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Thread: First cycle for 55yr old male

  1. #1

    First cycle for 55yr old male

    here is the thing. I'm 23 and have a decent amount of experience with things for myself. My father is 55 yrs old 5'9 165 lbs. He is very lean and in very good shape, spends a lot of time at the gym. not too many 55 yr old men i know have a 6 pack. But he watches the gains I make and gets envious of it. Granted ive been a Test junkie for a while now. He comes to me the other day asking if i can give him a boost. He has never done any type of anabolic. First thing i say is Test but he gives me the no go to the pins. Doesn't want to stick himself AND also doesn't want mumma to know. Next best thing i can think of besides legal HRT which i am working on doing with him, is anavar. Its very mild i figrued an 8 wk cycle of anavar at 50mg day he could maybe pick up about 8-10 lbs which he would be more than happy with and see very little side effects. Any input? For as much as i thought i knew... i'm lost when it comes to prescribing to my father. A little help is much appreciated. thanks

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wait till he gets his blood work back maybe hes a candidate for trt

  4. #4
    post edited..
    Last edited by DIRTYMAX; 12-30-2010 at 12:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Well well well....sounds like your daddy is ready to go!
    First of all, please take the cost/price talk out of your post. Not allowed to talk about this and if the moderators come around, they will not like this. And since you are new, thought I would give you heads up. Also might want to read the rules.

    As far as your pop....has he had any blood work done lately? And if he is real serious about starting a whole new life with some great input, then get him registered and over to the Hormone Replacement Therapy forum. He will learn so much from the guys there. They are full of great info.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Human Growth Hormone is the only sensible place to start in my book... He needs to get a baseline bloodtest for tryglcerides, cholesterols ect. Till then a couple/few ius of HGH will not hurt him

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Why would you say that ? HGH 1st you got to run it at least 6 mos to see anything.Not to mention cost.You got to be realistic about this.One doesnt startout on HGH.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    This is rediculous, a 55 yr old has no business doing steroids! He should keep out his old ass out of the gym so guys like me can get some sets in! Ohh wait a minute I am 55 I kinda forgot for a second...

    Welcome aboard... I have no experience with orals, but can tell you that IM test made all the difference in the world to me, I was not in nearly as good a shape as your dad when I started this summer at 55 but I am on my second cycle and have had nothing but good experiences with AAS so far. Although since I have no insurance and am broke I have no bloodwork to show the results, I think my recovery has been fine. Despite my age, my libido both on cycle and during PCT has been fine, gains have been great, and I have never felt better.

    Wish I could help you with advice on the oral but since I can't let me just welcome you aboard and say that your Dad will probably see the gains he seeks from straight AAS, although if he has the money to get medical growth then by all means make it part of the program.

    Just a quick thought, if you live nearby your dad would you pinning him with test be an option? You know what they say there is no better way for a father and son to bond...

    Good luck whatever route you take,


  9. #9
    Not sure yet. I'm still trying to convince him that pins are no big deal once you get used to it. Even if he can qualify for the program he still has to use one.. Test is easy to come by and i think he would see some excellent gains from it, especially given his body type. Maybe something like Andropen would be a decent start?

  10. #10
    androgel and androil to get him started....................when he gets comfortable start pinning.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I had Androgel and Testim as TRT, crap. Won' hardly raise your levels and the mum will definately wonder why he smells like a flowery girl. ex-nay on the el-gay.

    I have known guys to take winny only cycles and get some decent gains, not the best opion for a number of reasons though. I would get the old man pinnin 200mg of cyp twice a week. He will feel like a kid again. It would likely nearly double his current test levels. Combined with a clean diet and intake increase, he would see gains.

    I recommend a before set of labs, and another set of labs about 3 weeks in to see the test level increase. For TRT, you usually get 200mg every 7-10 days, depending on the doc, your size, etc.

    Keep it simple for a first cycle. 1 compound, moderate doses and make it more diet-centric. The test will get his levels up there where he needs to be without over doing it. a 23ga 1-1.25" pin is plently big and plenty long for delts and quads without unneccessary pain.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    as a side note, if he seeks TRT and is a candidate due to low levels, once he is on the treatment plan, he will likely only have to go see the doc once per year. Well, during that time, you could get him some test and up the does as I described above. The good thing about TRT is that PCT becomes a null point as you won't need PCT, you will just drop back down to the prescribed amount and cruise on. . .

    OH, and he will have a script. . .no more po po worries then. :-)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    I'm 55,
    I'm on TRT.
    No pct for me ever.
    Yes I still cycle.
    That being said. I imagine it would be very difficult if not impossible to recover from a cycle at our age.
    So as others have already mentioned.
    Get on TRT ASAP and you will be G2G... LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I'm a little older too. not sure about var only cycle. his woman won't appreciate it if he loses his libido. if he seriously complains to his GP about how he currently has NO libido, and his woman is upset about this, he can talk his way into a test program. (I'm talking from experience). This is really the best route, unless HGH, but those gains are much slower. His doc will prescribe a very low dose of test, and will put him in a position to where he can either just stay with that, or, if he likes, he can now stack var with that without destroying his libido.

  15. #15
    be sure you dad has nolva or an estrogen blocker on hand... People who are older are considerably more prone to producing estrogen on cycle then the younger guys.

  16. #16
    Far from massive
    thats out of line IMHO
    guys got every bit as much right if not more to use gym and any kind of gear he chooses

    you should respect your elders

  17. #17
    INSERT10.... read further into Far From Massives post. You will see he wasn't being serious..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DIRTYMAX View Post
    INSERT10.... read further into Far From Massives post. You will see he wasn't being serious..
    I guess he didn't get to the second paragraph where FFM said he too was 55. . . .lol

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