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Thread: next cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX

    next cycle

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 210
    few cycles under my belt
    trained for 10 years off and on
    wanting to do a lean mass cycle for summer

    I'm planning on running a cycle here in a few months but I'm gonna start ordering it now. Just getting over a shoulder injury from a few months ago so getting back up to my normal weight of 220 before I start. Here's what I'm planning on running

    Test Cyp: wks 1-15 750mg/wk
    EQ: wks 1-14 600mg/wk
    Masteron: wks 10-17 400mg/wk

    I've read masteron will help with bloat issues so is arimidex still neccessary or just maybe a lower dose? Also, my joints aren't the best so would it hurt to add deca to the cycle? Maybe just a low dose for the joint relief

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Personally I love that cycle however I have a few questions. You say you have "a few cycles under my belt"... like 2 or 3? What makes you feel you need 750mg/test?? How many times did you run at 500mg and 600mg before bumping to 750? Get what im saying? Have you run Eq before? If not, start at 400mg/wk. Also I wouldnt run Mast longer than test. Just start it 2 weeks earlier and stop it at week 15 with the test.

    Test-c 600mg weeks 1-15
    Eq 400mg weeks 1-14
    Mast 400mg weeks 8-15

    And dont add deca. Just run some joint supplements and 5-8g of fish oil per day.
    Last edited by vettewreck; 12-19-2010 at 04:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    I've done 6 cycles. I forgot to say I'm 27. I know that's alot for my age but I was stupid and started young. Live and learn right? Anyways, I've done EQ twice in my past cycles and loved it. Only ran it for 12 weeks at 400mg/wk so I'm really looking forward to the 600 as I hear it works alot better at this dose. The highest I have run test at was 600, not including a kickstart with prop, and I chose 750 because I'm gonna do the eq at 600. I've basically gone up 100mgs a week for the test every 2 cycles

    Heard on the masteron! This is my first cycle with it and I'm really looking forward to it, just a little worried about the joints. What are some other good supplements other than glucosomine?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    how did you run prop when you used it as a kick start? and did you like it? Hey vettwreck I asked you about this earlier but it seemed my test does was too high. I would like your advise on this, as I lowered the test. Im not trying to high jack this thread bro but I cant pm you because im new to this forum. maybe you can jump on my thread to answer?

    week 1) 30mg dball ed/prop 200mg eod (about 800mg test) frontload
    week 2) 30mg dball ed/prop 150mg eod (about 650mg test) frontload
    week 3) 30mg dball ed/prop 100mg eod (about 500mg test)
    week 4) 30mg dball ed/prop 75mg eod (about 425 mg test)
    week 5) test-e will be leveling out to about 500 mg test
    test-e 500mg a week 1-12 and arimidex .25 ed 1-12

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Tunit, ok in that case id say your cycle is fine then. Just adjust the timing of masteron as I stated and youre good to go. Joint supps: MSM, Fish oil, Chondroitin.

    You can use Prop as a kick start by adding a few hundred mg of prop on top of your test of choice but only for the first 2 weeks, then you drop the Prop but continue on with whatever test you chose.

    VA703, Id say that cycle looks better but still no need to run the prop past 2 weeks if youre using for a frontload. Drop it after week 2 and continue the test-e at 500mg for the rest of your cycle.

    But im still confused bc on week 3 you say 100mg prop eod but you say about 500mg test but isnt that really still like 800 or 900mg including the test-e? And again on week 4 you say 425mg but its still like 700-800mg. I dont get it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I got you man, Im gonna just do it for the 2 weeks. Ive realized Im just trying to hard to make this work when its probably over kill. Im just excited and want more to fast. Thanks bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    Have you ever ran masteron before and what were your results with it? I really like the strength and hardness I see that come from it. Which would you recommend, the short or long ester? The long ester contains 150mg of the enan and 50mg of the prop so idk if that would still require eod shots. I'm planning on doing the shots m/w/f for the test and eq, can I do the masteron on the same schedule for either one?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    cycle looks good..

    glucosamine is good for joints too.. pretty cheap if you get it generic.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by VA703 View Post
    how did you run prop when you used it as a kick start? and did you like it? Hey vettwreck I asked you about this earlier but it seemed my test does was too high. I would like your advise on this, as I lowered the test. Im not trying to high jack this thread bro but I cant pm you because im new to this forum. maybe you can jump on my thread to answer?

    week 1) 30mg dball ed/prop 200mg eod (about 800mg test) frontload
    week 2) 30mg dball ed/prop 150mg eod (about 650mg test) frontload
    week 3) 30mg dball ed/prop 100mg eod (about 500mg test)
    week 4) 30mg dball ed/prop 75mg eod (about 425 mg test)
    week 5) test-e will be leveling out to about 500 mg test
    test-e 500mg a week 1-12 and arimidex .25 ed 1-12
    I ran mine for the first 4 weeks at 100mgs eod. I don't know if you'd want to change the doses around like that, to me that just seemes like it will mess with your levels too much. I'd just recommend how I ran's easy and less of a hassle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I love masteron. I got super hard and vascular and a little bit og strength. I loved how I looked on the combination of test/eq/mast. I ran it at 75mg/ED and at 100mg/ED in a few different cycles. I ran the fast acting Mast, not Enenthate Mast. I probably wont run it at 100mg/ed again though. Caused too much oily skin and showering twice a day had to be done.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX
    will I need arimidex with it? can I get by with m/w/f shots?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Houston, TX

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