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Thread: Couple of Adex Q's

  1. #1

    Couple of Adex Q's

    Currently doing a cycle of omna @ 500 mgs ew. Started Liquidex from day 1 @ .25 mg eod, expierience no estro sides and was thinking of decreasing to .25 e3d or maybe even stoping it all together, opinions?

    Also, after about 1/4 of the bottle used I gave a buddy half of the bottle. I then noticed there are some crystals at the bottom of the last 1/4, I know how to get rid of them but with this increase the concentration of the last 1/4 significantly?

  2. #2
    im runnin test and ill only run my adex if needed no point running a compound and adding extra stress to your body i u dont even need it ....

    if gyno comes up you generally know b4 u actually get puffy nips, by the tingling and other related estro sides high bp and also water bloat so u can knock it on the head b4 it even becomes serious by running your adex or nolva etc

    thats my opinion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    I then noticed there are some crystals at the bottom of the last 1/4, I know how to get rid of them but with this increase the concentration of the last 1/4 significantly?
    Im obviously new to the site, but could you explain why the crystals form and how you got rid of them?
    Im also keen to find out how it could affect potency

  4. #4
    Its called crashing, to get rid of them you put the bottle it hot water.

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