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  1. #1
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    2nd CYCLE!!!!! MILD CUT

    OK, so i am planning my second cycle which will be a mild cut. When i will start it all depends on how my upcoming pct goes. If pct goes well and all blood tests are good, i will jump in to the cycle 4-6 weeks later.
    My goal is competitive bodybuilding, so i will not be following the conventional time on + pct = time off.

    Current stats

    Age 23.5
    Height 6'0.5"
    Weight around 250 (might change during pct)

    My goal is solely based on looks, i want to lean down and harden up while lossing the least amount of muscle. Also, gona try n get rid of my new gut...

    For those interested in the cycle i just finished:!!!&highlight=

    So, here is what im thinking

    week 1-10
    Test E 500 mg/wk (front load 1st week with 1000mg)
    week 4-12
    winstrol (injectable) 50mg/day

    I planning on an aI throughout the whole cycle. Either Adex or letro. Purpose of AI is for water retention and because i know im somewhat gyno sensitive. What do u guys suggest for AI, im kinda leaning towards letro.

    Also, not sure if i should just run the Test E for 10 weeks, or just do it 8 weeks and stop winny at week 10.

    I will be on a carb cycling diet, 2 days at 50% carbs followed by a normal day and repeat.

    If i forgot to post something or if anything is unclear, just let me know.

    Suggestions are welcome!! Thanks in advance!!!!

  2. #2
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Also, i forgot one thing. What can i expect from winstrol in regards to strength, libido and mood?

  3. #3
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Also, i will most like run hcg throughout the cycle at 250 twice per week.

  4. #4
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmalouf View Post
    Also, i forgot one thing. What can i expect from winstrol in regards to strength, libido and mood?
    Winstol doesn't convert to estrogen, so no help with the libido there. Fvcks my joints up big time (I'm a lot older than you though)so I prefer Anavar . I've never done it but it seems to me that running letro on cycle isn't going to do much for the libido either. In fact I think it might turn your dick into a bladder drain...

    Quote Originally Posted by rmalouf View Post
    Also, i will most like run hcg throughout the cycle at 250 twice per week.
    Good idea IMO.

  5. #5
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Winstol doesn't convert to estrogen, so no help with the libido there. Fvcks my joints up big time (I'm a lot older than you though)so I prefer Anavar . I've never done it but it seems to me that running letro on cycle isn't going to do much for the libido either. In fact I think it might turn your dick into a bladder drain...

    Good idea IMO.
    yeah, ive run letro before, and i was still able to do my thing. if anything, i think it was the mental effect of reading about all the sex drive supression that affected me. also, i will runa it at a low dose, for gyno prevention and hardness.

    i wouldnt mind anavar, its just too expensive respective to winny. ill def look into anavar for future cycles.

    Thanks for ur advice!!

  6. #6
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    That's good to here. You can't keep a good man down!! I always run Proviron with Test and what ever and get by on that.

    And that is the one thing that sucks about Anavar ...pricey. I live in Thailand and they make a couple of different brands of Oxandrolone that is much cheaper than the west.
    good luck Bro.

  7. #7
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the input titan!!

    Any other takers??

  8. #8
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    i did winstrol for one day last year in the morning before my powerlifting meet, and my joints were all cracking by night time! I will never run winny because of this, plus its very bad on your cholesterol. Just my .2cents

  9. #9
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think the whole "drying" out of the joints on winny thing is way over hyped. I personally have ran winny on several occasions and not suffered any joint pain or discomfort. I will add that I take a hefty dose of glucosamine, fish oil, and cissus to offset this though. OP, you should be good to go w/ shouldn't negatively effect your libido, joints, or mood. You should also see some strength gains from it as well.

  10. #10
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    i may not be able to get injectable winstrol , if i got with tabs will 8 weeks at 50mg be too harsh on my liver??

    and thanks for the replies guys!!

  11. #11
    UnNatural-E's Avatar
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    Just thought...If your looking into competing Iwouldnt be taking to much time off!!!

  12. #12
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    Look into exmestane (aromasin ) for ai. To respond to Titan's comment, things like drostanolone/proviron don't aromatize, and they are well known to support libido. tabs won't hurt more than injectable, although I used to hold the same beliefs. Add proviron to this cycle, if not anavar . Either one is very mild on the liver, the former is almost benign, and reasonable. I would also consider dropping all the orals and adding drostanolone enanthate .

  13. #13
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnNatural-E View Post
    Just thought...If your looking into competing Iwouldnt be taking to much time off!!!
    ill probably only take 4 weeks off, considering blood test goes well and gear arrives on time..

  14. #14
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duckhombre View Post
    Look into exmestane (aromasin) for ai. To respond to Titan's comment, things like drostanolone/proviron don't aromatize, and they are well known to support libido. tabs won't hurt more than injectable, although I used to hold the same beliefs. Add proviron to this cycle, if not anavar. Either one is very mild on the liver, the former is almost benign, and reasonable. I would also consider dropping all the orals and adding drostanolone enanthate.
    None of my sources carry aromasin ..i have access to letro and arimidex ..ill probably use a bit of proviron for pct, but like i said, anavar is way too expensive, i wish i could add it.

