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Thread: syno prop/tren cycle and anti e's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.

    syno prop/tren cycle and anti e's

    Ready to run a syno prop and tren cycle. Should have almost all of the estrogen removed from the syno but still have concern about any remaining in the mix from the conversion. Anyhow, I am somewhat prone to gyno just like the next guy and want to minimize it as much as possible. I picked up letro from our sponsor as i have many other times. I understand that Nolva makes more sense because it will bind to the estrogen receptors but that nolva is also not a good choice when running tren. How about Anastrozole (L-dex)? Read about it in another forum and it might make sense. Anyhow, please advise. Main goal is to bind/block any remaining estrogen in the syno prop.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    Anyone? Ready to roll with this, just want to get the proper supplies on hand first. THANKS

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