-Long story short, have been on test therapy for over 2yrs. I started out at 500mg of Test-E weekly since my Doc thought that 200mg of Test-E once every 3 weeks was good & i dissagreed & started my own therapy. Ive been takin 500mg of Test-E every 2 weeks or so, (250 weekly), to depend on less & money is always an issue!!

-My question to u guys is that after years of using test-E, im switchin to test-Cyp at 250mg a week & i want to add in either 200mg of EQ, OR, 20-30mgs of dbols daily. Which stack would get me up & goin with a better chance at a sence of "well being"?? Im obviously experienced with this & this isnt really a cycle, BUT its a good aid to my daily routine & i know these compounds well but figured id ask anyways!!

((My thoughts)): adding the dbols at low end doses will get me out of bed & add in an extra anabolic kick thats needed with only 250 a week in test. I can take 30mg ED for 6-8 weeks then take 2 off & repeat. (kinda like the bridging cycles method). On the other hand, the 200mg of EQ, while being less anabolic will be a bit healthier to run long term & be quality over quanity!!

Opinions & Advice welcome...