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  1. #1
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    Cool Test C, Deca, T-Bol, Var Cycle!!

    5'11.5, 219lbs, Probably 16% bf right now (been bulking for several wks), 24yrs, Training Experience = last 4yrs have been pretty hardcore so that's all that matters for this category, played basketball/baseball, on a "bodybuilding" type of training schedule right now - hitting arms/shoulders e5d (lagging body parts I want to bring up) - doing a type of periodization protocol with my lifts...

    I am currently on an 8wk cycle that looks like this:

    Test Cyp 1-8 625mg
    Deca 1-8 375mg
    T-bol 1-4 50mg
    Proviron 1-10 30mg
    Anavar 7-10 50mg
    Nolva 11-14 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 11-14 100/100/50/50

    I'm in week 7 of the cycle now, and I'm seriously thinking about adding the T3 that I have into the cycle soon in order to cut up. I was definitely going to use T3 and Helios in weeks 9-13 to combat cortisol and fat gain, but like I said, I'm really considering using the T3 sooner. What do you guys think about that? I will be adding the Anavar shortly as well. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!

    I will wait until around May to begin this 8 week cycle:

    Test Cyp 1-8 625mg
    Tren Ace 1-8 250mg eod
    Proviron 1-10 30mg
    Anavar 6-10 50mg
    Nolva 11-14 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 11-14 100/100/50/50

    I do have some arimidex handy for either cycle. I also have (2) 5000iu kits of HCG --> what would be the best way to utilize these for each cycle? Would it make sens to use it in wk 11 when starting the nolva? I believe I have read that hcg has estrogenic properties (kind of like clomid) so would I need to use an aromatase inhibitor like arimidex? Any other suggestions / comments about either cycle are welcome. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    yea bump

  3. #3
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    Mhm, you're more experienced so i guess you won't listen..
    But do you really need that many compounds?

    I would have thought you would be better off with something simplier?
    Test-p 600mg 1-12
    Tren -a 400mg 1-12

    Lower the compounds and increase cycle length?

    especially considering you are using a long esthered test base

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well you are on a lot of gear for being so young.How many cycles you have under your belt?

  5. #5
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexandex View Post
    Mhm, you're more experienced so i guess you won't listen..
    But do you really need that many compounds?

    I would have thought you would be better off with something simplier?
    Test-p 600mg 1-12
    Tren -a 400mg 1-12

    Lower the compounds and increase cycle length?

    especially considering you are using a long esthered test base
    are you referring to the cycle I am on now? I am currently on a cycle of test c and deca . About to add the var into my cycle and run it up until pct also...I'm thinking about using the t3 I have to cut as much fat as I can and keep b/f levels down throughout pct

    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well you are on a lot of gear for being so young.How many cycles you have under your belt?
    I'm 24 now and have around 6-7 cycles under my belt so far.... I have been bulking for almost two months now and have gained about 16lbs. Now I want to shred the fat that has come with the bulk

    Any suggestions about t3 during cycle???

  6. #6
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    Wow bump

  7. #7
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    8 weeks of Test Cyp and Deca are a waste IMO. For having done 7 cycles, you should have a lot more anabolic knowledge and better numbers than 5'11", 219lbs. @ 16% BF.

  8. #8
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    8 weeks of Test Cyp and Deca are a waste IMO. For having done 7 cycles, you should have a lot more anabolic knowledge and better numbers than 5'11", 219lbs. @ 16% BF.
    Actually, keeping cycles shorter (8wks) is smarter when one is thinking about their future hormone levels and trying to avoid being on hrt for the rest of their life. Anabolic knowledge is a pretty dumb term to use, IMO. I would rather have knowledge on overall health, wellness, nutrtion, training technique/periodization, supplementation and use all of those things to my advantage in order to gain muscle, better my physique, and accomplish goals I strive for. Also, I would say that starting out at a sloppy 240+ lbs at one point, then cutting down to a ripped 170, and ultimately building back to 219 while keeping b/f relatively low is a pretty good accomplishment. With all that being said, I believe useless posts like yours are the epitomy of negativity and stupidity. Perhaps you dont know all you think you do and maybe I have more "anabolic knowledge" than you after all.

    Anyone who wishes to give a proper and useful response in this thread is welcome to and appreciated.

  9. #9
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    Actually, keeping cycles shorter (8wks) is smarter when one is thinking about their future hormone levels and trying to avoid being on hrt for the rest of their life. Anabolic knowledge is a pretty dumb term to use, IMO. I would rather have knowledge on overall health, wellness, nutrtion, training technique/periodization, supplementation and use all of those things to my advantage in order to gain muscle, better my physique, and accomplish goals I strive for. Also, I would say that starting out at a sloppy 240+ lbs at one point, then cutting down to a ripped 170, and ultimately building back to 219 while keeping b/f relatively low is a pretty good accomplishment. With all that being said, I believe useless posts like yours are the epitomy of negativity and stupidity. Perhaps you dont know all you think you do and maybe I have more "anabolic knowledge" than you after all.

    Anyone who wishes to give a proper and useful response in this thread is welcome to and appreciated.
    i hear you on keeping cycles short, get in, get out, recover .however there are shorted esters that are more suited for that type of cycle ie test prop and nandralone phynelpropianate (spelling). i dont think you will benifit as much with the longer esters especially when one of them is deca which delivers slow gains.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-06-2011 at 02:08 PM.