    I dont think masteron is a good idea as of bf is at high teens if not more, im not sure if i will get better results with msteron over the winny...i plan on doing a mild cut for this one, and then if decide to compete, do a very strong cut soon after..

  15. #15
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Careful with that Proviron on PCT. It inhibits some guys HPTA recovery and some not. I've never had the nerve to try it on myself, but on cycle (anything with Test, so that's every cycle for me) I run between 50 and 100 mg's every time. Then I run Prop only for the last 2 weeks and drop the Proviron to 50 mg ed till the day before PCT.

    Also, the best Aromasin in regards to price, Quality and availability is right here in the upper right corner from AR-R . I live in Thailand and order it from there and it's better and cheaper and more reliable in every respect. (Plug for Lion)

  16. #16
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    what if i decide to rum primo throughout and add winny tabs towards the end?? just brainstroming here..

    i havent seen much info/experiences on primo...

  17. #17
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    If was concerned about price, I'd recommend primo, (and hgh). But mast is about 1/3 the price of primo, and it's merely a more androgenic /less anabolic version of primo. And I don't see primo being 3 times better than mast.

    I agree with Titan on the proviron , not a good idea pct, especially in your situation, where your pct needs to be complete.

  18. #18
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duckhombre View Post
    If was concerned about price, I'd recommend primo, (and hgh). But mast is about 1/3 the price of primo, and it's merely a more androgenic /less anabolic version of primo. And I don't see primo being 3 times better than mast.

    I agree with Titan on the proviron, not a good idea pct, especially in your situation, where your pct needs to be complete.
    only thing im worried about, is that ive heard of mast being more of the finishing basically to be used when ur at lower u think at my bf it would be good??? if so at what dosage?? and i would add winny towards the end right??

  19. #19
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    At low BF and high doses, mast makes you look diamond hard. True. Also works like proviron (tying up aromatase and SHBG) at moderate doses. In some people, mast works even better than proviron (me), and a 100-200mg of drostanolone enanthate goes with every cycle, bump it to 400mg as the cut happens. It will reduce the amount of AI needed and obliterate the lipo fixation of estrogen. Winny at the end will be good. You may take it early, a week or so to see how you react. I have to take it week on/week off because my shoulders. An injury now would set you back dramatically.

    Your main goals are muscle preservation, right? You are just trying to loose some fat? Not a show?

  20. #20
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duckhombre View Post
    At low BF and high doses, mast makes you look diamond hard. True. Also works like proviron (tying up aromatase and SHBG) at moderate doses. In some people, mast works even better than proviron (me), and a 100-200mg of drostanolone enanthate goes with every cycle, bump it to 400mg as the cut happens. It will reduce the amount of AI needed and obliterate the lipo fixation of estrogen. Winny at the end will be good. You may take it early, a week or so to see how you react. I have to take it week on/week off because my shoulders. An injury now would set you back dramatically.

    Your main goals are muscle preservation, right? You are just trying to loose some fat? Not a show?
    my main goal is muscle preservation while dropping some bf...i want to do a show, but not after this cycle. i plan on doing a show after my 3rd cycle. so this will be a mild cut, and then i will go with an extreme cut...

    so you think 400mg mast is good enough or should i consider 500-600..also ill have to check what my sources have....

  21. #21
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    400of mast is enough for me. You can always bump it up. I mention the injury cause winny can cause jumps in strength that cause that sort of thing.

  22. #22
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    i think im just going to go with what i proposed at first and see how it goes...guess itll be test/winny for this next cycle...

  23. #23
    big g87 is offline New Member
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  24. #24
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big g87 View Post
    i prolly got another 7 weeks or so before starting this....ill put the link of my log on this tread and my previois thread for all to follow...

    also, if i were to do aromasin throughout the cycle, how would i dose it?? thanks guys!!

  25. #25
    polarb68111 is offline Junior Member
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    cool man, interesting to see how this goes, good luck and thanks for the good read!

  26. #26
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    2nd cycle and injectable winny? Oh boy...i was only able to take one shot of winny then swore it off for the rest of my life...It was like injecting liquid glass

  27. #27
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I know!! I hate that stuff on many different levels. I'm an Anavar man all the way!!

  28. #28
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    2nd cycle and injectable winny? Oh boy...i was only able to take one shot of winny then swore it off for the rest of my life...It was like injecting liquid glass
    well then, ill have to see how it goes...hopefully its not too bad..

  29. #29
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I know!! I hate that stuff on many different levels. I'm an Anavar man all the way!!
    i would like to get anavar , but financially, winny seems to be the smarter choice...

  30. #30
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmalouf;554***2
    i would like to get anavar, but financially, winny seems to be the smarter choice...
    I hear ya bro...I'm to much of a cheap ass for var

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