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  1. #1
    AnimalJ's Avatar
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    Another AAS question (S) (IMPORTANT)

    alright gentlemen my question of the day! or should i say my multiple questions.
    If you have any insight please share.

    1. from all iv gathered there is no PROPER protocol if you will apparently its different strokes for different folks. SOme cruis and blast some slingshot some cycle and pct. I know a PRO who says he does 6 on and 3 off. . . .mind you hes 198 champ so i can understand how this could possible work for him. Its not like hes Cutlers size or anything. . . .i was just under the impression pros cruised when not cycling, as in TRT due to the demands of the sport?

    2. Hypothetical cycle for the gung ho all are nothing guy . . .. not me a guy i know . . .. . i swear lol.

    Ok so hes on TRT for life, a conscious decision he made at 24 because it suits his lifestyle best. has good connections with Dr's so gear is never a problem nor bloodwork or really anything medical in nature. . . now my . . . .i mean his hypothetical cycle:
    Stats 5'9 weight 210 %BF12-14 (Check my avatar its the most resent pic) goal to hit 225-230 then shred to a solid 208-15 at 8-10% so as to compete around 15-198 top of the light heavy weight division. Calories 3500-4000 a day with intense weight training.
    AAS use- Tren Ace/ Test P/ Test E/ Test C/ EQ/ Deca /DBOL /Var/ A bombs/Winni. ( and yes if youve read my previous posts I am a ****ing nutcase and never know what i want lol)
    CYCLE: ( constructed this way due to the timing and procurement of gear .. . there was a hold up so not your traditional cycle)

    weeks 1-18 test C 900 mg a week. 300 mg E3D
    weeks 6-16 nandralone deconate 600 mg a week
    week 6-10 Dbol 50 mg ED
    Adex .5 EOD

    week 17 600 mg test
    week 18 600 mg test
    week 19 300 mg test
    week 20 300 mg test
    21 and on for 10 weeks cruising at 200 mg cycp a week with .5 adex E3D

    And there we have it.

    Thoughts on this. its weird im on week 7 so just 2 weeks into DECA and iv only gained a few pounds i thought at 900 mg test i would sprout like a bean stalk

    3-IMPORTANT Issue i ahvent been blasting and cruising properly i thought being on TRT gave me an excuse to use as i please and i was wrong. although my bloodwork is always good and im healthy iv learned steroids like any chemical or drug become less effective and need time at a low does. I have been doing much reading and have been learning much from various websites/blogs/forums/pros/ self proclaimed gurus/ medical journals/ steroid handbooks by the likes of Dan Duchaine/ lyewlyn or however the hell you spell it . sooo please help me address these points.

    - I gather there is no such thing as AR burnout. as cells are continually turning over and reproducing so are Androgen receptors within the new cells hence they never just die or burn out. so do you rebound so much better after coming off because your in a catabolic state and return to such high anabolic that your body responds so well???? or is it due to the Ar's getting a break at a low or no doese then being upped? Bill roberts states weather your on or off the body will rebound strong after dieting regardless of AAS use.

    ************so after blasting and cruising do you respond better after a cruise because of the low AAS doses or because of the catabolic state you automatically go into due to less androgen levels in the blood?????? I must know.

    well gents from what i agther it is primarily all theory and conjecture and different things work for sifferent people. each expert has his own "perfect Protocol" and each Guru will preach something different . .. so im taking it upon myself to find out! Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    AnimalJ's Avatar
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    I will bump the bump outa this 1

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    1, To find the best protocol for yourself your going to have to try different ones and then adjust to suit your needs and demands, this can take a long time but if you swap and change often you will find out what your body type responds best to.Not every pro follows the same cycling protocol route, i know 2 and they are completely different, one is constantly cruising and high dose cycles and the other uses very small amount for long periods of time and then as medium breaks to recover.

    2, I personally dont like this way of cycling, I have tried long cycles before and even adding various compounds throughout the cycle and I have to admit I didn't respond the best, I usually stopped growing no matter what I did even with increased dosages or adding compounds, so for me I much prefer the short heavy burst cycles linked to a prime, this built some serious muscles tissue with a lot less sides and spring boarded me into a growth spurt like no other, it was far better than any long cycle I have ever used and i built more quality tissue and have great condition at the same time.

