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  1. #1
    Lynx331 is offline Junior Member
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    Age.. 21? 25? I'm seeing conflicting info.. Can someone set it straight?

    Hey guys, recently I'm considering taking my first cycle. Been researching alot, first off im 23. Been working out since highschool. Was 145 lbs, made it to 185 lbs naturally with training and diet. Lately my diet has slipped, and I am down to 175. But I made a promise to myself for this new year I'm going to bust my ass to keep my diet in check, and I have really been considering using aas to help me achieve my goals. More than likely I would do one cycle, and then just do my absolute best to keep as much of the gains naturally from there on out. However I've always read you need to be 21 to even consider using them.. Now the info I have been finding mentions 25. What's the actual recommended age? I'm pretty confident I am done growing.. I haven't grew a shoe size or a inch in height in atleast 3-4 years. Only reason I know this is I am in a 13 shoe.. And thats the biggest the stores carried and I was wondering what I was gona do if it grew more. So basically I'm not trying to be a "noob" here, I have searched and I find conflicting 21/25 info. As it's been said all over these forums I only have one body and need to take care of it, that's why I'm here asking for your opinions. Thank you so much for your time.

  2. #2
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It is the conscience of this board to be 25 .
    The idea is that you are still able to utilize having the maximum amount of test in your body that you will have naturally .
    I would like to make sure you have pushed yourself to the max . I mean after training for several years and you have tried various routines to prepare your body for the next step . Drop sets , overloading , one rep max's and intense workouts til failure . This way when you increase strength by a considerable amount you don't end up with a injury .
    Muscles increase or grow faster than tendons and ligaments .

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You should wait a couple more years. Check your diet and really push yourself in the gym. You will see some great gains at your age without the use of AAS.

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    hi and welcome!
    You have already proven to yourself that you can do it naturally; so now is the time to go the extra 9 yards!
    A natural foundation will take you further and thinking that AAS will be the solution will not last long because unless you have your diet and training really in perfect shape, you will lose everything anyway.

    Plus it is just not worth messing with your natural test levels at 23. Why on earth would you risk ruining a good thing! Take advantage while you can because eventually you will wish you had!

    Good luck. If you need diet help, then go on over to the "Diet Question" forum and they will really get you to where you want to go.

    ps: have you read this by Marcus?
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 01-01-2011 at 11:55 AM.

  5. #5
    Lynx331 is offline Junior Member
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    My diet when I got to 185, was spot on. Anymore calories and I gained body fat, any less and I just lost weight.. I was eating every two hours, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, chicken breast, lean steaks with occasional higher fat ones added, protein shakes, post workout drink, spinach, apple oranges, carrots, cheat days for a calorie boost, and a gym bag full of vitamins and supplements to take throughout the day. So its my opinion I was pretty much maxed out as far as weight :-/. Which is what led me to this place now. But for safety's sake you guys are saying that I still could mess up my endocrine system at this age? Thanks for all your help I appreciate it
    Last edited by Lynx331; 01-01-2011 at 12:21 PM.

  6. #6
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Unlike most ppl I think its individual really. I dont think there is a magic number, everyone matures at different rates. Its really up to the person and how much it really means to them. Getting a couple more years in natty wont hurt at all.

    The main concern is you may still be in the late stages of development and intoducing hormones now could stunt that growth. Not only height but you endorine system as well. IMO unless you are getting ready to start competing at a high level and the risk is worth it to you, I would just hold off.

    Whats the worse that will happen by waiting? You will only get stronger and more refined naturally. At that age man you can still make progress bro beleive me, start looking at more advfanced techniqes to bring your training to the next level and nutrition as well. There is always ways to improve, no one will ever be 100% in those areas its a constant learning process. You will also discover that your body can do more than you ever realized once you start pushing using different methods and things like that.

  7. #7
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Its up to you mate but you only get the one body starting to early has risks read before you decide.

    Oh and slimmer me if thats you in your avatar thats too saucy for this board lol

  8. #8
    Lynx331 is offline Junior Member
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    Well, now you guys have me seriously reconsidering... Was pretty excited about it. But definitely don't want limp dick for the rest of my life.

  9. #9
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    at 23, I think you would be fine if you cycled now. So many others have done it without complications. Yes I know more conflicting advice, sorry.

  10. #10
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynx331 View Post
    Well, now you guys have me seriously reconsidering... Was pretty excited about it. But definitely don't want limp dick for the rest of my life.

    I really dont think you are at any more risk of this than anyone else who cycles IMO. You are a grown man, do your homework and make an educated decision while considering the side effects. IMO not much if anything is going to change in another 2 yrs BUT there will always be risks dont let anyone tell you different.

    I am not saying go ahead and cycle, because honestly I truelly feel its worth it for very few and not just to get alittle jacked. Just my .002 at the same time I hate bullshit scare tactics to scare ppl away from using. If your 23 your dick will stop working but if your 25 your g2g, stuff like that its crap. Just be smart and safe and always do your own homework.

  11. #11
    Lynx331 is offline Junior Member
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    Well now I'm on the fence.. I know a guy who's been on them all his life pretty much.. I'll see what he has to say about things to. I was really looking forward to it... But it's not worth messing up my body for the rest of my life.. I mean achieving my ultimate goal of 200lbs means a great deal to me.. But not at the price of damaging my body. I'm going to do some more research, but basically it seems like right now I'd be taking a "chance" at messing something up.. Which scares the crap out of me. Oh and by the way I appreciate how nice and respectful everyone is, every other forum I've been on for other things if I ask a "noob" question I just get flamed like crazy, so thank you all again. Am I correct with my theory tho? Since I don't knownwhat stage my body is in at this age I will be taking a "chance"?

  12. #12
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    I'm of the opinion that it should be 25. I've read a lot of posts from more experienced users as well did quite a bit of research on my own. My conclusion is that the average male becomes physically mature between 18 to 23. But it takes another few years for the emotional side to mature. AAS is a powerful stimulus to the body. It makes one look good, feel good, and feel powerful. These are purely the physical manifestation of the AAS. It takes emotional maturity and self control not to abuse these powerful substances. As my insurance agent tells me that there is a 100% accident rate for young men under 25 with bullet bikes, I think it is similar with young people doing cycles. I think 25 is a good age for people because it gives them a little more experience. This board is all about safety. I think it is safer to cycle when one's turned 25. My .02

  13. #13
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    the whole 25 thing is a really conservative approach if you ask me. Odds are not much will change between 23 and 25, and having the patience to wait a full two years is next to impossible. I wouldn't flame you with whatever you decide to do. I started 2 months before my 25th birthday (this past august) but only because I finally mustered the courage to find a source and stick a needle in my body on a regular basis.

  14. #14
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    Oh and slimmer me if thats you in your avatar thats too saucy for this board lol
    I think she looks great.

  15. #15
    Lynx331 is offline Junior Member
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    Ahh decisions decisions.... Thank you guys for all your help. I'm gona give it some serious thought

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