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Thread: Painless prop

  1. #1
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    Painless prop

    First time using prop. It's been 2hrs and nothing yet. Quad at 23g 1 1/2 in. Anything for me to be worried about?

  2. #2
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    Nope. It doesn't have to be painful. anyway you won't notice any soreness until the following day in most cases,and why would that worry you? A painful injection is not going to verify the legitimacy of your gear.

  3. #3
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    Yeah I will wait till tomorrow to see if there is any swelling or soreness as such. Almost everybody have said that prop is a world of pain so I was surprised that it felt just like cyp.

  4. #4
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    I am usually using an ethyl oleate based Test.Prop. and it gives me no pain at all, completely painless injection. Last time I bought some U-Lab Test.Prop. and it seems that they are using a different carrier oil with higher BA%, I could hardly walk the next day and the pain remained for 3 days.

    So it might be painless if your Test.Prop. is ethyl oleate based.......

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    First time using prop. It's been 2hrs and nothing yet. Quad at 23g 1 1/2 in. Anything for me to be worried about?
    ya, the problem with using a pin so big tomorrow you wont know if the pain is from the pin or the prop. plase what ever you do don't use that pin for your delts

  6. #6
    prop isn't very painful at all to me. The only time I'll feel some type of soreness is when I inject in the quad/thigh. It is also dose dependent. I don't get sore from the glute or delt, although I do feel a tiny something that reminds me i injected there

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by abuleh View Post
    I am usually using an ethyl oleate based Test.Prop. and it gives me no pain at all, completely painless injection. Last time I bought some U-Lab Test.Prop. and it seems that they are using a different carrier oil with higher BA%, I could hardly walk the next day and the pain remained for 3 days.

    So it might be painless if your Test.Prop. is ethyl oleate based.......
    Is it safe to assume that all these Props are 100mg/ml? ANything more than that is hard to achieve and impossible to acheive without pain. Though I did see a Mexican lab go 250mg/ml with prop. Insane and suicidal IMHO. Some people will push the concentrations up just to do it. THough in reality, no one needs 250mg/ml prop. Hell, just shoot 2.5cc's and save yourself the misery.

    Contrary to opinion, BA does not cause the pain. Its the crashing of the prop. Prop crashes fairly easily in depot. I have seen UGL and home brewers pop up to 5% BA, as it does have slightl solvent characteristics. You are much better off bumping up the BB as its cheap. EO is nice too, but a lot of UGLs and home brewers won't use it because of the cost.

    ANyway, point is, BA doesn't cause the problem. If it is, the 5% in ANYTHING would make it painful. And the #1 complaint is Prop being painful. You don't hear people saying "oh god this enanthate is KILLING me, must be the BA." Why not? Because enanthate disolves in almost no solvent and will usually liquify at room temp.

    Short esthers have the tendency to hurt, especially virgin muscle.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by abuleh View Post
    I am usually using an ethyl oleate based Test.Prop. and it gives me no pain at all, completely painless injection. Last time I bought some U-Lab Test.Prop. and it seems that they are using a different carrier oil with higher BA%, I could hardly walk the next day and the pain remained for 3 days.

    So it might be painless if your Test.Prop. is ethyl oleate based.......
    Winner Winner chicken dinner!!!

    EO will make all of the difference, prop for some reason is treated differently by different peoples physiology but inless you are one of the lucky ones who does not get pain from vegetable oil based prop you will want to use prop with a high EO ratio to insure it stays in depot within the muscle instead of crashing and causing pain as it does with straight BA/BB/Oil base.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleriverman View Post
    ya, the problem with using a pin so big tomorrow you wont know if the pain is from the pin or the prop. plase what ever you do don't use that pin for your delts



  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Prop pain is down to the person, trust me

    You can brew it painless but if ur the type of person that its going to hurt it will hurt.

