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  1. #1
    caven is offline New Member
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    Underweight and thinking about steriods - help me.

    Hi my name is Caven and i am 17 years old, i am currently underweight weighing around 7 and a half stone, i really need help and do not know what to do, i want to bulk up becaue im sick of being the size that i am, im around 5 foot 10 and im just sick of being skin and bone, can you please help me and tell me what to do weither i should take steroids or not and if so, what kind should i take? thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    you aren't even allowed to post on these forums at 17

  3. #3
    caven is offline New Member
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    well i really need help what the hell else am i supposed to do about it -.-

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    first off you need to be 18 to be a member here, secondly if you take steroids at your age you risk permanent damage to your hpta (google it if you don't know what it is). please work on eating lots of food that will help you emensly

  5. #5
    caven is offline New Member
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    im sorry for being underage on the forum but im running out on problem solving solutions so i had to give it ago, i eat alot of food and im talking quite alot and it just dosent seem to be putting any weight on and its good food to like pasta and such but i just keep staying underweight for some reason

  6. #6
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vullfromsc View Post
    you aren't even allowed to post on these forums at 17
    That being said, he has posted now. Shouldnt we share our knowledge so that he can make an educated choice instead on an uneducated one?

    As stated above using steroids at 17 runs the risk of causing life long damage to your endocrine system which could have a detrimental effect on your health.
    Also estrogen could possibly cause the fusion of growth plates.

    Finally steroids are not to be used when you are severly underweight like yourself, they are there for when you have reached your natural potential and what to take your body past its limits.

    Due to your age it is likely your account will be suspended as you do not meet the minimum age of the board, however please continue to use the site for research. You will find lots of valuable information to help you with your problem, especially in the diet, training and supplement sections of the board.

  7. #7
    caven is offline New Member
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    ok thank you very much for that one i shall come back with i am 18, thanks alot
    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    That being said, he has posted now. Shouldnt we share our knowledge so that he can make an educated choice instead on an uneducated one?

    As stated above using steroids at 17 runs the risk of causing life long damage to your endocrine system which could have a detrimental effect on your health.
    Also estrogen could possibly cause the fusion of growth plates.

    Finally steroids are not to be used when you are severly underweight like yourself, they are there for when you have reached your natural potential and what to take your body past its limits.

    Due to your age it is likely your account will be suspended as you do not meet the minimum age of the board, however please continue to use the site for research. You will find lots of valuable information to help you with your problem, especially in the diet, training and supplement sections of the board.

  8. #8
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Don't take steroids at 17. Until around 24 years old, your endocrine system is in development. Taking steroids shuts down your endocrine system. This is a very bad thing to happen when it's at it's most crucial period. In addition, being severely underweight likely means you are not eating enough. I know... "But I eat all the time!" Trust me, you don't. This forum has a very good diet forum, I'd check that out. Many people don't realize just how little they actually eat.

  9. #9
    eyepoker's Avatar
    eyepoker is offline Junior Member
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    Steroids wont do anything helpful for you until you are at least 25. You will seriously screw your body up if you take them at your age. This is common knowledge.

    Try taking protein weight gainer powder and give it a few years.

  10. #10
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Gallon of whole milk everyday, Big mac and shove some mayo in there, eat fries with mayo and ketchup, cheesy bacon potatoes, you full? eat some more!. Adding weight is about calories/food not roids!

  11. #11
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    just be patient,, your young and your metabolism is prb rocket high,, you will start slowing down and putting on weight. i was skinny until i hit 22/23. Right now you need to focus on eating the right stuff,, even though you could prb eat 5000 calories and still not gain. Dont worry about how big your friends are,, theyll prb all be 400lbs in 5 yrs

  12. #12
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Gallon of whole milk everyday, Big mac and shove some mayo in there, eat fries with mayo and ketchup, cheesy bacon potatoes, you full? eat some more!. Adding weight is about calories/food not roids!
    ok now im drooling..

  13. #13
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    i eat alot of food and im talking quite alot and it just dosent seem to be putting any weight
    Thank God this doesn't actually work. I would have to get a divorce.

  14. #14
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caven View Post
    im sorry for being underage on the forum but im running out on problem solving solutions so i had to give it ago, i eat alot of food and im talking quite alot and it just dosent seem to be putting any weight on and its good food to like pasta and such but i just keep staying underweight for some reason
    You eat a lot? No, you don't. If you actually ate a lot you'd gain weight in either the form of muscle or at the very least gain body fat. Through my experiences with people, I have found that a lot overweight people underestimate how much they really eat, and underweight (hardgainers) greatly overestimate how much they eat. They'll have one big meal and then they'll be "full" for most of the day and they'll recall that "big" meal and assume they a lot a lot when they barely ate anything most of the day. And if they did eat a lot, it'd be foods that have a low caloric density, they fill you up but don't have much calories in them. So eat more, if you don't gain weight, eat more than that , if you're still not gaining weight, eat more than that! It's impossible not to respond to surplus calories and not gaining any kind of weight! Your body would have to defy thermodynamics!

  15. #15
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Too freaking young man. Stay away from AAS for many years.

  16. #16
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    OP, if you're truly believing you have a test issue that's preventing you from gaining weight, at your age, go see a doctor. Most likely, you're just not eating a lot. I myself am a "hard gainer" too. It turned out, I just wasn't eating enough. So I started out eating six small meals per day, then I started to gain, then I started adjusting those meals and making them larger so I can meet my macros and I gained more weight. Use the nutritional/diet forums. also has very good dieting forums too. You're not going to put on pounds over night. It's a long process so don't get discouraged if after 3 months you aren't Arnold.

  17. #17
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    You eat a lot? No, you don't. If you actually ate a lot you'd gain weight in either the form of muscle or at the very least gain body fat. Through my experiences with people, I have found that a lot overweight people underestimate how much they really eat, and underweight (hardgainers) greatly overestimate how much they eat. They'll have one big meal and then they'll be "full" for most of the day and they'll recall that "big" meal and assume they a lot a lot when they barely ate anything most of the day. And if they did eat a lot, it'd be foods that have a low caloric density, they fill you up but don't have much calories in them. So eat more, if you don't gain weight, eat more than that , if you're still not gaining weight, eat more than that! It's impossible not to respond to surplus calories and not gaining any kind of weight! Your body would have to defy thermodynamics!
    agreed, and please do not take any AAS at your age,trust me and others here, you will have much more problems than you want if you take them

  18. #18
    MAC MAN's Avatar
    MAC MAN is offline Junior Member
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    Need to change your diet bro. What do you eat during the day? Food will help you get bigger

  19. #19
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    agreed, and please do not take any AAS at your age,trust me and others here, you will have much more problems than you want if you take them
    Yes, steroids are for people with either a medical problem (which is addressed by a doctor) or by athletes who have achieved success in their goals naturally looking to get to the next level. Not for kids who are looking to find an easy way out.

  20. #20
    bezzy's Avatar
    bezzy is offline Associate Member
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    try weight gainers like mutent mass or somthing loads of caleries and protein in their ul grow for sure

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