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Thread: Is it possible to maintain Muscle after a few cycle of Test Prop & Tbol?

  1. #1

    Is it possible to maintain Muscle after a few cycle of Test Prop & Tbol?

    I'm 25 years old, 5'8 148lbs and 10% bodyfat. I started working out (workouts from the book scrawny to Brawny) for about 3 months and have started eating 6 meals including a shack per day.
    I was thinking of doing a few cycles(Min. 2, Max 4) of Test Prop and oral-Tbol and I'm just wondering if it's possible to hold onto the Muscle mass gained after a few cycles without going back to roids? Trying to go for the buff sprinter look. any advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Well welcome to the board...

    Yes is the simple answer to your question, however its mainly dependent on diet, training and lifestyle.

    Diet being the most important factor, at this time you are 148lbs which would suggest to me your diet isn't dialed in... If you were to do a cycle and say gained 20lds which is possible and you continued with your current diet then that 20lbs would soon disappear and you would go back to square one...

    The other important things to figure in here is training, you need to be training for a minimum of two years before ever considering aas. We use aas to break through those natural limits that decide for us what our potential is... Once you hit that natural limit which takes years, not months then its time to look at aas...

    I believe with more training and a solid diet in place you could easily get to 180lbs without using chemicals....

    Where to begin, start by posting your diet in the diet forum and your training routine in the training forum, you will receive all the help you need...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    listen to matt ,great advice.

  4. #4
    Thanks guys

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