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Thread: Need feedback on new cycle plz :)

  1. #1

    Need feedback on new cycle plz :)

    hey guys just started my 3rd cycle let me know what you think. I dont want to gain much mass just get leaner and more ripped with 0 water retention.
    25 yrs 6'1
    218lbs 10% bf

    Just started this cycle,
    400mg of masteron a week eod
    200mg of winny a week eod
    3ius of HGH 5 days a week (been on for a year now)
    60mg of anavar ed
    250mg of sustanon once shot a week
    thinking of adding proviron this week just started cycle yesterday,

    Diet : 300grams protein a day 2500calories a day. 150 grams of carbs a day roughly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    that winny needs to be taken every day at no more than 50-75mg/day, no way around that.
    You need to find another source of test, or mix the amps with the mast and take it eod, cause that once a week thing is not going to cut it.
    Why are doing this, and how did come up with this?

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