    Me and my m8 ran the exact same gear, he was fine, never even felt any pain,,, i would swell up in massive lumps, my glute would swell up into my lower back, my delts looked like i had added 0.5 of meal onto each lateral head...

    Its just luck

    For me i had to cut 0.75ml of prop with 1.25ml of GSO and it still hurt for the first 2 weeks

    After 2 weeks i did not feel it tho, just like enth i have run in the past

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post

    okay smart ass educate me!

  12. #12
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    Really guy the needle is not the problem its the prop forming microcrystals in the muscle as it crashes. Try this take even a 20 by 1.25 needle and push it into your thigh and wait till the next day you will not have a lot of pain, a 23 may cause more pain than a 25 but its minimal as the compound is the major offender. PS I am not supporting the LMAO that is an uneeded comment.

    Baseline, while adding more GSO may help EO is really the only thing that has made a big difference in my experience, I had three users of my GSO based and EO/GSO 50/50 based Prop and all three said it was night and day different using the EO/GSO based, even at 100mg/ml the EO/GSO based was less painful than the GSO at 50mg/ml.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-27-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Really guy the needle is not the problem its the prop forming microcrystals in the muscle as it crashes. Try this take even a 20 by 1.25 needle and push it into your thigh and wait till the next day you will not have a lot of pain, a 23 may cause more pain than a 25 but its minimal as the compound is the major offender. PS I am not supporting the LMAO that is an uneeded comment.

    Baseline, while adding more GSO may help EO is really the only thing that has made a big difference in my experience, I had three users of my GSO based and EO/GSO 50/50 based Prop and all three said it was night and day different using the EO/GSO based, even at 100mg/ml the EO/GSO based was less painful than the GSO at 50mg/ml.
    I understand the needle isn't the problem, but if he's not use to that size needle he will feel it tomorrow so he wouldn't know if it's from the needle or the prob.

    I've been pinning ed for teh last 3.5 months and I just ran out of a 100 count box , so I ordered a new box but some how a made a mistake in the order and ordered all 23.5. I pin my delts last tuesday with one of them and today I'm still in pain.

    it just gets to me when morons like kynetguy chim in and can't back up his comments.

  14. #14
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    Well second day and still nothing. Same as cyp. Cool guess my supplier used EO. It doesn't state the solvent on vial but there is 2%ba and 10%bb. Guess that played a part in it. It's 150mg/ml btw, but I'm using .75ml doses.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleriverman View Post
    okay smart ass educate me!

    OK OK, I desrved that.

    1) 23ga is a TINY needle in diameter. For most gear it takes forever long to even draw up with a 23ga. Not impossible, just longer.

    2) 1.5 is not long. If you hit bone or something with a 1.5" pin, you most likely are too tiny and need to concentrate on DIET, not AAS.

    3) The pain you get from a needle is temporary. It should be gone in an hour tops.

    4) The pain from PRop and other short esters is crippling to some. Its akin to someone knuckle punching you right in the muscle. Totally different pain.

    If you ever get the pain, you will understand. Prop isn't the ONLY thing that will do it, its just the most common one. Almost any gear can if the brewer doesn't have the appropriate concentrations of solvent and it crashes or if the mg/ml is why higher than standard dosages.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleriverman View Post
    it just gets to me when morons like kynetguy chim in and can't back up his comments.
    Moron? No, Not exactly. But I am not going to lower to a name calling spat with a kid. I can CERTAINLY back up my comments with experience, education and facts.

    I am just amazed that someone finds a 23ga painful for a day. I am intrigued by this. Really. That is not being a smart ass. How long of a pin are you using in your delts? a 1" pin is plenty of you use all of it, a 1.25 is perfect for most anywhere IM unless you have high BF. If you are using a 1.5, leave .25" or about out, don't burry it. If you let the syringe dangle in your arm or something, you might cause some minor trauma to the muscle from the bevel of the needle.

