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  1. #1
    rombus is offline Banned
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    Experiences with Arnor thyroid, Westhroid

    I know T3 cytomel is very common. I have tried it myself, with a max dose of 75mcg, tapered on and tapered off.

    Has anyone tried other forms of thyroid hromone ie, Armor or Westhroid? Any experiences?

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    I have tried Amour and cytomel and synthroid .
    Was on synthroid for many years.
    Then switched to synthroid/cytomel compounded together in one dose
    then just armour
    then back to synthroid and cytomel separated and not together in one dose
    and now synthroid and liquid t3......and I have taken armour with some added cytomel

    THE JURY IS STILL OUT! Many people swear by armour as you will find tons of info including FB pages dedicated to it.
    I am not so sure though. To tell you the truth, I think I respond better to the synthetic t3/t4 combo and not the desiccated porcine and I am shocked!

    Keep in mind the ratio of the t3/t4 when taking armour/westhroid which I am sure you already know....but just in case

    bottom line? got to keep monitoring and tweaking until you get it just right!

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