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  1. #1
    24tyrone is offline Junior Member
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    first cycle without test

    hey guys

    i had a q i wanted to ask, i been readin alot about this too
    just a innocent q before we get people trying to slate me lol

    i have been wanting to cycle for a few years now but after reading more learning etc i decided i was not ready even a few times i had bought the gears ready to start and didnt proceed

    the only things i have taken were clenbuterol for4 weeks at 180mcg a day
    lost a tonne of bf

    going to do t3 now for a month at 75

    my question is

    why are people so against cycles tht dont include test/ ie wintrol only cycle or dianabol only cycle

    why im asking this is because all the real people i have met in person gym owners amateur and 1 professional bodybuilder have always reccomended a first 6 week cycle of dianabol 20mgs a day for 6 weeks to bulk up
    and to cut up 6weeks of winny at 50mg a day, then when your happy with the shape bulk up etc

    so like i wanna know why so many of us on here are against these types of cycles

    maybe its my region i dont know or here in the uk everyone i know who has and does take gear has done this

    2nd cycles have been 2mil test 2mil deca to bulk up
    2nd cycle to cut up has usually been test/tren
    obv i understand tht theyre much stronger compounds so u take test so ur dick functions

    all the old school bodybuilders i have spoken to because i have been interested in steroids and to learn about them for a long time, they all said too tht 6weeks dbol first cycle
    and they said back in the day they just used to take deca on its own coz test just bloats you up, and they also used hcg

    so i guess i mean why are people so against the single dbol or winny only first cycle, are they really that bad for you?

    my brother wanted to do a winny only cycle, after i told him about the forum he decided he should follow what all you guys say and did the 500mg test for 12 weeks, he got to week 2 and nipples messed up he got gyno, he immediately stopped the test cycle
    2months later he did a winny only cycle for 6 weeks no hairloss, he had 4spots on his back thats all no other sides, he did a proper nolva clomid pct and everythings fine

    so id appreciate some responses and talk regarding the winny/dbol only for first cycles

    cheers boys

  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i have no prb with winny only cycles. Test only cycle is way harder on the hormonal system than dbol or winny only but its not recommended because if it does suppress you having no test in your systems suks balls.

  3. #3
    rombus is offline Banned
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    I think it is an issue of your feeling of well being, libido, etc.

    Why dont you get some test but dont ake it.Start your cycle. If you feel like..`crap`then add the test back and see how it goes. That is a surefire way you can know for your what works for you.

    From personal experience, I missed 1 week of test but continued runing other compounds..the feeling was not so good.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by rombus View Post
    I think it is an issue of your feeling of well being, libido, etc.

    Why dont you get some test but dont ake it.Start your cycle. If you feel like..`crap`then add the test back and see how it goes. That is a surefire way you can know for your what works for you.

    From personal experience, I missed 1 week of test but continued runing other compounds..the feeling was not so good.
    and yet you advise him to do it?!

    OP, do not listen to this clown, he has zero experience and will hopefully be banned soon.

    whats your age and stats?

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