    I don't know. Maybe you just are not needle friendly. I have guys locally I have tried to educate, but they insist on Enanthat once a week for a cycle. Turns out they are scared of needle pain. (not saying you are scared, but maybe they too find it painful after the injection)


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    OK OK, I desrved that.

    1) 23ga is a TINY needle in diameter. For most gear it takes forever long to even draw up with a 23ga. Not impossible, just longer.

    2) 1.5 is not long. If you hit bone or something with a 1.5" pin, you most likely are too tiny and need to concentrate on DIET, not AAS.

    3) The pain you get from a needle is temporary. It should be gone in an hour tops.

    4) The pain from PRop and other short esters is crippling to some. Its akin to someone knuckle punching you right in the muscle. Totally different pain.

    If you ever get the pain, you will understand. Prop isn't the ONLY thing that will do it, its just the most common one. Almost any gear can if the brewer doesn't have the appropriate concentrations of solvent and it crashes or if the mg/ml is why higher than standard dosages.
    that's understood, but dont quote something if you don't know what you're talking about. I've been running prop now for 3.5 months no pain at all(execpt for the usual first time light pain) with this run of prop.

    last tuesday I got a fresh box of pins in some how I ended up with only 23.5's /1.5 so I though what the what's the worst that can happen I caped off .o5 of the pin so only an inch was going in. guess what????? it's been a week now and the pain is still here and yes it's bad, so it's not an hour pain like you state
    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-27-2010 at 11:59 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    Moron? No, Not exactly. But I am not going to lower to a name calling spat with a kid. I can CERTAINLY back up my comments with experience, education and facts.

    I am just amazed that someone finds a 23ga painful for a day. I am intrigued by this. Really. That is not being a smart ass. How long of a pin are you using in your delts? a 1" pin is plenty of you use all of it, a 1.25 is perfect for most anywhere IM unless you have high BF. If you are using a 1.5, leave .25" or about out, don't burry it. If you let the syringe dangle in your arm or something, you might cause some minor trauma to the muscle from the bevel of the needle.

    I don't know. Maybe you just are not needle friendly. I have guys locally I have tried to educate, but they insist on Enanthat once a week for a cycle. Turns out they are scared of needle pain. (not saying you are scared, but maybe they too find it painful after the injection)

    No it's not being childish . what you did was childish. I could have used a more user friendly world like simpleton but I feel with your comment the word was more appropriate. when you respond to a coment with LMAOF with absolute nothing to back it up with is childish. If I'm wrong in what I'm saying simply correct me so I wont spread the wrong info.

    if you don't know simple stay the **** out of it

    so peace to you and I'm not arguing with you because that will make both of us retards
    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-27-2010 at 12:08 PM.

  19. #19
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Really guy the needle is not the problem its the prop forming microcrystals in the muscle as it crashes. Try this take even a 20 by 1.25 needle and push it into your thigh and wait till the next day you will not have a lot of pain, a 23 may cause more pain than a 25 but its minimal as the compound is the major offender. PS I am not supporting the LMAO that is an uneeded comment.

    Baseline, while adding more GSO may help EO is really the only thing that has made a big difference in my experience, I had three users of my GSO based and EO/GSO 50/50 based Prop and all three said it was night and day different using the EO/GSO based, even at 100mg/ml the EO/GSO based was less painful than the GSO at 50mg/ml.
    I was already using a 50:50 EO:GSO carrier with my gear brewed at 100mg/ml, it killed me!

    Once i did what i said i did i could tolerate the pain, after a few weeks i didnt even feel some shots

  20. #20
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    prop can be a bit painful

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleriverman View Post
    if you don't know simple stay the **** out of it

    so peace to you and I'm not arguing with you because that will make both of us retards
    You need to ease up on the Test. lol

    I tried to make amends and start a dialogue with you but whatever. You would rather cuss and call names.