    All I can say is do what works and if your getting results stick with it but for me I think your going 4 steps forward and 3 back running such cycle for this length of time, if we could continue to grow week after week I would be 500+lbs at 4 % bf but in the real world our bodies strive for homeostasis and when this comes your wasting your time staying trying to fight it, more sides and harder recovery raises its head.

    3, This is why I like to prime the body and then do a short blast cycle, the rebound effect from priming is amazing and when linked to a short burst cycle amazing growth can occur with very little sides because as soon as our bodies start to fight the growth I am coming off and planning my next prime, this will open a new growth window for further growth once i start another short burst in a few weeks time, there is no correct way to cycle find out for yourself which method you respond best to with the lease sides and best growth then adjust accordingly to your cycle history and experience.

  4. #4
    AnimalJ's Avatar
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    Excellent! thank you much Marcus. Based on the cycle iv been on and information given seeing as im on week 7 going on 8 and i dont think im growing as i should, would you recommend continuing cycle until lets say week 12 and allowing myself time and if i dont hit lets say 217 by then cruising and priming.... or just finish the cycle? Or would you suggest i just drop the cycle now and prime and start fresh ? if so with a protocol like im on what what you recommend for a prime then blast cycle??? As im on TRT. Again thank you for your knowledge it is much appreciated.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalJ View Post
    Excellent! thank you much Marcus. Based on the cycle iv been on and information given seeing as im on week 7 going on 8 and i dont think im growing as i should, would you recommend continuing cycle until lets say week 12 and allowing myself time and if i dont hit lets say 217 by then cruising and priming.... or just finish the cycle? Or would you suggest i just drop the cycle now and prime and start fresh ? if so with a protocol like im on what what you recommend for a prime then blast cycle??? As im on TRT. Again thank you for your knowledge it is much appreciated.
    I am not saying my method of cycling is the best but it is without doubt the best for me, you can also wait and see what the other members say or advice. If you have come to a sticking point which I did many years ago this is the method what will springboard you into new growth, I just wish I stuck with this in the early days i would be a lot bigger now. The late Paul Boreson explained this method to me and to be hoenst I never looked back, all I did was adjust a few things to suit me body better, check out my short burst cycle thread and priming one they are good reads.

    If your not growing it can be down to many things not just your cycle, have you increased your calories as you gained weight? or are your AAS genuine?. Your deca isnt really kicking as of yet but looking back over your cycling history do you respond good to deca once its kicking? if so stick with the cycle and see how you go once its fully running at peak but in all honesty I think your swamping your body and from the sounds of your past history your cycling protocols seem to be extreme and it may be your body just needs to rest. You could give it a couple more wks and see if things start to develop or you could slowing reduce your T dose down to a minimum hrt dose and start to prime the body for the next cycle, this can take 6-8 wks which is just the right amount of time to clean the body and start creating the right environment to open a new growth window.

  6. #6
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    Done and done! Thank you very much Marcus, your words are very much appreciated and do not fall upon deaf ears.

  7. #7
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    Thanks again for all your input Marcus! my prime will begin now for 10 full weeks. my question for you is during this prime i will be doing 200 -300mg of cyp a week i think i should shoot for 200?, is it acceptable to do 150mg of EQ w it? I know ur not a fan of it but i want to use for the sole purpose of keeping me very hard and vascular while i diet down and prime then as soon as the 10 weeks are over ill discontinue use and move to my cycle of
    Test: 750 per week
    Deca : 600 per week
    and anadrol 50 mg ED 4 weeks
    A-dex .5 EOD.

    If you think this would be an ideal prime im goinjg to start a thread in the member cycle results and document my 10 week prime with pictures measurements and details. and continue on documenting how my 10 week blast goes per your priming advice. thank you good sir .
    Last edited by AnimalJ; 01-12-2011 at 05:55 PM. Reason: typoooo

  8. #8
    AnimalJ's Avatar
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    Oh and Marcus...your this shit! haha thanks alot brother.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalJ View Post
    Oh and Marcus...your this shit! haha thanks alot brother.
    Calm down with your cycling and look how you have grown in the past, take some time out from taking aas and then design the perfect stack, best of luck

  10. #10
    AnimalJ's Avatar
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    advice taken, down to 200 mg trt dose for at least 8 weeks as discussed to do it properly and set out goals. thank you good sir.

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