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  1. #1
    dguth is offline New Member
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    Comments or suggestion on EQ/Primo/Winny stack

    I am looking for comments or suggestions around my proposed stack below. If you have tried this before, let me know your results, etc...

    Stats: 5'11'' 200pds, 10% bodyfat, experienced AS user.
    Goal: Obtain 10 to 15 pds of lean muscle, preparation for summer, with limited water gain, and maintain results

    Proposed Cycle:

    Week 1-10: Primobolan 300mgs
    Week 1-10: Equipoise 300mgs
    Week 6-12: Winny 50mg ED

    Beginning clomid after last day of Winny.

    I know most of you would say bump up the Primo and EQ to 400mg a week, but due to funds, I have decided to stay around 300mgs a week, I think 200 would be too low. Let me know if you agree.

    Also, the EQ I am looking to get is Equipoise (Boldenone ) 1ml/100mg, has anyone ever tried this? This is the first time I have seen EQ offered as a 1ml/100mg ampule, if any of you have tried this type of EQ let me know.

  2. #2
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    well you are still topping at around a gram of test/derivitives a week, so your doses dont need to be much higher, but i would still run the eq higher, i dont get much off it from lower doses but maybe in combination with the other you'll see some good stuff, other than that the cycle should be great....and who is the manufacturer of the eq? equipoise (boldenone ) doesn't say a whole lot, boldenone is the compound itself and equispoise is a common market name, but i think only one company is registered to use the name 'equipoise'...

  3. #3
    dguth is offline New Member
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    Actually, I am trying to find that out the manufacturer name of the EQ, I just have never seen it sold or manufactured in 1ml/100mg ampules. Once I get the name I will post back.

    Also, do you think if I drop down to 200mg Primo and 200mg of EQ, I would still get same results or keep the dosage at 300?

  4. #4
    Prot is offline Banned
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    forget the winny and use dbol . Primo cause hair loss if thats a problem. you can get leaner on dbol if you watch your diet...

  5. #5
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    ok well im sorry but i would have to agree with prot, because he wants to gain LEAN muscle mass not water weight, bro i would wait if you dont have the funds.......other than that ur cycle looks good,,, later bro

  6. #6
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    forget the will gain a ton of water weight with dbol and your gains will also be harder to keep......lean gains will not be made with dbol....primo and winny stack well together, and eq and winny stack well together.....i like your cycle bro...keep it just the way it is....unless you can get 400mgs a week of the eq and primo

  7. #7
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    opps i meant to say disagree with prot...sorry

  8. #8
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    juice man----that clears some stuff up for me...i was wondering how on earth anybody would choose dbol over winny for lean gains

  9. #9
    Prot is offline Banned
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    May 2002

    its ok to disagree

    but for me winny gives nothing but sore joints. I lose bodyfat with low dose dbol ..and I never gain water weight. Eqipoise and primo do nothing for me personally. I would always use test and dbol and watch the diet.Only deca causes me to retain fluids.
    Last edited by Prot; 03-04-2003 at 10:53 PM.

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