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  1. #1
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Joint pain, I'm adding deca.

    3rd week in my cycle and i'm already feeling that joint pain i always feel when cycling with cyp at 500mg

    I'm adding 400mg deca for my next cycle, not this one obviously

    My question is, how effective is deca with this issue, Ive never cycled with deca before so I'm adding it next time, plus i want to increase my gains, mainly.

    I mean joint pain is an issue but i just ignore it and keep working out hard. I just want to know if its really good with this. I've read about this, but honestly i've never asked anyone, just read it.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic_Minds View Post
    3rd week in my cycle and i'm already feeling that joint pain i always feel when cycling with cyp at 500mg

    I'm adding 400mg deca for my next cycle, not this one obviously

    My question is, how effective is deca with this issue, Ive never cycled with deca before so I'm adding it next time, plus i want to increase my gains, mainly.

    I mean joint pain is an issue but i just ignore it and keep working out hard. I just want to know if its really good with this. I've read about this, but honestly i've never asked anyone, just read it.

    Thanks guys
    Works well for most but it can backfire if you are not careful. Sometimes people actually hurt their joints trying to train too heavy while using deca because they do not feel the joint pain until they come off. So use form over excessive weight even while on deca!

  3. #3
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Works well for most but it can backfire if you are not careful. Sometimes people actually hurt their joints trying to train too heavy while using deca because they do not feel the joint pain until they come off. So use form over excessive weight even while on deca!

    may i recomend glucosamine as well.. it is cheap and aids in joint development.. i can definitley tell the difference if i am using it or not.. ten bucks usually gets you a months supply

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    i recently added deca in @ 200mg pw for ten wks into my trt prog, to aid with joints, i wasnt tht amazed tbh

  5. #5
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    I cant tell a diff in my joints till I bump it up to 400mg per week

  6. #6
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    glucosameen hasnt done shit for me either, how long do you take it before you feel results

  7. #7
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    I'll go get some glucosamine, I never tried this sup before. Guess there's nothing to lose by giving a try.

    But i'll definetely add some deca on my next cycle, mainly to get more gains and try 2 substances.

    Thanks guys!

  8. #8
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    glucosamine helps but will take a while to build up. I dont use deca anymore but when i did my joints felt like i was 18

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    MSM mate! very cheap if you buy bulk powder off internet... 5 grams a day for ever... I've been on it about 12 years or so... very subtle, until about after two or three weeks you begin noticing your knees are not bothering you nearly as much.

    Went through a serious of HA injections in both knees = it's an annual thing

    You can also order oral HA powder or caps... also not too expensive

  10. #10
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic_Minds View Post
    3rd week in my cycle and i'm already feeling that joint pain i always feel when cycling with cyp at 500mg

    I'm adding 400mg deca for my next cycle, not this one obviously
    My question is, how effective is deca with this issue, Ive never cycled with deca before so I'm adding it next time, plus i want to increase my gains, mainly.

    I mean joint pain is an issue but i just ignore it and keep working out hard. I just want to know if its really good with this. I've read about this, but honestly i've never asked anyone, just read it.

    Thanks guys
    Why not this one?

  11. #11
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Why not this one?
    I'm already 3 weeks in and I can get deca in a week and hcg but I'll just finish this one and do my next one properly with deca and maybe anadrol

  12. #12
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Suppose it depends how much pain you are in.

  13. #13
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    MSM mate! very cheap if you buy bulk powder off internet... 5 grams a day for ever... I've been on it about 12 years or so... very subtle, until about after two or three weeks you begin noticing your knees are not bothering you nearly as much.

    Went through a serious of HA injections in both knees = it's an annual thing

    You can also order oral HA powder or caps... also not too expensive
    Never heard of it, Do you take this everyday or do you take some time off? I googled it and looks great.

    I bought glucosamine already i'll give it a try and see how it goes, if it doesn't work I'll look into this.

  14. #14
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Suppose it depends how much pain you are in.
    well it does bother me alot but i'm still able to ignore it a bit. it does get in the way of my training sometimes though

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    I've tried glucosamine and cissus each for several months, thinking I'd get some joint relief from them, I never noticed anything. In fact, the only thing I've ever noticed had an effect on my back and knee pain was cortizone shots. But the more of these you get, the less it works.

  16. #16
    Kiki's Avatar
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    Ill vouch for Deca and it's effects on joints

  17. #17
    mario_ps2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Works well for most but it can backfire if you are not careful. Sometimes people actually hurt their joints trying to train too heavy while using deca because they do not feel the joint pain until they come off. So use form over excessive weight even while on deca!
    Exactly, if you are going to pay attention to someone.. listen very , very carefully to Ronnie.. He knows his stuff...

    Ronnie... you are looking incredible big and ripped...

  18. #18
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I had horrible joint pain post cycle! nothing during but about 3 weeks post cycle my elbows, and knees were ****ed! super bad! I think it was due to 60lbs to my bench, 50lbs to my squat and dead time Im running deca with my test forsure! that or eq because I could have really ****ed my self up!

    I have also heard anavar will increase collagen synthesis by just about the same amount as deca so you might want to stick that in your stack as well?

  19. #19
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I had horrible joint pain post cycle! nothing during but about 3 weeks post cycle my elbows, and knees were ****ed! super bad! I think it was due to 60lbs to my bench, 50lbs to my squat and dead time Im running deca with my test forsure! that or eq because I could have really ****ed my self up!

    I have also heard anavar will increase collagen synthesis by just about the same amount as deca so you might want to stick that in your stack as well?
    you know i'm really interested in anavar , i've been reading a lot about it. I'm not sure if i can get it here as with my test, so i have to check with my dealer. How good do you suppose is anavar with this issue?

  20. #20
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    I had two knee surgery's on my left knee (ACL & cartilage all gone running bone to bone) and one on my right. Been on glucosamine, chondroiden, MSM, cissus for years and years. My knees still hurt. I did a deca + EQ + Test cycle (200mg/wk +150mg/wk + 200mg/wk) knees felt a little better. I did an anavar + test cycle (80mg/ed + 200mg/wk) and my knees were super stiff and sore. Don't know why. I stopped this cycle after just a couple of weeks. The reason for the low doses was that these compounds in higher doses, 500mg/wk +, tend to dry out the soft tissue instead of moisturizing it. I'm going to try a higher dose of deca at 400mg/wk + 200mg/wk of test to see if it helps.

  21. #21
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I had two knee surgery's on my left knee (ACL & cartilage all gone running bone to bone) and one on my right. Been on glucosamine, chondroiden, MSM, cissus for years and years. My knees still hurt. I did a deca + EQ + Test cycle (200mg/wk +150mg/wk + 200mg/wk) knees felt a little better. I did an anavar + test cycle (80mg/ed + 200mg/wk) and my knees were super stiff and sore. Don't know why. I stopped this cycle after just a couple of weeks. The reason for the low doses was that these compounds in higher doses, 500mg/wk +, tend to dry out the soft tissue instead of moisturizing it. I'm going to try a higher dose of deca at 400mg/wk + 200mg/wk of test to see if it helps.
    so u felt more pain with anavar ?

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