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Thread: 3rd cycle starting in Thailand, want to frontload so i need ideas plssss

  1. #1

    3rd cycle starting in Thailand, want to frontload so i need ideas plssss

    Hey ive done 3 cycles before with good results.
    was about 4 years ago i did my last,
    1st was just 500mg sus 250 pw
    2nd was 500mg sus 250 pw with anapolon papers (cant remember dosage)
    3rd was 500mg sus 250 pw with Tren acetate (unsure mg there too)
    im 32yo approx 216pounds w/ 13-14 bf...

    I am heading to Thailand in a week and to be honest i want to take advantage of frontloading a few compounds cos im in Australia and bringing back isnt an option unfortunately. When i get home i have 3x 10ml sust 250 waiting for me and Nolva.
    Q: Is it possible to say, jump onto a few compounds in the 2 weeks im there and come back to Oz and continue just on the Sust?

    My goal is to drop some bf and get some lean muscle gains, my diet is not spot on but i do eat sensibly i think.
    Also you prob wondering why all the Sustanon? Well i just feel so damm good on it,tren was a nightmare and anapolon water gain was ridiculous!!!!
    I havent had a single side effect to sus but have had terrible agitation on tren and heapsa water on anapolon.
    What would be a good way to take advantage of my 2 weeks there??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Post ur stats

    Yrs training
    Planned pct

  3. #3
    216 pounds
    6f 3
    13-14% bf
    7 years training
    pct, still researching, have some nolva but will look at it depending on the cycle i do... hope that helps........

  4. #4
    hi.. i went to thailand few years ago. if you want to just drop bf try muay thai kickboxing. it cheap and results are great.
    whish i had the time to go back there as need to cut bf myself..

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