Hey Guys,

25 years old
190 pounds, 11-12% bodyfat
Cycle experience: 1 test e cycle @ 500mg/week for 11 weeks

So I am figuring out my second cycle. My first cycle was decent. I gained approximately 15 pounds, ending the cycle at 200 or so pounds and probably 14-15% bodyfat. I have since been working to cut down and I don't intend to cycle again until I cut down to at least 10%.
I noticed that on my first cycle, although I ran test e, most of my gains came within the first 6 weeks. I am thus thinking that for my second cycle I would like to try a blast type cycle. This is what I am thinking:

1-8: test P @ either 100 or 150 mg EOD.
1-3: Super DMZ (each pill contains 10mg superdrol and 10 mg dymethazine) starting at 1 pill per day and bumping up to 2 pills per day on weeks 2 and 3 if I tolerate everything ok.
I will take appropriate support supps for lipids and blood pressure when taking the DMZ.

The only reason I want to add an oral for the second cycle is to maximize my gains in a short amount of time, as my body seems to grow best in the six weeks after starting the cycle.

Do you guys think I should do 100 or 150 mg EOD?
If I am only taking 1 pill per day of the superdrol mix, what would be the best time of day to take it?

PCT would be four weeks of nolvadex and toremifene. I will also have aromasin on hand during the cycle.

I am open to any suggestions you might have. Thanks for your help.