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Thread: HCG drops?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state

    HCG drops?

    hey guys, just been browsing on the net and found a site that i can buy HCG off however the HCG they have available are drops?

    I remember reading somewhere about swifto saying that hes not sure that HCG drops are legit?

    So i emailed the site and they said they are legit HCG drops so explained i would need them as i using a cycle of steriods then they sent me the link to buy them.

    So the main question is do HCG drops exist and work aswell as the injectable type?

  2. #2
    Never heard of an oral Hcg. Im curious about this also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Yeah its a reputable site dont wanna break the rules though but be good if some vets know? They are 60ml drops?

    Why Choose Homeopathic HCG Drops Over Injections?

    Same Results! Participants that have tried both the full strength hormone injections and these homeopathic drops and have reported the same results if not better from the homeopathic drops. These participants have become homeopathic HCG drop supporters!

    Sure shedding that extra weight and the ability to keep it off is one of the biggest rewards of the following Dr. Simeons protocol and resetting your hypothalamus, but there are more exciting benefits people have reported.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2009
    the drops are for a HCG diet for females where the body mimics pregnancy while eating a 500 calorie diet I have not been convinced this is the same HCG considering they sell it at homeopathic places.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    Yeah its a reputable site dont wanna break the rules though but be good if some vets know? They are 60ml drops?

    Why Choose Homeopathic HCG Drops Over Injections?

    Same Results! Participants that have tried both the full strength hormone injections and these homeopathic drops and have reported the same results if not better from the homeopathic drops. These participants have become homeopathic HCG drop supporters!

    Sure shedding that extra weight and the ability to keep it off is one of the biggest rewards of the following Dr. Simeons protocol and resetting your hypothalamus, but there are more exciting benefits people have reported.
    I found a site that sells that stuff. Done a bit of research and unlucky to find it is not the same. The only place that says its the same are places selling the stuff. Thought I was onto a good thing.

  6. #6
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    there all diluted junk

  7. #7
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    Like kissing a picture...

    Look at it this way, HCG needs to be mixed with bacteriostatic water and refridgerated to be stored and even then it only keeps a month. What have they discovered about storage that the drug makers have missed?

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Homeopathic HCG is a scam.

  9. #9
    There is no such thing as an oral HCG all that stuff you see on the internet are bogus. But if you still want to get it you can find these homeopathic HCG at amazon or GNC at unbelievable prices lol.

  10. #10
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    I had a guy at my work taking the stuff. He was doing it for weight loss and the site gave him a very restricted calorie diet to follow. I was more curious about the diet and, as previous posts said, it was anywhere between 300-500 cals per day. I rolled my eyes thinking: "Go figure." I asked him what the concentration of HCG was in the drops and he didn't know. He did say they put a appetite suppressant in the drops, though. I'd stear clear of the drops if you are trying to build strength and/or mass.

    Another guy at work was taking prescripted oral tabs of HCG which melt in the mouth. He received the script from his wife's diet clinic. He admitted he knew nothing about it and was being her lab rat for a few weeks. I don't know if he had any success because he is a DB and I never spoke to him again. I can say he was a small guy, didn't know how to train or diet, and I could cardio him into the ground.

    Stick with what works.

    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    hey guys, just been browsing on the net and found a site that i can buy HCG off however the HCG they have available are drops?

    I remember reading somewhere about swifto saying that hes not sure that HCG drops are legit?

    So i emailed the site and they said they are legit HCG drops so explained i would need them as i using a cycle of steriods then they sent me the link to buy them.

    So the main question is do HCG drops exist and work aswell as the injectable type?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Thanks for all the replies thought it was too good to be true lol. I thought it had something to do with the HCG diet, I remember reading plenty of studies that think the HCG diet that there are no conclusive evidence that they actually work...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    hey guys, just been browsing on the net and found a site that i can buy HCG off however the HCG they have available are drops?

    I remember reading somewhere about swifto saying that hes not sure that HCG drops are legit?

    So i emailed the site and they said they are legit HCG drops so explained i would need them as i using a cycle of steriods then they sent me the link to buy them.

    So the main question is do HCG drops exist and work aswell as the injectable type?
    Only use REAL HCG. Not the 'supplement' type form.

  13. #13
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    I saw oral testosterone enthanate today.. I think im going to take it

    same idea

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