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Thread: Stupid Question of the Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Stupid Question of the Day

    Been looking for a good dosing chart for the NPP I'm going to be running this next cycle. Been searching the forums, but my forum google is coming up weak. Since it's essentially a shorter ester of Deca, I've been searching for a Deca dosing chart to substitute for the elusive NPP dosing chart (I'd imagine it'd be the same mgs/week, just more freq pins).

    However, I've been coming up short on both ends. Can anyone give me a good dosing chart for Deca (or if you can, NPP)?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    10 - 12 weeks deca 400-600 mg a week. What are you asking? You question is vague.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    This might help.............outside source
    PhenylProp vs Decanoate.

    “Let’s calculate the amount accumulated in the body after 6 weeks of 500mg/deca. Let’s say you inject it once a week and we’ll give it a 1.5-week half-life. Note that injection frequency makes a huge difference in blood concentration stability but no difference in amount of esterified in the system

    E (greek letter “sigma”) 500*e^(ln(1/2)n/1.5) from n=0 to n=6. So after 6 weeks, about 1300mg of esterified nandrolone remain in the body.

    Now lets see how long, after the initial injection, it takes to reduce to a small enough amount that permits recovery.

    1300*e^(ln(1/2)n/1.5) After 3 weeks, 325 mg of esterified remain

    after 6 weeks, 81 mg of esterified remain.

    After 8 weeks, 32mg of esterified remain.”

    Nandrolone Decanoate is a long acting depot; it takes quite a while for it to “kick in” and clear out of the system. Depending on how much is used; it will take at least 4-6 weeks after the last shot for Deca to clear out. It also takes about 4 weeks for active blood levels to stabilize. This can easily add up to 8-10 weeks of “dead time” i.e. periods of time when blood levels are not consistent. These numbers apply to reasonable use of Nandrolone Decanoate; between 200-400mg a week. The more you use, the worst it gets. So a 10-week cycle of Deca can easily end up been a 16-week cycle when you account for clearance time (active blood levels). The first 4 weeks are also somewhat of a waste of time.

    So that 10-week cycle ends up been 16 weeks; 6 weeks of optimal blood levels and 10 weeks of dead time. Not a very effective way to cycle.

    With NPP, you can bypass all that dead time.
    19-Nortestosterone based drugs are known to shutdown HPTA very easily – think Trenbolone. Most bodybuilders will use Tren for around 6 weeks at the beginning of a cycle. NPP should be used in a similar manner.

    Here’s an example of a balanced cycle consisting of NPP

    W1-6: Dbol
    W1-6: NPP
    W1-8: Test Prop

    It is a good idea to run Test 2 weeks past the NPP, however; NPP can be used as a stand-alone.

    Earlier, I compared NPP to Tren. They are similar in some ways but Tren is much more androgenic and stronger in general.

    NPP shares some of the same sides associated with Deca (they are after all the same base compound). It should be noted that most of the sides that come with Deca are a result of its long ester. Decanoate ester is very hard to control and Nandrolone side effects are not easily countered like Testosterone related sides (Tamoxifen, Anastrozole, finasteride…)

    Overall, Nandrolone is a milder compound than Testosterone and is better mg for mg (but that’s a matter of opinion)

    Nandrolone PhenylProp should be injected at least every 3 days. A typical dose is 350mg-700mg a week for 5-8 weeks.

    It stacks very well with Winstrol, Dbol, Test, EQ, Anavar

    It does not stack well with Tren and especially Anadrol

    Here are some good cycle suggestions:

    Fast Acting Classic Test/Deca/Dbol cycle:

    W1-6: Dbol 30mg ED
    W1-6: NPP 150mg EOD
    W1-8: Test Prop 150mg EOD

    Highly Anabolic cycles

    W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
    W1-8: Anavar: 30mg ED

    W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
    W1-8: Winny: 50mg ED

    A good First cycle:

    W1-6: NPP: 150mg E3D
    W1-4: Dbol: 25mg ED
    (W5-8: Anavar: 30mg ED – optional)

    NPP in a typical cycle

    W1-10: EQ 400mg a week
    W1-9: Test Cyp 600mg a week
    W1-8: NPP 200mg E3D
    W10-13: Test Prop 150mg EOD

    Nandrolone got a very bad rap with many bodybuilders; there is no reason to use Nandrolone Decanoate if NPP available aside from year-round juicer using it for joint pain. Nandrolone is a tremendous bodybuilding drug that can take your physique to a whole different level but many people shy away from it because of what they have heard or experienced with Deca.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    good luck,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    eod or e3d

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