Ok guys Ive been reading up on this forum and doing some research because I wanna take my first cycle but I wanna do it right. Here is my situation Im 23 y/o and im about 5'7 about 150-160 lbs. When I first started working out about 4 years ago i took a supplement called "superdrol" by anabolic xtreme. It gave me great results BUT I was never told that I needed to take a PCT after it. Because of that I got gynecomastia which I just recently had surgery a couple months back to remove the fat from my breast. I also had bad acne when I was a teen and this made it really bad, to the point where my dermatoligist put me on accutane (this was about 2 years ago). What im looking to gain out of my first cycle is a little more mass and more definition because as much as I have worked out in the past it seems really difficult for me to get cut. I wanna get opinions on what I should take and how much of it, as I am acne prone even though I have not had an outbreak since I took accutane (a pimple here and there every now and then). I appreciate the help !!