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  1. #1
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    another question about tren, but this one is person specific...

    I am wanting to start tren E and I am already using test e.. how much test e should i be using? currently 1000mg a week is keeping me in check to where i want to stay at with just the test e. Also if I were to switch the test e to sust, same question... how much with the tren . im 5'11 201lbs in case that matters. I tried it before but it didnt work well at all.. i feel like I got all the sides but none of the gain. But that was when i started using gear for the first time and didnt know much about what i was doing. Another question about the tren is, how important is sleep with tren? i really dont get much sleep as it is and as u all know, tren cuts that back pretty good... It didnt work very well last time either due to my sleep or my eating habbits. the eating habbits have def been improved. Also, should I be eating more or less than using just the test alone
    ? Thanks in advance for the advice.
    Last edited by clayton2127; 01-05-2011 at 02:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Why so much test, your running the same amount of test that i would expect from a pro bber???

    How many cycles have you done, and what did they consist of???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayton2127 View Post
    Hey everyone. Alittle background.. im 25 years old and I lift religiously. I have been hardcore weight training for about a year, working out in general for about 2 years. I used to be 240 lbs all fat. I lost all my weight, went to about 180 and now im about 202 after working on weight lifting.. Anyways. Ive been on 2 cycles so far.. The majority has been Test e and sust. I have tried tren before and thats a no go.. i dont get enough sleep for it to work. I only get about 6 hrs of sleep as it is. once i started taking that it got cut to about 3.. Im up to about 1000 a week, maybe 1100 mg of test e or sust per week. I am in the market for something else. I have loved my gains on both of them but I am looking for another route now. I could stand to lose about 10 lbs from my mid section and sides. But I do not want to lose and muscle mass.. So im prob gonna stay away from any cutting agents for now. I was doing some research and I was looking at finaplix.. The article i read was kind of contradicting.. What are your alls thoughts on it? also, what other stacks work well? Also, i have tried dbol as well and I think i might start back on that again as well.. Its all up in the air.. Any ideas would be awesome. Thanks alot.
    ^^Not trying to bust your bubbles, but your training and cycle experience is no where near up to par to be supplying yourself over a gram of anabolics man, not to mention considering Trenbolone on top of all that Test. I realize you are already undergoing your cycle, and probably won't stop no matter what anyone says, but try to realize not even some top qualifying NPC competitors are taking as much gear as you are. It simply isn't needed to be using that much gear unless you have the bunkest gear on the planet. I have plenty of advice to offer but I strongly feel you wouldn't apply it. Just try to realize it's best to use the least amount of drugs you can while still effectively providing yourself with the benefits they have to offer.

  4. #4
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    All i know is that if i weree to go back to using 500 a week for example, everything will drop.. ive seen it from myself.. tried because money was alittle tight and wanted to make stuff last... what would u all recommend while taking the tren ? maybe your right, maybe the gear im using is crap.. def possibility.. but i am actually about to go with a new brand for my next order.. also, i will take any advice, thats why im on here.. so i can learn more.. this is my second cycle and the first was the same, just test e then switched to sust since it was the only thing avail from my source at the time.. also tried tren for 4 weeks and it did nothing ecept make me sweat and not sleep.. that was about 75mg eod. oh and also, even using 1000mg a week of test, ive had pretty much no side effects.. alil acne on the back and thats it. i was educated by my source, a friend of mine who started me on it and im thinking now i need a new teacher.. guess thats where u guys come in lol
    Last edited by clayton2127; 01-05-2011 at 03:24 AM.

  5. #5
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayton2127 View Post
    All i know is that if i weree to go back to using 500 a week for example, everything will drop.. ive seen it from myself.. tried because money was alittle tight and wanted to make stuff last... what would u all recommend while taking the tren? maybe your right, maybe the gear im using is crap.. def possibility.. but i am actually about to go with a new brand for my next order.. also, i will take any advice, thats why im on here.. so i can learn more.. this is my second cycle and the first was the same, just test e then switched to sust since it was the only thing avail from my source at the time.. also tried tren for 4 weeks and it did nothing ecept make me sweat and not sleep.. that was about 75mg eod
    thats because your diet and training are sub-par and you taking the easy way out by shoving more and more test into your system.

  6. #6
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    really?my training is sub par? i think not my friend. maybe the diet could use some work but not the training. apparently i need to learn alot more about this so why dont u educate me...

  7. #7
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Well my advice is simple, spend more time in the gym and find out the magic of what long term nutrition plans can do for you. You obviously had success losing all of that weight, imagine what you can do to put on LBM naturally. A year in the gym is not enough time to result to steroids to further your fitness goals. I know it's not what you want to hear but believe me if everyone was pumping themselves full of steroids after a mere 12 months of training, steroids in general would have a worse reputation then it already has. People these days seem to forget the dedication, discipline and determination it takes to transform the human body through years of training and dieting. The "i want it now" era is bigger than ever now and it just seems people don't want to work hard without having some type of drug enhancement to fuel and motivate themselves.

    I've personally cycled up to around 700mg of anabolics, then cycled again after that at a mere 350mg of anabolics and still managed to make successful gains from it. I firmly believe that if you gave your body some time to recover from all the drugs, rely on a solid diet program, mature yourself in the gym a bit more, then decide to cycle... you'll do fine off a simple 400-500mg test only cycle. This is still multiple times the amount of what your body naturally secretes in a week anyways, there shouldn't be a reason your body will not respond effectively at this dose given the proper recovery time it needs.

    i am a bull shitter, can't be trusted, a prick, and a dickhead from the wise words of the geezer himself. i cry myself to sleep every night because i'm a little pansy and scared shitless of old fuks and their inspirational insults that truly hurt me deeply wah wah wah i'm a fuking crybaby since the old fuker knows so much about me and my lifestory, boo ho wah wah wah..
    Last edited by HawaiianPride.; 01-08-2011 at 07:24 AM. Reason: the geezer makes me cry myself to sleep everynight through his hurtful insults wah wah wah wah wah

  8. #8
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    ya know what... thats honestly what i needed to hear... i figured something was wrong..i appreciate ur honesty and I am actually going to try what u said... might take me a few weeks to ween off the gear since ive done so well with it but i think im gonna try...

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    We dont call him our think tank for nothing bro

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