth from simpler compounds has decreased.

  5. #5
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Pops.... Both Knockout Power and Haz have used oral tren , if you want some input, talk to them. As far as I know, they both loved it.

    Good Luck

  6. #6
    Colonel_Ingus is offline New Member
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    I buy Tren Tabs, the guy at i*********** where I order from said they only ship tabs because injectables were constantly getting "lost" in the mail. I guess the mail watches liquids too closely. The tabs are cheaper too but require bigger doses and a lot of extra vitamins to help with the fact that its more toxic on the liver. I stock up on milk thistle. I shopped around for a place to buy injectables but after reading reviews, shipping isn't reliable enough and if you fail to receive it, you don't get your money back.

  7. #7
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel_Ingus View Post
    I buy Tren Tabs, the guy at i*********** where I order from said they only ship tabs because injectables were constantly getting "lost" in the mail. I guess the mail watches liquids too closely. The tabs are cheaper too but require bigger doses and a lot of extra vitamins to help with the fact that its more toxic on the liver. I stock up on milk thistle. I shopped around for a place to buy injectables but after reading reviews, shipping isn't reliable enough and if you fail to receive it, you don't get your money back.
    First off, you are not allowed to post sources.... second off the website you tried to post up doesn't sell legit gear.... they only sell vitamins pretending to be steroids .... so you won't see any real results.

  8. #8
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Pops.... Both Knockout Power and Haz have used oral tren , if you want some input, talk to them. As far as I know, they both loved it.

    Good Luck
    Thanks....appreciate it!

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well, are you talking about Trenbolone tabs or Methyltrienolone ?

    Because those are 2 different things.

    Trenbolone Acetate actually has decent oral bioavaliability (around 30% if I recall), so if you eat enough of the tabs/pellets it would be similar to injecting Tren Ace (but a bit different, as with injectable vs oral winstrol ). A lot of guys also crush up fina pellets and mix them with DMSO to create a transdermal for better absorption.

    However, there is also methylated tren (which people have a bad habit of calling "oral tren") or methyltrienolone. This is a different compound (since methylating a drug can change everything). It is more androgenic and requires much smaller doses (500mcg-2mg for most). It is supposedly a better bulker than tren but is also highly toxic and makes users feel like shit.

    Either way, you're better off just pinning Tren Ace or Enanthate .

  10. #10
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Well, are you talking about Trenbolone tabs or Methyltrienolone ?

    Because those are 2 different things.

    Trenbolone Acetate actually has decent oral bioavaliability (around 30% if I recall), so if you eat enough of the tabs/pellets it would be similar to injecting Tren Ace (but a bit different, as with injectable vs oral winstrol ). A lot of guys also crush up fina pellets and mix them with DMSO to create a transdermal for better absorption.

    However, there is also methylated tren (which people have a bad habit of calling "oral tren") or methyltrienolone. This is a different compound (since methylating a drug can change everything). It is more androgenic and requires much smaller doses (500mcg-2mg for most). It is supposedly a better bulker than tren but is also highly toxic and makes users feel like shit.

    Either way, you're better off just pinning Tren Ace or Enanthate.
    its methytrienolone

  11. #11
    redz's Avatar
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    I have always been curious about it but I think I may just stick to injecting Tren .

  12. #12
    yungone501's Avatar
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    I bought some here recently and gave em a shot (figuratively speaking) and took them while waiting on tren e to kick in. I FELT NOTHING. Then again, i was not aware that they were 30% bio, i was waaaay underdosed.

  13. #13
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    I bought some here recently and gave em a shot (figuratively speaking) and took them while waiting on tren e to kick in. I FELT NOTHING. Then again, i was not aware that they were 30% bio, i was waaaay underdosed.
    What dose did you try?

  14. #14
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    I bought some here recently and gave em a shot (figuratively speaking) and took them while waiting on tren e to kick in. I FELT NOTHING. Then again, i was not aware that they were 30% bio, i was waaaay underdosed.
    Tren ace tabs or methyltren?

  15. #15
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Tren a @60mg

  16. #16
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, you'd need at least twice that much.

  17. #17
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Is there are chart or something that might specify all (orals/injectable) absorbtion rates? I know test p has some funny sh*t going on like that.

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Is there are chart or something that might specify all (orals/injectable) absorbtion rates? I know test p has some funny sh*t going on like that.
    Nothing I know of. But you can always shoot me a question and I might know it.

    Injectables are all 100% bioavailable (or really close to it).
    17aa taken orally are roughly 80%.
    1-methyls (Primo tabs and Proviron ) are generally around 50-60% by most estimates.
    Transdermals will vary based on the carrier used, site used, and the molecular weight of the compound.

    A compound will only absorb well sublingually if it is bonded to a cyclodextrin and has a low molecular weight. If not, you're just as well off swallowing it.

  19. #19
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Excellent, thanks man.

    More specifically, kind of noted this, was test prop. Isnt there a weird absorbtion on that as well. Im about to do test p/tren a very soon and wanna make sure i have accurate dosages.

  20. #20
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Oh yeah, you'd need at least twice that much.
    But that would totally kill you why bother??

  21. #21
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    But that would totally kill you why bother??
    Tren Ace isn't methylated, so it isn't hepatotoxic (at least not much).

  22. #22
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Excellent, thanks man.

    More specifically, kind of noted this, was test prop. Isnt there a weird absorbtion on that as well. Im about to do test p/tren a very soon and wanna make sure i have accurate dosages. long as you're pinning it, you'll get 100% of it just like any other injectable.
    I think that maybe test prop sublingual tabs are throwing you off (which work much like Tren Ace tabs, but with a lower absrorption rate).

  23. #23
    Solidarity is offline Junior Member
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    Bonaparte is correct.

    I have never ran oral methyltrienolone but I did run the injectable for 6 weeks.

    Started pinning 1 mg a day for about a week, two injections per day. Ended up at 6mg per day. Tren >Methyltrienolone. End of story. "Oral Tren" is more a mix of Cheque Drops and Halo. Strength gains were great, body recomp was great but I don't really think it put as much mass on me as I could have with just doing regular tren.

    The sides were pretty bad. You know how you get night sweats on Tren? Well this stuff gives you all day sweats. Even drinking 2-3 gallons of water a day my piss was orange. Tren usually added some color but nothing like this stuff. I got the worse cramps ever, constant headaches bordering on migranes. Unfortunately I never got any blood tests while one which I really regret. My advice would be to stay away from this stuff and I really am not conservative at all when it comes to steroids .

  24. #24
    yungone501's Avatar
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    I currently running Test e700mg/tren a600mg a week and ive also have been experiencing pretty severe headaches with the tren this time. Solidarity, is this a common side for you as i havent read many people having this side much. Alot on fatigue but not headaches. I was fatigued at the beginning, started running liv52 because i heard that a stressed liver could cause this and it seems to have been alleviated. Any on input on this?

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