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Thread: Gains on aas

  1. #1
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    Gains on aas

    Hey there, I got a random question about gains on AAS.

    I hear it takes an estimated 4 weeks-10th pin for your cycle to begin, does that mean previous to thos weeks you dont gain anything... maybe minor weight + minor strength.

    I see 15-20lb gains and great strength, does this kick in after the estimated 4 week mark or slowly throughout

  2. #2
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Depends on what you are using. A cycle with Test E or Test C this would be true. What are you running exactly and how often?

    That is a decent generalization, but can vary wildly based on the compounds.

  3. #3
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
    TheMemoryRemains is offline Associate Member
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    Been researching Test E + Tren E... so ethanate esters. (forgot to mention the ester type)

  4. #4
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    By this being true, your saying you dont get much gains until that estimated mark then you just blow up

  5. #5
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    By this being true, your saying you dont get much gains until that estimated mark then you just blow up
    Enanthate estered gear will take 3-4 weeks to level out and peak in your system. This is when you will start seeing the gains. That isn't to say you wont feel some effect or some gains prior to that, but by week 4 your levels of compound in your blood will be maxed for that dose. Clear as mud?

  6. #6
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    Enanthate estered gear will take 3-4 weeks to level out and peak in your system. This is when you will start seeing the gains. That isn't to say you wont feel some effect or some gains prior to that, but by week 4 your levels of compound in your blood will be maxed for that dose. Clear as mud?
    I see said the blind man, thanks brother.

  7. #7
    eGGz's Avatar
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    The point of no return.
    Actually it takes more like 6 - 8 weeks for a long ester like enanthate to be "maxed out"
    You will definitely have enough gear in your system by week 4 to know you are "on"
    You won't "blow up" at any given point but if your diet, training, and rest are in order you will see some,,, far better than natural gains.
    So,, what is your age ?

  8. #8
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    15 -20 pounds is huge mate! dont get your hopes up... and with long esters well test E i have used i took up to the 5 week before i knew i was cooking..

  9. #9
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    Between 4-8 weeks is the point I gain 50-60% of the weight. The other 50% is split between the first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks. The strength seems to continue it's momentum throughout.

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Have your diet and workout in check for maximum gains.

  11. #11
    TheMemoryRemains's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duckhombre View Post
    Between 4-8 weeks is the point I gain 50-60% of the weight. The other 50% is split between the first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks. The strength seems to continue it's momentum throughout.
    Yeah, I see guys gain a estimate 5-10 pounds before the ester kicks in and another 5-10 pounds that are noticeable after the ester kick in with proper diet/excerise almost as if they just blew up... and yes strength throughout but its pinnacle near the maximum test levels at say 6-10/12 week mark saying if it were ethanate.

  12. #12
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    I did a 4wk dbol kicker on my 12 wk Test E cycle and I gained 25lbs in the first 4 weeks on dbol, mostly water weight. Then over the remaining 8 weeks I lost a lot of the water weight and got pretty tight. I really started noticing my gains at wk 7. I got so much stronger then I had ever been. I got too excited and hurt my shoulder. I was doing way too much weights. I agree that it takes 6 or so weeks for one to feel the max effects of a long ester.

  13. #13
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I did a 4wk dbol kicker on my 12 wk Test E cycle and I gained 25lbs in the first 4 weeks on dbol, mostly water weight. Then over the remaining 8 weeks I lost a lot of the water weight and got pretty tight. I really started noticing my gains at wk 7. I got so much stronger then I had ever been. I got too excited and hurt my shoulder. I was doing way too much weights. I agree that it takes 6 or so weeks for one to feel the max effects of a long ester.
    Very typical first cycle rookie mistake. I did the EXACT same thing. My left shoulder hasn't been 100% since. I still tweak it if I get a little sloppy with form on shoulder excercises. Every first timer should take this as a heads up. DOn't get crazy and hurt yourself. :-)

  14. #14
    cro's Avatar
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    i started feeling test e /eq 4th week. 8 pins in .
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    Hey there, I got a random question about gains on AAS.

    I hear it takes an estimated 4 weeks-10th pin for your cycle to begin, does that mean previous to thos weeks you dont gain anything... maybe minor weight + minor strength.

    I see 15-20lb gains and great strength, does this kick in after the estimated 4 week mark or slowly throughout

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