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Thread: I need help/ideas to do with anabolics/prohormones

  1. #1

    I need help/ideas to do with anabolics/prohormones

    Hi im new to this forum,

    I just need a bit of help deciding what to take in order to gain muscle mass and bulk up.. im new to all of this so any information will help, i live in Australia ive been looking all over the internet reading up on things and trying to find ways i can order oral anabolics apparently its pretty hard to get stuff here?

    im 21, i weigh 134lbs (61kg), pretty ripped and quite strong. i have an incredibly high metabolism so its very hard for me to put on any weight ive been to the gym before for 6 months on proteins and creatine and only put on like 3 kilo's i looked a bit bigger but i felt like i was wasting my time. and it was hard to keep that size, im willing to put in the effort if i could find the right stuff that will increase my size in a shorter period of time

    ANY help will be greatly appreciated, where & what to buy etc

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes

  3. #3
    This can't be serious. 134lbs LOL !!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jeallybean78 View Post
    This can't be serious. 134lbs LOL !!!!!!!!!
    yeah im pretty small 5'9, 61kg's

    i just wanna get up to about 75-80kg's

  5. #5
    thank you very much

  6. #6
    well i understand the rules now but that doesnt really help my situation lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    i suggest more food. That will give u the size u need, it's helped me before and its still helping me today

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    You need to train for few more years, 6months is not even close.
    Take the time to learn about lifting, diet and aas
    There are links on that thread I sent you, here are few Under 24?***-(GOOD-READ)

    Having trouble gaining weight?

    This one will help you the most

    If you're not willing to spend couple of hours reading and learning, and a few years to keep training you will be in the same boat you are now only with a Fvcked up HPTA

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