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  1. #1
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    final cycle tweek, Have you done this before? Input needed

    Im 25, 6ft1 240lbs, 18%bf.

    First cycle was 50mg var ed and 500mg eq weeks 1-12
    2nd cycle was test-e 250mg x2 per week for 12 weeks.
    I am planning to start next cycle when I get my bf% a little lower. I tweaked my proposed cycle again and want you opinion. I have heard countless people tell me that dball works wounders when your test levels are allready up, so here it is.

    week 1-12 test-e 500mg per week
    week 1-2 test-p 75mg eod
    week 2-6 dball at 30mg per day
    week 1-12 arimidex .25mg per day
    week 8-12 hcg 500iu's per week

    week 14-18 clomid and nolvadex

    When I ran test only I got decent gains, but not as much as expected and I was super strict on my diet. I have been lifting for a solid 5 years (I know how to work out hard and efficiant) By the time I saw good gains my cycle was almost over. I really want to kick start this cycle so my test levels are up through out. Again, im sterting dball after my test is up from the prop, I heard that this really makes the dball way more ifficiant.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    i kicktstarted with prop, waste of time... just got sides and no gains

  3. #3
    Solidarity is offline Junior Member
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    You should run the arimidex up until 3-4 days before pct. I don't really believe in setting a dosage for an ai. You might need more, you might need less. Play it by ear.

    I would extend the prop kickstart to 4 weeks or not do it at all.

    Is there a reason you want to only run HCG for 4 weeks? They usually come in 5,000 IU amps so you should have enough for 10 weeks.

  4. #4
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    i kicktstarted with prop, waste of time... just got sides and no gains
    Can you elaberate on what you ran it with and dosage and length of each test please. It would be more helpful to understand why this had a bad effect for you.

    THanks bro.

  5. #5
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solidarity View Post
    You should run the arimidex up until 3-4 days before pct. I don't really believe in setting a dosage for an ai. You might need more, you might need less. Play it by ear.

    I would extend the prop kickstart to 4 weeks or not do it at all.

    Is there a reason you want to only run HCG for 4 weeks? They usually come in 5,000 IU amps so you should have enough for 10 weeks.
    I was thinking about it, The only thing that has me worried is the drop in test levels when the dball and test prop wear off. should I tapper the prop back gradually, or even run the prop throughout? what do you guys think. Thanks for your input solidarity.

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VA703 View Post
    Im 25, 6ft1 240lbs, 18%bf.

    First cycle was 50mg var ed and 500mg eq weeks 1-12
    2nd cycle was test-e 250mg x2 per week for 12 weeks.
    I am planning to start next cycle when I get my bf% a little lower. I tweaked my proposed cycle again and want you opinion. I have heard countless people tell me that dball works wounders when your test levels are allready up, so here it is.

    week 1-12 test-e 500mg per week
    week 1-2 test-p 75mg eod
    week 2-6 dball at 30mg per day
    week 1-12 arimidex .25mg per day
    week 8-12 hcg 500iu's per week

    week 14-18 clomid and nolvadex

    When I ran test only I got decent gains, but not as much as expected and I was super strict on my diet. I have been lifting for a solid 5 years (I know how to work out hard and efficiant) By the time I saw good gains my cycle was almost over. I really want to kick start this cycle so my test levels are up through out. Again, im sterting dball after my test is up from the prop, I heard that this really makes the dball way more ifficiant.

    What do you think?

    I think your disappointing gains were a result of you being so strict on your diet, you should have a learned a great deal from those cycles and should be able to still achieve solid gains on test only if not you will need to a dress your diet. That being said you can include d-bol in your cycle but be aware of it's ability to bloat and gains are lost upon ceassation of the drug

  7. #7
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    My diet is in check I went from 27%bf to 18%, I closely followed the diet forums on my test cycle to a t. I ate super clean and Im looking to start this cycle as soon as I get to 16% bf. This is my final tweak I feel it makes the most sense because the test levels should stay pretty level. what do you think?

    That makes sense, about only using prop if I was going to run it the whole time. This is what I came up with

    week 1) 30mg dball ed/prop 200mg eod (about 800mg test) frontload
    week 2) 30mg dball ed/prop 150mg eod (about 650mg test) frontload
    week 3) 30mg dball ed/prop 100mg eod (about 500mg test)
    week 4) 30mg dball ed/prop 75mg eod (about 425 mg test)
    week 5) test-e will be leveling out to about 500 mg test

  8. #8
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Confused as week 3 and 4 totals dont add up. If youre running 500mg teste then add 100mg prop eod thats a total of 800 or 900. No need to use prop past week 2 if youre using it as a frontload/kickstart.

    Run test-e from weeks 1-12.

    Just add prop on top of it untill week 2. Thats your frontload/kickstart.

  9. #9
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok I will only run it till week 2, do you have any objections with keeping the d-ball in play. What do you think about starting the dball on week 2. I have heard a lot of people say that dball is way better when your test levels are already up. What do you think?

  10. #10
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    You can do that, it wont hurt.

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