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  1. #1
    elcrisp76's Avatar
    elcrisp76 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    anavar use pre endo appt..

    I posted this in the TRT sectoin but was advised to repost to the main forum:

    I saw my GP around mid 2010 and had bloodwork done. Showed all the physical symptoms of low test and the tests confirmed this showing the range between 2.9 -3.4.

    Being a PT is was really affecting my work, so tracked down some anavar which I've been running at 100mg/day for the last 2.5 months.

    I have an endo appointment next Monday, but am still running the var. I can't really find a lot of confirmation about what the var is doing, except that it has me shut down, and need to know if I should drop it before consulting the endo. If he runs further tests and the var is somehow propping my test levels I'm gonna look like a total goose. Have been waiting this appt for months, really don't want to have to ditch the cycle if I don't have to, but certainly don't want to have to reschedule the appointment..

    Anyone got some advice? Should I drop the var and start running pct, or am I fine to keep running it??

    (Obviously I'm not concerned about being shut down for the appointment, I just don't want to walk in there and find my test levels showing a false "high" reading.. Better the other way around!)

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2010
    if your on trt now your test levels will be in range of your prescribed dose if thats all your doing.
    if you are not on trt and running only var you are more than likely shut down and produceing no natural test, therefore i would expect your level to be extremely low..

  3. #3
    elcrisp76's Avatar
    elcrisp76 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Ah confirmation, thanks.. Not concerned about the test being too low, just couldn't figure out if var might somehow increase the test scores..

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