  10. #10
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    i hear you on keeping cycles short, get in, get out, recover .however there are shorted esters that are more suited for that type of cycle ie test prop and nandralone phynelpropianate (spelling). i dont think you will benifit as much with the longer esters especially when one of them is deca which delivers slow gains.
    I understand the shorter esters are out there, but npp isn't known to be a great builder and I've always rather used test e and c. I've heard conflicting arguments about deca - some say minimum 12wks while others say they've gained a lot from shorter, 8wk cycles. Too much bro science out there to be 100% sure, which is why people need to test things out for themselves and see how their particular body responds. Do you disagree?

  11. #11
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    There are several questions asked in the first post. Does anyone care to comment on those?

  12. #12
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    I dont see the point in running deca and test c for 8 weeks. Do some more research.

  13. #13
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    Also, I would say that starting out at a sloppy 240+ lbs at one point, then cutting down to a ripped 170, and ultimately building back to 219 while keeping b/f relatively low is a pretty good accomplishment
    That could be achieved comfortably naturally, let alone with SEVEN cycles.

    Or to do it faster, 1 quality cut cycle followed by 1 quality bulk cycle, could easily net you those stats.
    I'd rather shut down my system for 10-12weeks twice, than have it on and off 7 times to net the same results, but thats just based on my personal opinion / research.

  14. #14
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Hm so far only haters. Awesome. Guess it's what I should've expected from this board. Anyway, the SIX TO SEVEN CYCLES includes TWO 4 week "pro-hormone" cycles which were "technically steroids " as well as my first cycle of tren and winstrol which I did not execute correctly. Let me guess, now you're going to say "you did pro-hormones and didn't do your very first cycle correctly? Wow what an idiot! Do more research." haha and my response is "Hmm I didn't know everybody on this board started out with the perfect compounds, the perfect dosage, the perfect diet, the perfect discipline, and the perfect training when they were on their very first cycle. I must be the only one. I must be the only one who has every tried a "pro-hormone" too right?" Lmao. U internet guys kill me sometimes. Anyways, so if you want to get technical about my cycles we'll say I have done THREE cycles properly over several years and have had great results.......

  15. #15
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexandex View Post
    That could be achieved comfortably naturally, let alone with SEVEN cycles.

    Or to do it faster, 1 quality cut cycle followed by 1 quality bulk cycle, could easily net you those stats.
    I'd rather shut down my system for 10-12weeks twice, than have it on and off 7 times to net the same results, but thats just based on my personal opinion / research.
    Almost everything could be achieved "comfortably naturally". I seriously doubt that you have had the same results from two twelve week cycles, but honestly I could really care less. I am not in a contest with you or anyone else on this board, but since you obviously think you are smarter and better than me I'll just throw it out there and would be willing to bet that you can't lift 120lb dbs for flat db bench X sets of 8. Hmm..yea if you want to get smart and stupid on the internet, then let's do it big guy. Dumb asses like u that chyme in with irrelevant, pointless, garbage posts rather than actually trying to help someone out should be banned and then knocked out for good measure. You're a waste of life

    And thanks so much for your post bjpenn with four N's (can't win again) it really helps me out with this current cycle. Whew, idk what I would do without that info.

  16. #16
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    Hm so far only haters. Awesome. Guess it's what I should've expected from this board. Anyway, the SIX TO SEVEN CYCLES includes TWO 4 week "pro-hormone" cycles which were "technically steroids" as well as my first cycle of tren and winstrol which I did not execute correctly. Let me guess, now you're going to say "you did pro-hormones and didn't do your very first cycle correctly? Wow what an idiot! Do more research." haha and my response is "Hmm I didn't know everybody on this board started out with the perfect compounds, the perfect dosage, the perfect diet, the perfect discipline, and the perfect training when they were on their very first cycle. I must be the only one. I must be the only one who has every tried a "pro-hormone" too right?" Lmao. U internet guys kill me sometimes. Anyways, so if you want to get technical about my cycles we'll say I have done THREE cycles properly over several years and have had great results.......
    No hating, you asked for opinions and you got them. You are the only one hating on sound advice that running long ester compounds for a short time is pointless, especially when there are shorter esters which are designed for this purpose.
    Tear down your defensive wall and maybe consider that your way isn't always the right way.
    Good luck

  17. #17
    wizard1997's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    No hating, you asked for opinions and you got them. You are the only one hating on sound advice that running long ester compounds for a short time is pointless, especially when there are shorter esters which are designed for this purpose.
    Tear down your defensive wall and maybe consider that your way isn't always the right way.
    Good luck
    Agree with MBMETC 100%.

  18. #18
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    I'm in week 7 of the cycle now, and I'm seriously thinking about adding the T3 that I have into the cycle soon in order to cut up. I was definitely going to use T3 and Helios in weeks 9-13 to combat cortisol and fat gain, but like I said, I'm really considering using the T3 sooner. What do you guys think about that? I will be adding the Anavar shortly as well. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!

    Figured I would go ahead and copy & paste this bit from my opening post in case anyone wanted to try to give me helpful/useful information. Thanks a lot everyone. Awesome responses so far
    Last edited by BGIZZLE8629; 01-09-2011 at 08:46 PM. Reason: typo

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