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Thread: Probation testing and my dbol

  1. #1

    Probation testing and my dbol

    22yrs old
    5ft 8, 145lbs
    I was taking 25mg a day of dbol until a month before my probation ua. My probation moved to a brand new jail with all new tech for testing. I took my ua and must have passed, but im still a little skeptical on starting back up because i have another ua in 45 days. Question is do i have anything to worry about when it comes to my next ua if i went back on? Any advice?

  2. #2
    Unless your charges are AAS related I doubt they will bother testing
    you for AAS. Its most likely a 5 panel rec drug screen,,,typically.

  3. #3
    Never heard of them testing for roids, it is not considered a rec drug. I've took several ua's while on prop and deca and never had any questions raised. I guess everywhere is different. Good luck with your probation!!!!!!

  4. #4
    how about stop breaking the law.

  5. #5
    Im on probation for an assault "fight" whatever u wana call it, only on it for 6months. Would have it showed up in the ua if they tested for it? I took it for a month and stopped a month before the test. Also i go in a cup, they put my name on some tape, cover the top and i dont know where it goes after that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    At your age and weight you have no business using aas. Eat some food and put the dbol away.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    how about stop breaking the law.
    I doubt if there are many here who haven't upon occasion broke the law. Most people are in two classes... those who have broken the law and been caught and those who have broken the law and have not been caught or prosecuted.

    If everyone here conformed to the "stop breaking the law" government propaganda, this website would not be anywhere near as popular as it is now, and who then would help people be safe, rather than accept the great wisdom of just doing what you are told and stop breaking the law.

    Be safe and whatever you do, avoid contact or confrontation with law enforcement. This is more realistic than just doing what you are told, which works for me.

  8. #8
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You shouldn't have to worry about the ua. I have never heard of them testing for it. And yes at your age you should not be using.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    bruary ,was up bro? damn law breakers? what are you running a d-bol only cycle? no good.
    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    how about stop breaking the law.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Agreed with the above post, who said unless your charges were AAS related, they probably would not be screening for it, they are probably just looking for the normal : cocaine, THC, MDMA, ect.... but I think you should lay off the stuff for a while and TRAIN, EAT, SLEEP.

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