    There are several things that can be causing your pain. I am sure at 20 something years old, you can figure it out.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    You need to ease up on the Test. lol

    I tried to make amends and start a dialogue with you but whatever. You would rather cuss and call names.

    There are several things that can be causing your pain. I am sure at 20 something years old, you can figure it out.
    just simple advice if someone is giving bad advice to another simple correct that person if you know it's wrong. don't leave a comment like "seriouly lmao" when you're the one that's wrong. I'm not 20 something I'm 30 something so again you're wrong. we're here to share our experience and learn from each other. we aren't being paid so the info here is sincerely coming from someone that wants to help. If you felt what I was saying was wrong you could have added to it and share your experience.

    I know what's causing the pain that's why I tried to let the person that wanted the info. to know that the pain might be caused by the pin so he wont know if it's the pin or the prop before you felt the need to chim in
    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-27-2010 at 01:16 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I was already using a 50:50 EO:GSO carrier with my gear brewed at 100mg/ml, it killed me!

    Once i did what i said i did i could tolerate the pain, after a few weeks i didnt even feel some shots
    Did not know your was already a 50/50 EO mix that said the extra oil was certainly a good idea and I am glad it worked out for you.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleriverman View Post
    just simple advice if someone is giving bad advice to another simple correct that person if you know it's wrong. don't leave a comment like "seriouly lmao" when you're the one that's wrong. I'm not 20 something I'm 30 something so again you're wrong. we're here to share our experience and learn from each other. we aren't being paid so the info here is sincerely coming from someone that wants to help. If you felt what I was saying was wrong you could have added to it and share your experience.

    I know what's causing the pain that's why I tried to let the person that wanted the info. to know that the pain might be caused by the pin so he wont know if it's the pin or the prop before you felt the need to chim in
    OK littleriverman, here is my experience:

    Did you open a new bottle of Test when you switched needles? Or maybe the second injection from a new bottle? I ask because you have kept yelling bunk gear about your current cycle. Perhaps you got a bottle that wasn't bunk or overdosed?

    I asked, because since i havent been on here in a while, I have not ran into you. So I took the liberty to read you 75 posts you made in the last year.

    On week 4 you started a thread and were yelling bunk gear:

    At week 5.5 you started another thread and were yelling your gear is bunk

    And again in week 7

    Perhaps you got some Prop that wasn't bunk and this is what is causing your pain?

    Let me ask another question, using these new needles, which you said the pain has been there a week, means you have shot your Masteron Enanthate at least twice, correct? Is IT causing you any pain? What about the Tren Ace? Some people have pain with Tren Ace too. It is a problem with any short ester AAS.

    Another thing you could have done since you complained of your delt hurting with these bigger needles, did you inject too high in your arm? I have injected too high in my delts and it will hurt more.

    If you feel the top of your arm, you will feel a boney structure beneath the deltoid. (acromion process) you want to inject two finger widths below that and above the crease in your arm pit.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    OK littleriverman, here is my experience:

    Did you open a new bottle of Test when you switched needles? Or maybe the second injection from a new bottle? I ask because you have kept yelling bunk gear about your current cycle. Perhaps you got a bottle that wasn't bunk or overdosed?

    I asked, because since i havent been on here in a while, I have not ran into you. So I took the liberty to read you 75 posts you made in the last year.

    On week 4 you started a thread and were yelling bunk gear:

    At week 5.5 you started another thread and were yelling your gear is bunk

    And again in week 7

    Perhaps you got some Prop that wasn't bunk and this is what is causing your pain?

    Let me ask another question, using these new needles, which you said the pain has been there a week, means you have shot your Masteron Enanthate at least twice, correct? Is IT causing you any pain? What about the Tren Ace? Some people have pain with Tren Ace too. It is a problem with any short ester AAS.

    Another thing you could have done since you complained of your delt hurting with these bigger needles, did you inject too high in your arm? I have injected too high in my delts and it will hurt more.

