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Thread: PCT advice HCG?

  1. #1

    PCT advice HCG?

    I took a 10 week cycle of tren/sust 10 months ago and I believe I need to redue a PCT. My other PCT was 50 mg of clomid for 4 weeks.

    I was wondering if I should use HCG to try and get the boys to their healthy size again, or if that would be counterproductive in the post cycle and I should only use clomid or nolva.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lethalinjection View Post
    ... and I believe I need to redue a PCT.
    what makes you say that?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I don't understand what you mean by reduce your pct, did you run a pct at the completion of your cycle and if so list it for us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    At 22 you need to concentrate more on your diet and training, leave aas well alone and spend the next 3 years building a solid base...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Well I did 50 mg clomid for 30 days and it either wasn't enough or the cycle I did was much to big. I'm still having trouble getting IT up and IT's also not as firm as it use to be. I figured if I waited after the pct my body would heal eventually but I just cannot wait any longer. I had my blood checked at went point and this is what came back (I know, lacks a lot of info like estrogen e2).

    Total Test 635
    FSH 1.6 1.6-8.0
    LH 5.1 1.5-9.3
    Free Testosterone percentage 1.87 1.5 to 2.2
    118.7 Free test 35.0 to 155

    I wanted to know if I should redue a PCT and start it with HCG or if it would be best to stay away from everything or just run clomid/nolva. And I agree, I'm going to stay away from aas, I've just got to fix this first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tren needs an agressive well thought out pct, clomid alone will not suffice run a pct correctly
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    #s are mgd per week for 4 weeks

  7. #7
    Alright man I appreciate it. I'll give it a shot, and I was wondering, could I possibly run too much PCT. Like could I make it so there's too little estrogen in my body?

    I'll get back to you asap with how I'm doing once I'm in the process and possibly even getting a blood test done after that. Thanks for the help

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