    If you feel the top of your arm, you will feel a boney structure beneath the deltoid. (acromion process) you want to inject two finger widths below that and above the crease in your arm pit.
    thanks for going back and digging up items that were non relevant. it now week 15 and the mas and tren have been discontinued. there you go again I guess the name(simpleton) I used earlier suites you well. if you're going to post something please read it first. I wasn't yelling the gear was bunk I was asking people with experience with tren what should I look out for. then later in the cycle is when I started question if it was bunk or if tren doesn't work on some.

    the only thing that has change is the size of the needle. so the last 30 or so pin were painless. I now use a 23 guarge pin and pump the oil in and I see it running out immediately after and the pain starts leads me to believe it's the pin.

    The reason I was saying the gear was bunk because all the hype you guys here have on tren and I run 100mg a day and nothing? so it's my first run with it so what teh hell do you expect me to say.

    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-27-2010 at 02:31 PM.

  26. #26
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    Damn a mod is gonna love this thread...its kinda like woodstock and the summer of love all rolled into one.


    Am I reading it right that you have been pinning Prop every day for 3.5 months? if so I don't know when you did the Tren but if it was toward the end of the 3.5 months this may be why you did not feel it that much, as running any steroid for 3.5 months may be affecting your body's sensitivity somewhat?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Damn a mod is gonna love this thread...its kinda like woodstock and the summer of love all rolled into one.


    Am I reading it right that you have been pinning Prop every day for 3.5 months? if so I don't know when you did the Tren but if it was toward the end of the 3.5 months this may be why you did not feel it that much, as running any steroid for 3.5 months may be affecting your body's sensitivity somewhat?
    no ffm, I started off with the tren then after about 6 weeks I log in an asked if it was normail to run tren at 100 mg and have sub results or was it possible tren doesn't work on everyone.

    I was planning on brewing my own batch but two many said it was to dirty so I decided to go with another source and I was getting about the same results. that's why I ended up running it so long.

    with all the hype I was kind of disappointed at week 4 running 100 mg ed that's why I got on because half of that is given to a heifer and it grows thick and solid

    I also ordered dbol from the 2nd source and it came in separate, but this is where I think both source use the same supplier for their raw powders because the address on the dbol looked very close to the address on my original tren source. I really have to brew my own to make a better call on it, so now I have to wait til this summer.
    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-27-2010 at 04:56 PM.

  28. #28
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    Well good luck with it, I really hate the idea of having to wonder about the quality of something you have paid good money for and much more importantly set aside a third of a season to devote to a cycle only to have to wonder what the hell went wrong.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Well good luck with it, I really hate the idea of having to wonder about the quality of something you have paid good money for and much more importantly set aside a third of a season to devote to a cycle only to have to wonder what the hell went wrong.
    yes ffm, it's not the money it's the time wasted and even if it's under dose you still have to follow the proper pct and time off before starting again which can easily cost you a half of year.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    First time using prop. It's been 2hrs and nothing yet. Quad at 23g 1 1/2 in. Anything for me to be worried about?
    Not everyone gets pian with the PROP ester. It doesnt bother me at all either.

  31. #31
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    Lol this thread took an unexpected turn. E-wars FTW!

    I think it's official now. One of the lucky ones that don't feel the prop pain! Thanks for the info.

  32. #32
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    Yeah don't worry about the pain. I have never had pain from prop. T400 made my ass swell so bad it looked like each cheek was from a different person. I couldn't sit 4 the first two weeks then went to delts and finally got use to it by week 4. Very bad experience.

  33. #33
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    My apologies to all for ruining your beloved thread. I now see why so many good bros who I had much respect for have left this thread since my year or so sabatical.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    My apologies to all for ruining your beloved thread. I now see why so many good bros who I had much respect for have left this thread since my year or so sabatical.
    ya moron, you should have stayed on that sabatical if you're going to come back with useless childish comments. Instead of adding your input and answering the persons question

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